You might only allow defaults to be added to the end, or you
might allow goals to be called with labelled parameters.
-Functions, eg. wildcard("*.c"). These should be defined as shell
-scripts with a selection of common functions defined in stdlib.
Fix: You must use 'all ()' on the command line.
+"Quiet" code. Generally {CODE} sections in user files should be
+echos, and those in stdlib should run silently (except if debugging).
+Maybe we should have a quiet keyword to indicate this?
| PTactic of loc * id * substs list
and expr =
| EGoalDefn of loc * goal
+ | EFuncDefn of loc * func
| ETacticDefn of loc * tactic
- | ECallGoal of loc * id * expr list
+ | ECall of loc * id * expr list
| ETacticCtor of loc * id * expr list
| EVar of loc * id
| EList of loc * expr list
and constant =
| CString of string
and goal = param_decl list * pattern list * expr list * code option
+and func = param_decl list * code
and tactic = param_decl list * code
and param_decl = id
and id = string
string_loc loc name in
+let getfunc env loc name =
+ let expr =
+ try Env.find name env
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwithf "%a: func ‘%s’ not found" string_loc loc name in
+ let func =
+ match expr with
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) -> func
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a function"
+ string_loc loc name in
+ func
let gettactic env loc name =
assert (name.[0] = '*');
let expr =
and string_def () (name, expr) =
match expr with
| EGoalDefn (loc, goal) -> string_goal () (Some name, goal) ^ "\n"
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) -> string_func () (Some name, func) ^ "\n"
| ETacticDefn (loc, tactic) -> string_tactic () (Some name, tactic) ^ "\n"
| expr -> sprintf "let %s = %a\n" name string_expr expr;
(String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) exprs))
(match code with None -> "" | Some code -> " = { ... }")
+and string_func () (name, (param_decls, code)) =
+ sprintf "function%s (%s) = { ... }"
+ (match name with None -> "" | Some name -> " " ^ name)
+ (String.concat ", " ( (string_param_decl ()) param_decls))
and string_tactic () (name, (param_decls, code)) =
sprintf "tactic%s (%s) = { ... }"
(match name with None -> "" | Some name -> " " ^ name)
and string_expr () = function
| EGoalDefn (loc, goal) -> string_goal () (None, goal)
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) -> string_func () (None, func)
| ETacticDefn (loc, goal) -> string_tactic () (None, goal)
- | ECallGoal (loc, name, params) ->
+ | ECall (loc, name, params) ->
sprintf "%s (%s)"
name (String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) params))
| ETacticCtor (loc, name, params) ->
and expr =
(** goal (params) = patterns : exprs code *)
| EGoalDefn of loc * goal
+ (** function (params) = code *)
+ | EFuncDefn of loc * func
(** tactic (params) = code *)
| ETacticDefn of loc * tactic
- (** call goalname (params) etc. *)
- | ECallGoal of loc * id * expr list
+ (** call goal (params) or function (params) *)
+ | ECall of loc * id * expr list
(** call *tactic (params) etc. *)
| ETacticCtor of loc * id * expr list
(** variable, or goal call with no parameters *)
and constant =
| CString of string
and goal = param_decl list * pattern list * expr list * code option
+and func = param_decl list * code
and tactic = param_decl list * code
- (** Goal/tactic parameter. *)
+ (** Goal/func/tactic parameter. *)
and param_decl = id
and id = string
and code = substs
found or if the named variable is not a goal. *)
val getgoal : env -> loc -> id -> goal
+(** Look up a function in the environment. Raise [Failure _] if not
+ found or if the named variable is not a function. *)
+val getfunc : env -> loc -> id -> func
(** Look up a tactic in the environment. Raise [Failure _] if not
found or if the named variable is not a tactic. *)
val gettactic : env -> loc -> id -> tactic
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+open Printf
open Utils
let rec to_constant env = function
failwithf "%a: list found where constant expression expected"
Ast.string_loc loc
- | ECallGoal (loc, name, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot use goal ‘%s’ in constant expression"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | ECall (loc, name, args) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | EGoalDefn _ ->
+ (* Goals don't return anything so they cannot be used in
+ * constant expressions. Use a function instead.
+ *)
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use goal call ‘%s’ in shell expansion"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) ->
+ to_constant env (call_function env loc name args func)
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use ‘%s’ in constant expression"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ )
| ETacticCtor (loc, name, _) ->
failwithf "%a: cannot use tactic ‘%s’ in constant expression"
failwithf "%a: cannot use goal in constant expression"
Ast.string_loc loc
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use function in constant expression"
+ Ast.string_loc loc
| ETacticDefn (loc, _) ->
failwithf "%a: cannot use tactic in constant expression"
Ast.string_loc loc
) substs;
Buffer.contents b
-let rec to_shell_script env loc substs =
+and to_shell_script env loc substs =
let b = Buffer.create 13 in
List.iter (
(* These are shell quoted so we can just concat them with space. *)
String.concat " " strs
- | ECallGoal (loc, name, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot use goal ‘%s’ in shell expansion"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | ECall (loc, name, args) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | EGoalDefn _ ->
+ (* Goals don't return anything so they cannot be used in
+ * shell script expansions. Use a function instead.
+ *)
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use goal call ‘%s’ in shell expansion"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) ->
+ expr_to_shell_string env (call_function env loc name args func)
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot call ‘%s’ which is not a function"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ )
(* Tactics expand to the first parameter. *)
| ETacticCtor (loc, _, []) -> Filename.quote ""
failwithf "%a: cannot use goal in shell expansion"
Ast.string_loc loc
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use function in shell expansion"
+ Ast.string_loc loc
| ETacticDefn (loc, _) ->
failwithf "%a: cannot use tactic in shell expansion"
Ast.string_loc loc
-let rec evaluate_goal_arg env = function
+and evaluate_goal_arg env = function
| Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
evaluate_goal_arg env expr
| ETacticCtor (loc, name, exprs) ->
Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, name, (evaluate_goal_arg env) exprs)
- | ECallGoal (loc, name, _) ->
- (* Goals don't return anything so they cannot be used in
- * goal args. Use a function instead.
- *)
- failwithf "%a: cannot use goal ‘%s’ in goal argument"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | ECall (loc, name, args) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | EGoalDefn _ ->
+ (* Goals don't return anything so they cannot be used in
+ * goal args. Use a function instead.
+ *)
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use goal call ‘%s’ in goal argument"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ | EFuncDefn (loc, func) ->
+ call_function env loc name args func
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot call ‘%s’ which is not a function"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ )
| EConstant _
| EGoalDefn _
+ | EFuncDefn _
| ETacticDefn _ as e -> e
+(* Functions are only called from goal args or when substituting
+ * into a shell script or constant expression (this may change if we
+ * implement ‘:=’ assignment for variables). This evaluates a
+ * function by running the associated shell script and substituting
+ * the output into an EList.
+ *
+ * XXX In future allow functions to be annotated with a return type.
+ *)
+and call_function env loc name args (params, code) =
+ (* This is used to print the function in debug and error messages only. *)
+ let debug_func =
+ sprintf "%s (%s)" name
+ (String.concat ", " ( (Ast.string_expr ()) args)) in
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running function %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_func;
+ (* Evaluate function args. Must be done before updating the environment. *)
+ let args = (evaluate_goal_arg env) args in
+ (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
+ * the args.
+ *)
+ let env =
+ let params =
+ try List.combine params args
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: calling function %s with wrong number of arguments, expecting %d args but got %d args"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_func
+ (List.length params) (List.length args) in
+ List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
+ (* Run the code. *)
+ let code = to_shell_script env loc code in
+ let code = "set -e\n" (*^ "set -x\n"*) ^ "\n" ^ code in
+ let chan = Unix.open_process_in code in
+ let lines = ref [] in
+ (try while true do lines := input_line chan :: !lines done
+ with End_of_file -> ());
+ let lines = List.rev !lines in
+ let st = Unix.close_process_in chan in
+ (match st with
+ | Unix.WEXITED 0 -> ()
+ | Unix.WEXITED i ->
+ eprintf "*** function ‘%s’ failed with exit code %d\n" name i
+ | Unix.WSIGNALED i ->
+ eprintf "*** function ‘%s’ killed by signal %d\n" name i
+ | Unix.WSTOPPED i ->
+ eprintf "*** function ‘%s’ stopped by signal %d\n" name i
+ );
+ Ast.EList (Ast.noloc,
+ ( (fun line ->
+ Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString line))
+ lines))
(** Evaluate a goal argument. This substitutes any variables found,
and recursively calls functions. *)
val evaluate_goal_arg : Ast.env -> Ast.expr -> Ast.expr
+(* Call a function. *)
+val call_function : Ast.env -> Ast.loc -> -> Ast.expr list -> Ast.func ->
+ Ast.expr
| '"' { read_string (Ast.Substs.create ()) lexbuf }
| "{" { read_code (Ast.Substs.create ()) (ref 1) lexbuf }
| "goal" { GOAL }
- | "tactic" { TACTIC_KEYWORD }
+ | "tactic"
+ | "function"
| "let" { LET }
- | "include" { INCLUDE }
- | "-include" { OPTINCLUDE }
+ | "include"
+ | "-include"
| "*" id { (* NB: The initial '*' is part of the name. *)
TACTIC (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| id { ID (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
(* If no target was set on the command line, use "all ()". *)
let targets =
if targets <> [] then targets
- else [Ast.ECallGoal (Ast.noloc, "all", [])] in
+ else [Ast.ECall (Ast.noloc, "all", [])] in
if Cmdline.debug_flag then
Ast.print_env stderr env;
%token COMMA
%token EQUALS
%token EOF
+%token FUNCTION
%token GOAL
%token <string> ID
%token INCLUDE
let name, params = $1 in
name, Ast.EGoalDefn ($loc, (params, [], [], Some $2))
+ {
+ $2, Ast.EFuncDefn ($loc, ($3, $5))
+ }
$2, Ast.ETacticDefn ($loc, ($3, $5))
- | ID params { Ast.ECallGoal ($loc, $1, $2) }
+ | ID params { Ast.ECall ($loc, $1, $2) }
| ID { Ast.EVar ($loc, $1) }
| TACTIC params { Ast.ETacticCtor ($loc, $1, $2) }
| STRING { Ast.ESubsts ($loc, $1) }
List.iter (run_target env) exprs
and run_target env = function
- | Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.EFuncDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
- (* Call a goal. *)
- | Ast.ECallGoal (loc, name, args) ->
- let goal = Ast.getgoal env loc name in
- run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ (* Call a goal or function. *)
+ | Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) ->
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
+ (match expr with
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn (_, goal) ->
+ run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ | Ast.EFuncDefn (_, func) ->
+ let expr = Eval.call_function env loc name args func in
+ run_target env expr
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal or a function"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name
+ )
(* Call a tactic. *)
| Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, name, args) ->
| Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
(match expr with
- | EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
- run_target env (Ast.ECallGoal (loc, name, []))
+ | Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
+ run_target env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
| EGoalDefn _ ->
failwithf "%a: cannot call %s() since this goal has parameters"
Ast.string_loc loc name