* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- * $Id: bitmatch.mli,v 1.8 2008-04-02 08:14:40 rjones Exp $
+ * $Id: bitmatch.mli,v 1.9 2008-04-02 11:06:31 rjones Exp $
- {2 Introduction and examples}
+ {2 Introduction}
+ Bitmatch adds Erlang-style bitstrings and matching over bitstrings
+ as a syntax extension and library for OCaml. You can use
+ this module to both parse and generate binary formats.
+ {2 Examples}
+ A function which can parse IPv4 packets:
+let display pkt =
+ bitmatch pkt with
+ (* IPv4 packet header
+ 0 1 2 3
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | 4 | IHL |Type of Service| Total Length |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Identification |Flags| Fragment Offset |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Time to Live | Protocol | Header Checksum |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Source Address |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Destination Address |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ | Options | Padding |
+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
+ *)
+ | 4 : 4; hdrlen : 4; tos : 8; length : 16;
+ identification : 16; flags : 3; fragoffset : 13;
+ ttl : 8; protocol : 8; checksum : 16;
+ source : 32;
+ dest : 32;
+ options : (hdrlen-5)*32 : bitstring;
+ payload : -1 : bitstring ->
+ printf "IPv4:\n";
+ printf " header length: %d * 32 bit words\n" hdrlen;
+ printf " type of service: %d\n" tos;
+ printf " packet length: %d bytes\n" length;
+ printf " identification: %d\n" identification;
+ printf " flags: %d\n" flags;
+ printf " fragment offset: %d\n" fragoffset;
+ printf " ttl: %d\n" ttl;
+ printf " protocol: %d\n" protocol;
+ printf " checksum: %d\n" checksum;
+ printf " source: %lx dest: %lx\n" source dest;
+ printf " header options + padding:\n";
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout options;
+ printf " packet payload:\n";
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout payload
+ | version : 4 ->
+ eprintf "unknown IP version %d\n" version;
+ exit 1
+ | _ as pkt ->
+ eprintf "data is smaller than one nibble:\n";
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stderr pkt;
+ exit 1
+ A program which can parse
+ {{:http://lxr.linux.no/linux/include/linux/ext3_fs.h}Linux EXT3 filesystem superblocks}:
+let bits = Bitmatch.bitstring_of_file "tests/ext3_sb"
+let () =
+ bitmatch bits with
+ | s_inodes_count : 32 : littleendian; (* Inodes count *)
+ s_blocks_count : 32 : littleendian; (* Blocks count *)
+ s_r_blocks_count : 32 : littleendian; (* Reserved blocks count *)
+ s_free_blocks_count : 32 : littleendian; (* Free blocks count *)
+ s_free_inodes_count : 32 : littleendian; (* Free inodes count *)
+ s_first_data_block : 32 : littleendian; (* First Data Block *)
+ s_log_block_size : 32 : littleendian; (* Block size *)
+ s_log_frag_size : 32 : littleendian; (* Fragment size *)
+ s_blocks_per_group : 32 : littleendian; (* # Blocks per group *)
+ s_frags_per_group : 32 : littleendian; (* # Fragments per group *)
+ s_inodes_per_group : 32 : littleendian; (* # Inodes per group *)
+ s_mtime : 32 : littleendian; (* Mount time *)
+ s_wtime : 32 : littleendian; (* Write time *)
+ s_mnt_count : 16 : littleendian; (* Mount count *)
+ s_max_mnt_count : 16 : littleendian; (* Maximal mount count *)
+ 0xef53 : 16 : littleendian -> (* Magic signature *)
+ printf "ext3 superblock:\n";
+ printf " s_inodes_count = %ld\n" s_inodes_count;
+ printf " s_blocks_count = %ld\n" s_blocks_count;
+ printf " s_free_inodes_count = %ld\n" s_free_inodes_count;
+ printf " s_free_blocks_count = %ld\n" s_free_blocks_count
+ | _ ->
+ eprintf "not an ext3 superblock!\n%!";
+ exit 2
+ Constructing packets for a simple binary message
+ protocol:
+ +---------------+---------------+--------------------------+
+ | type | subtype | parameter |
+ +---------------+---------------+--------------------------+
+ <-- 16 bits --> <-- 16 bits --> <------- 32 bits -------->
+ All fields are in network byte order.
+let make_message typ subtype param =
+ typ : 16;
+ subtype : 16;
+ param : 32) ;;
- {2 Reference}
+ {2 Loading, creating bitstrings}
+ The basic data type is the {!bitstring}, a string of bits of
+ arbitrary length. Bitstrings can be any length in bits and
+ operations do not need to be byte-aligned (although they will
+ generally be more efficient if they are byte-aligned).
+ Internally a bitstring is stored as a normal OCaml [string]
+ together with an offset and length, where the offset and length are
+ measured in bits. Thus one can efficiently form substrings of
+ bitstrings, overlay a bitstring on existing data, and load and save
+ bitstrings from files or other external sources.
+ To load a bitstring from a file use {!bitstring_of_file} or
+ {!bitstring_of_chan}.
+ There are also functions to create bitstrings from arbitrary data.
+ See the reference below.
+ {2 Matching bitstrings with patterns}
+ Use the [bitmatch] operator (part of the syntax extension) to break
+ apart a bitstring into its fields. [bitmatch] works a lot like the
+ OCaml [match] operator.
+ The general form of [bitmatch] is:
+ [bitmatch] {i bitstring-expression} [with]
+ [|] {i pattern} [->] {i code}
+ [|] {i pattern} [->] {i code}
+ [|] ...
+ As with normal match, the statement attempts to match the
+ bitstring against each pattern in turn. If none of the patterns
+ match then the standard library [Match_failure] exception is
+ thrown.
+ Patterns look a bit different from normal match patterns. The
+ consist of a list of bitfields separated by [;] where each bitfield
+ contains a bind variable, the width (in bits) of the field, and
+ other information. Some example patterns:
+bitmatch bits with
+| version : 8; name : 8; param : 8 -> ...
+ (* Bitstring of at least 3 bytes. First byte is the version
+ number, second byte is a field called name, third byte is
+ a field called parameter. *)
+| flag : 1 ->
+ printf "flag is %b\n" flag
+ (* A single flag bit (mapped into an OCaml boolean). *)
+| len : 4; data : 1+len ->
+ printf "len = %d, data = 0x%Lx\n" len data
+ (* A 4-bit length, followed by 1-16 bits of data, where the
+ length of the data is computed from len. *)
+| ipv6_source : 128 : bitstring;
+ ipv6_dest : 128 : bitstring -> ...
+ (* IPv6 source and destination addresses. Each is 128 bits
+ and is mapped into a bitstring type which will be a substring
+ of the main bitstring expression. *)
+ You can also add conditional when-clauses:
+| version : 4
+ when version = 4 || version = 6 -> ...
+ (* Only match and run the code when version is 4 or 6. If
+ it isn't we will drop through to the next case. *)
+ Note that the pattern is only compared against the first part of
+ the bitstring (there may be more data in the bitstring following
+ the pattern, which is not matched). In terms of regular
+ expressions you might say that the pattern matches [^pattern], not
+ [^pattern$]. To ensure that the bitstring contains only the
+ pattern, add a length -1 bitstring to the end and test that its
+ length is zero in the when-clause:
+| n : 4;
+ rest : -1 : bitstring
+ when Bitmatch.bitstring_length rest = 0 -> ...
+ (* Only matches exactly 4 bits. *)
+ Normally the first part of each field is a binding variable,
+ but you can also match a constant, as in:
+| 6 : 4 -> ...
+ (* Only matches if the first 4 bits contain the integer 6. *)
+ {3 Pattern field reference}
+ The exact format of each pattern field is:
+ [pattern : length [: qualifier [,qualifier ...]]]
+ [pattern] is the pattern, binding variable name, or constant to
+ match. [length] is the length in bits which may be either a
+ constant or an expression. The length expression is just an OCaml
+ expression and can use any values defined in the program, and refer
+ back to earlier fields (but not to later fields).
+ Integers can only have lengths in the range [1..64] bits. See the
+ {{:#integertypes}integer types} section below for how these are
+ mapped to the OCaml int/int32/int64 types. This is checked
+ at compile time if the length expression is constant, otherwise it is
+ checked at runtime and you will get a runtime exception eg. in
+ the case of a computed length expression.
+ A bitstring field of length -1 matches all the rest of the
+ bitstring (thus this is only useful as the last field in a
+ pattern).
+ A bitstring field of length 0 matches an empty bitstring
+ (occasionally useful when matching optional subfields).
+ Qualifiers are a list of identifiers which control the type,
+ signedness and endianness of the field. Permissible qualifiers are:
+ - [int] (field has an integer type)
+ - [bitstring] (field is a bitstring type)
+ - [signed] (field is signed)
+ - [unsigned] (field is unsigned)
+ - [bigendian] (field is big endian - a.k.a network byte order)
+ - [littleendian] (field is little endian - a.k.a Intel byte order)
+ - [nativeendian] (field is same endianness as the machine)
+ The default settings are [int], [unsigned], [bigendian].
+ Note that many of these qualifiers cannot be used together,
+ eg. bitstrings do not have endianness. The syntax extension should
+ give you a compile-time error if you use incompatible qualifiers.
+ {3 Other cases in bitmatch}
+ As well as a list of fields, it is possible to name the
+ bitstring and/or have a default match case:
+| _ -> ...
+ (* Default match case. *)
+| _ as pkt -> ...
+ (* Default match case, with 'pkt' bound to the whole bitstring. *)
+ {2 Constructing bitstrings}
+ Bitstrings may be constructed using the [BITSTRING] operator (as an
+ expression). The [BITSTRING] operator takes a list of fields,
+ similar to the list of fields for matching:
+let version = 1 ;;
+let data = 10 ;;
+let bits =
+ version : 4;
+ data : 12 ;;
+ (* Constructs a 16-bit bitstring with the first four bits containing
+ the integer 1, and the following 12 bits containing the integer 10,
+ arranged in network byte order. *)
+Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stdout bits ;;
+ (* Prints:
+ 00000000 10 0a |.. |
+ *)
+ {2:integertypes Integer types}
+ {2 Compiling}
+ {2 Safety and security considerations}
+ {2 Limits}
+ {2 Reference}
{3 Types}
type bitstring = string * int * int
+(** [bitstring] is the basic type used to store bitstrings.
+ The type contains the underlying data (a string),
+ the current bit offset within the string and the
+ current bit length of the string (counting from the
+ bit offset). Note that the offsets are bits, not bytes.
+ Normally you don't need to use the bitstring type
+ directly, since there are functions and syntax
+ extensions which hide the details.
+ See {!bitstring_of_file}, {!hexdump_bitstring},
+ {!bitstring_length}.
(** {3 Exceptions} *)
exception Construct_failure of string * string * int * int
+(** [Construct_failure (message, file, line, char)] may be
+ raised by the [BITSTRING] constructor.
+ Common reasons are that values are out of range of
+ the fields that contain them, or that computed lengths
+ are impossible (eg. negative length bitfields).
+ [message] is the error message.
+ [file], [line] and [char] point to the original source
+ location of the [BITSTRING] constructor that failed.
(** {3 Bitstrings} *)
val empty_bitstring : bitstring
+(** [empty_bitstring] is the empty, zero-length bitstring. *)
val create_bitstring : int -> bitstring
+(** [create_bitstring n] creates an [n] bit bitstring
+ containing all zeroes. *)
val make_bitstring : int -> char -> bitstring
+(** [make_bitstring n c] creates an [n] bit bitstring
+ containing the repeated 8 bit pattern in [c].
+ For example, [make_bitstring 16 '\x5a'] will create
+ the bitstring [0x5a5a] or in binary [0101 1010 0101 1010].
+ Note that the length is in bits, not bytes. *)
val bitstring_of_chan : in_channel -> bitstring
+(** [bitstring_of_chan chan] loads the contents of
+ the input channel [chan] as a bitstring.
+ The length of the final bitstring is determined
+ by the remaining input in [chan], but will always
+ be a multiple of 8 bits. *)
val bitstring_of_file : string -> bitstring
+(** [bitstring_of_file filename] loads the named file
+ into a bitstring. *)
val hexdump_bitstring : out_channel -> bitstring -> unit
+(** [hexdump_bitstring chan bitstring] prints the bitstring
+ to the output channel in a format similar to the
+ Unix command [hexdump -C]. *)
val bitstring_length : bitstring -> int
+(** [bitstring_length bitstring] returns the length of
+ the bitstring in bits. *)
(** {3 Bitstring buffer} *)
val add_bit : t -> bool -> unit
val add_byte : t -> int -> unit
+(** Buffers are mainly used by the [BITSTRING] constructor, but
+ may also be useful for end users. They work much like the
+ standard library [Buffer] module. *)
(** {3 Miscellaneous} *)
val debug : bool ref
+(** Set this variable to true to enable extended debugging.
+ This only works if debugging was also enabled in the
+ [pa_bitmatch.ml] file at compile time, otherwise it
+ does nothing. *)
(* Private functions, called from generated code. Do not use
* these directly - they are not safe.
val construct_char_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int64_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int64 -> int -> exn -> unit