Move Koji code to separate module.
+koji.cmo: koji.cmi
+koji.cmx: koji.cmi
-OBJS = fedora_koji_download_kernels.cmo
+OBJS = koji.cmo fedora_koji_download_kernels.cmo
XOBJS = $(OBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
all: byte opt
contains_debuginfo name && not (contains_common name)
) rpms in
- List.iter (
- fun rpm ->
+ let nr_rpms = List.length rpms in
+ List.iteri (
+ fun j rpm ->
let uri, filename = koji_rpm_download_url rpm in
- let infofile = outputdir // filename ^ ".info" in
+ let infoname = filename ^ ".info" in
+ let infopath = outputdir // infoname in
let infoexists =
- try ignore (Unix.access infofile [Unix.F_OK]); true
+ try ignore (Unix.access infopath [Unix.F_OK]); true
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false in
if infoexists then
printf "Skipping %s\n%!" (string_of_rpm rpm)
else (
- printf "%s\n%!" (string_of_rpm rpm);
+ printf "%d/%d %d/%d %s\n%!"
+ (i+1) nr_builds (j+1) nr_rpms (string_of_rpm rpm);
let run cmd =
let r = Sys.command cmd in
if r <> 0 then
failwith (sprintf "%s: command exited with code %d" cmd r)
+ let run cmd = ksprintf run cmd in
(* Function to clean up the RPM & the temporary subdirectory
* (usr/, used for unpacking the RPM).
let cleanup () =
(try Unix.unlink filename with _ -> ());
- ignore (Sys.command "rm -rf usr/")
+ ignore (Sys.command "rm -rf *.info *.data usr")
cleanup ();
* than it's worth. So shell out to 'wget' instead.
printf "Downloading RPM ...\n%!";
- run (sprintf "wget --quiet %s" (Filename.quote uri));
+ run "wget --quiet %s" (Filename.quote uri);
printf "Finished downloading RPM.\n%!";
(* Unpack vmlinux binary from the RPM. *)
- run (sprintf "rpm2cpio %s | cpio -id --quiet '*/vmlinux'"
- (Filename.quote filename));
+ run "rpm2cpio %s | cpio -id --quiet '*/vmlinux'"
+ (Filename.quote filename);
- run (sprintf "find usr/ -name vmlinux -print0 |
- xargs -0 pahole -E >"
- (Filename.quote outputdir // Filename.quote filename));
+ run "find usr/ -name vmlinux -print0 |
+ xargs -0 pahole -E >"
+ (Filename.quote filename);
- let chan = open_out infofile in
+ let chan = open_out infoname in
fprintf chan "Source: fedora-koji\n";
fprintf chan "Distribution: Fedora\n";
fprintf chan "RPM_id: %d\n" rpm.rpm_id;
fprintf chan "\n";
close_out chan;
- run (sprintf "rpm -qip %s >> %s"
- (Filename.quote filename) (Filename.quote infofile));
+ run "rpm -qip %s >> %s"
+ (Filename.quote filename) (Filename.quote infoname);
+ (* Atomically move the info & data files to their final
+ * destination.
+ *)
+ run "mv"
+ (Filename.quote filename)
+ (Filename.quote (outputdir // filename));
+ run "mv %s %s"
+ (Filename.quote infoname) (Filename.quote infopath);
) ()
Failure msg ->
--- /dev/null
+(* Memory info for virtual domains.
+ (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+open Printf
+type build = {
+ package_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *)
+ version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *)
+ release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *)
+ build_id : int;
+let string_of_build { package_name = package_name;
+ version = version; release = release;
+ build_id = build_id } =
+ sprintf "%d: %s %s %s" build_id package_name version release
+type rpm = {
+ rpm_id : int; (* RPM ID (for downloading, etc.) *)
+ rpm_build : build;
+ rpm_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *)
+ rpm_version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *)
+ rpm_release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *)
+ rpm_size : int; (* size in bytes of the RPM. *)
+ rpm_arch : string; (* architecture *)
+let string_of_rpm { rpm_id = id; rpm_build = { build_id = build_id };
+ rpm_name = name;
+ rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release;
+ rpm_size = size; rpm_arch = arch } =
+ sprintf "%d: (build %d) %s %s %s (%d bytes) %s"
+ id build_id name version release size arch
+type rpc = < call : string -> XmlRpc.value list -> XmlRpc.value >
+let get_string_from_struct name items =
+ match List.assoc name items with
+ | `String str -> str
+ | _ -> invalid_arg (name ^ ": expected string type")
+let get_int_from_struct name items =
+ match List.assoc name items with
+ | `Int i -> i
+ | _ -> invalid_arg (name ^ ": expected int type")
+let list_builds rpc ~prefix =
+ let builds = rpc#call "listBuilds" [
+ `Struct [
+ (* __starstar is some wierd Python thing which is needed for
+ * Python optional arguments to work.
+ *)
+ "__starstar", `Int 1;
+ "prefix", `String prefix;
+ ]
+ ] in
+ match builds with
+ | `Array builds ->
+ (
+ function
+ | `Struct items ->
+ (try
+ let package_name = get_string_from_struct "package_name" items in
+ let version = get_string_from_struct "version" items in
+ let release = get_string_from_struct "release" items in
+ let build_id = get_int_from_struct "build_id" items in
+ { package_name = package_name;
+ version = version; release = release;
+ build_id = build_id }
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline "missing element in build structure from koji listBuilds() calls";
+ exit 1
+ | Invalid_argument err ->
+ prerr_endline err;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ | t ->
+ prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuilds() call";
+ prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t);
+ exit 1
+ ) builds
+ | t ->
+ prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuilds() call:";
+ prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t);
+ exit 1
+let list_build_rpms rpc ({ build_id = build_id } as build) =
+ let rpms = rpc#call "listBuildRPMs" [ `Int build_id ] in
+ match rpms with
+ | `Array rpms ->
+ (
+ function
+ | `Struct items ->
+ (try
+ let name = get_string_from_struct "name" items in
+ let version = get_string_from_struct "version" items in
+ let release = get_string_from_struct "release" items in
+ let build_id' = get_int_from_struct "build_id" items in
+ let id = get_int_from_struct "id" items in
+ let size = get_int_from_struct "size" items in
+ let arch = get_string_from_struct "arch" items in
+ assert (build_id = build_id');
+ { rpm_name = name; rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release;
+ rpm_build = build; rpm_id = id; rpm_size = size;
+ rpm_arch = arch }
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline "missing element in build structure from koji listBuildRPMs() calls";
+ exit 1
+ | Invalid_argument err ->
+ prerr_endline err;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ | t ->
+ prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuildRPMs() call";
+ prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t);
+ exit 1
+ ) rpms
+ | t ->
+ prerr_endline "unexpected type from koji listBuildRPMs() call:";
+ prerr_endline (XmlRpc.dump t);
+ exit 1
+(* This gets the RPM download URL for an RPM. I can't see a way to
+ * get this using the Koji API, but the URLs are fairly predictable
+ * anyway.
+ *)
+let rpm_download_url { rpm_build = { package_name = build_name };
+ rpm_name = rpm_name;
+ rpm_version = version; rpm_release = release;
+ rpm_arch = arch } =
+ let filename = sprintf "%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm" rpm_name version release arch in
+ let uri = sprintf ""
+ build_name version release arch filename in
+ uri, filename
--- /dev/null
+(* Memory info for virtual domains.
+ (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+(** Wrappers around the XMLRPC calls. *)
+type build = {
+ package_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *)
+ version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *)
+ release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *)
+ build_id : int;
+type rpm = {
+ rpm_id : int; (* RPM ID (for downloading, etc.) *)
+ rpm_build : build;
+ rpm_name : string; (* eg. "kernel" *)
+ rpm_version : string; (* eg. "2.6.25" *)
+ rpm_release : string; (* eg. "1.fc8" *)
+ rpm_size : int; (* size in bytes of the RPM. *)
+ rpm_arch : string; (* architecture *)
+val string_of_build : build -> string
+val string_of_rpm : rpm -> string
+(* Zzzaaargghh why doesn't xmlrpc-light define a name for the client object? *)
+type rpc = < call : string -> XmlRpc.value list -> XmlRpc.value >
+val list_builds : rpc -> prefix:string -> build list
+val list_build_rpms : rpc -> build -> rpm list
+(* This gets the RPM download URL for an RPM. I can't see a way to
+ * get this using the Koji API, but the URLs are fairly predictable
+ * anyway. The return value is (URI, filename).
+ *)
+val rpm_download_url : rpm -> string * string