. install a firstboot script virt-sysprep --script=/tmp/foo.sh
. run an external shell script
. run external guestfish script virt-sysprep --fish=/tmp/foo.fish
+ - log files (thanks Steve Grubb)
+ . as well as the obvious log files, also
+ utmp/wtmp/btmp/tallylog and pam_faillock's data files
+ - RNG seed (Steve Grubb)
+ - homedirs/.ssh directory, especially /root/.ssh (Steve Grubb)
+ - if drives are encrypted, then dm-crypt key should be changed
+ and drives all re-encrypted
+ - /etc/pki
+ (Steve says ...)
+ Rpm uses nss. Nss sets up its crypto database in
+ /etc/pki. Depending on how long the machine ran before cloning, you
+ may have picked up some certificates or things. This is an area
+ that you would want to look into.
+ - secure erase of inodes etc using scrub (Steve Grubb)
+ - touch /.autorelabel if we create any new files (thanks Dan Berrange)