remote_directory : string option;
remote_username : string option;
network : network option;
+ static_network_config : static_network_config option;
devices_to_send : string list option;
root_filesystem : partition option;
hypervisor : hypervisor option;
memory : int option; vcpus : int option;
mac_address : string option;
-and network = Auto | Shell
+and network = Auto
+ | Shell
+ | QEMUUserNet
+ | Static
and partition = Part of string * string (* eg. "hda", "1" *)
| LV of string * string (* eg. "VolGroup00", "LogVol00" *)
and hypervisor = Xen | QEMU | KVM
and architecture = I386 | X86_64 | IA64 | PPC | PPC64 | SPARC | SPARC64
| OtherArch of string | UnknownArch
+and static_network_config = string * string * string * string * string
+ (* interface, address, netmask, gateway, nameserver *)
(* TO MAKE A CUSTOM virt-p2v SCRIPT, adjust the defaults in this section.
devices_to_send = None;
root_filesystem = None;
network = None;
+ static_network_config = None;
hypervisor = None;
architecture = None;
memory = None;
* Returns the exit status (Yes lines | No | Help | Back | Error).
-let msgbox, yesno, inputbox, radiolist, checklist =
+let msgbox, yesno, inputbox, radiolist, checklist, form =
(* Internal function to actually run the "dialog" shell command. *)
let run_dialog cparams params =
let params = cparams @ params in
string_of_int listheight :: items in
run_dialog cparams items
+ (* Form. *)
+ and form =
+ with_common (
+ fun cparams text height width formheight items ->
+ let items = (
+ fun (label, y, x, item, y', x', flen, ilen) ->
+ [ label; string_of_int y; string_of_int x; item;
+ string_of_int y'; string_of_int x';
+ string_of_int flen; string_of_int ilen ]
+ ) items in
+ let items = List.concat items in
+ let items = "--form" :: text ::
+ string_of_int height :: string_of_int width ::
+ string_of_int formheight :: items in
+ run_dialog cparams items
+ )
- msgbox, yesno, inputbox, radiolist, checklist
+ msgbox, yesno, inputbox, radiolist, checklist, form
(* Print failure dialog and exit. *)
let fail_dialog text =
(* Non-interactive: return the status of /etc/init.d/network start. *)
status = 0
+(* Configure the network statically. *)
+let static_network state =
+ match state.static_network_config with
+ | None -> false (* failed *)
+ | Some (interface, address, netmask, gateway, nameserver) ->
+ let do_cmd_or_exit cmd = if shwithstatus cmd <> 0 then raise Exit in
+ try
+ do_cmd_or_exit (sprintf "ifconfig %s %s netmask %s"
+ (quote interface) (quote address) (quote netmask));
+ do_cmd_or_exit (sprintf "route add default gw %s %s"
+ (quote gateway) (quote interface));
+ if nameserver <> "" then
+ do_cmd_or_exit (sprintf "echo nameserver %s > /etc/resolv.conf"
+ (quote nameserver));
+ true (* succeeded *)
+ with
+ Exit -> false (* failed *)
+let qemu_network () =
+ sh "ifconfig eth0 netmask";
+ sh "route add default gw eth0";
+ sh "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"
(* Map local device names to remote devices names. At the moment we
* just change sd* to hd* (as device names appear under fullvirt). In
* future, lots of complex possibilities.
let ask_network state =
- radiolist "Network configuration" "Network configuration" 10 50 2 [
+ radiolist "Network configuration" "Network configuration" 12 50 4 [
"auto", "Automatic configuration", = Some Auto;
+ "ask", "Ask for fixed IP address and gateway",
+ = Some Static;
"sh", "Configure from the shell", = Some Shell;
+ "qemu", "QEMU user network (for developers only)",
+ = Some QEMUUserNet
| Yes ("auto"::_) -> Next { state with network = Some Auto }
+ | Yes ("ask"::_) -> Next { state with network = Some Static }
| Yes ("sh"::_) -> Next { state with network = Some Shell }
+ | Yes ("qemu"::_) -> Next { state with network = Some QEMUUserNet }
+ | Yes _ | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
+ | Back -> Prev
+ in
+ let ask_static_network_config state =
+ let interface, address, netmask, gateway, nameserver =
+ match state.static_network_config with
+ | Some (a,b,c,d,e) -> a,b,c,d,e
+ | None -> "eth0","","","","" in
+ match
+ form "Static network configuration" "Static network configuration"
+ 13 50 5 [
+ "Interface", 1, 0, interface, 1, 12, 8, 0;
+ "Address", 2, 0, address, 2, 12, 16, 0;
+ "Netmask", 3, 0, netmask, 3, 12, 16, 0;
+ "Gateway", 4, 0, gateway, 4, 12, 16, 0;
+ "Nameserver", 5, 0, nameserver, 5, 12, 16, 0;
+ ]
+ with
+ | Yes (interface::address::netmask::gateway::nameserver::_) ->
+ Next { state with
+ static_network_config = Some (interface, address, netmask,
+ gateway, nameserver) }
| Yes _ | No | Help | Error -> Ask_again
| Back -> Prev
(Option.default "" state.remote_directory)
(match with
| Some Auto -> "Auto-configure" | Some Shell -> "Shell"
+ | Some Static -> "Static" | Some QEMUUserNet -> "QEMU user net"
| None -> "")
(String.concat "," (Option.default [] state.devices_to_send))
(Option.map_default dev_of_partition "" state.root_filesystem)
(* This is the list of dialogs, in order. The user can go forwards or
- * backwards through them. The second parameter in each pair is
- * false if we need to skip this dialog (info already supplied in
- * 'defaults' above).
+ * backwards through them.
+ *
+ * The second parameter in each tuple is true if we need to skip
+ * this dialog statically (info already supplied in 'defaults' above).
+ *
+ * The third parameter in each tuple is a function that tests whether
+ * this dialog should be skipped, given other parts of the current state.
- let dlgs = [|
- ask_greeting, (* Initial greeting. *)
- defaults.greeting;
- ask_hostname, (* Hostname. *)
- defaults.remote_host = None;
- ask_port, (* Port number. *)
- defaults.remote_port = None;
- ask_directory, (* Remote directory. *)
- defaults.remote_directory = None;
- ask_username, (* Remote username. *)
- defaults.remote_username = None;
- ask_network, (* Network configuration. *)
- = None;
- ask_devices, (* Block devices to send. *)
- defaults.devices_to_send = None;
- ask_root, (* Root filesystem. *)
- defaults.root_filesystem = None;
- ask_hypervisor, (* Hypervisor. *)
- defaults.hypervisor = None;
- ask_architecture, (* Architecture. *)
- defaults.architecture = None;
- ask_memory, (* Memory. *)
- defaults.memory = None;
- ask_vcpus, (* VCPUs. *)
- defaults.vcpus = None;
- ask_mac_address, (* MAC address. *)
- defaults.mac_address = None;
- ask_verify, (* Verify settings. *)
- defaults.greeting
+ let dlgs =
+ let dont_skip _ = false in
+ [|
+ ask_greeting, not defaults.greeting, dont_skip;
+ ask_hostname, defaults.remote_host <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_port, defaults.remote_port <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_directory, defaults.remote_directory <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_username, defaults.remote_username <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_network, <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_static_network_config,
+ defaults.static_network_config <> None,
+ (function { network = Some Static } -> false | _ -> true);
+ ask_devices, defaults.devices_to_send <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_root, defaults.root_filesystem <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_hypervisor, defaults.hypervisor <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_architecture, defaults.architecture <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_memory, defaults.memory <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_vcpus, defaults.vcpus <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_mac_address, defaults.mac_address <> None, dont_skip;
+ ask_verify, not defaults.greeting, dont_skip;
|] in
(* Loop through the dialogs until we reach the end. *)
- let rec loop posn state =
- eprintf "dialog loop: posn = %d\n%!" posn;
+ let rec loop ?(back=false) posn state =
+ eprintf "dialog loop: posn = %d, back = %b\n%!" posn back;
if posn >= Array.length dlgs then state (* Finished all dialogs. *)
+ else if posn < 0 then loop 0 state
else (
- let dlg, no_skip = dlgs.(posn) in
- let skip = not no_skip in
- if skip then
- (* Skip this dialog and move straight to the next one. *)
- loop (posn+1) state
+ let dlg, skip_static, skip_dynamic = dlgs.(posn) in
+ if skip_static || skip_dynamic state then
+ (* Skip this dialog. *)
+ loop ~back (if back then posn-1 else posn+1) state
else (
(* Run dialog. *)
match dlg state with
| Next new_state -> loop (posn+1) new_state (* Forwards. *)
- | Prev -> loop (posn-1) state (* Backwards / back button. *)
- | Ask_again -> loop posn state (* Repeat the question. *)
+ | Ask_again -> loop posn state (* Repeat the question. *)
+ | Prev -> loop ~back:true (posn-1) state (* Backwards / back button. *)
printf "When you have finished, exit the shell with ^D or exit.\n\n%!";
shell ()
+ | Static ->
+ printf "Trying static network configuration.\n\n%!";
+ if not (static_network state) then (
+ printf "\nAuto-configuration failed. Starting a shell.\n\n";
+ printf "Please configure the network from this shell.\n\n";
+ printf "When you have finished, exit the shell with ^D or exit.\n\n";
+ shell ()
+ )
| Auto ->
"Trying network auto-configuration from root filesystem ...\n\n%!";
printf "When you have finished, exit the shell with ^D or exit.\n\n";
shell ()
+ | QEMUUserNet ->
+ printf "Trying QEMU network configuration.\n\n%!";
+ qemu_network ()
(* Work out what devices will be called at the remote end. *)