(* Register a periodic job. *)
let every ?name i (j, t) f =
let period = i*j, t in (* 5 minutes -> ((5 * 60), Seconds) *)
- periodic_jobs := (period, name, f) :: !periodic_jobs
+ periodic_jobs := (period, (name, f)) :: !periodic_jobs
(* [next_time t period] returns the earliest event of [period]
strictly after time [t].
while true do
(* Find the next job to run. *)
let now = time () in
- let next = List.map (
- fun (period, name, f) ->
- next_time now period, name, f
+ let jobs = List.map (
+ fun (period, (_, _ as name_f)) ->
+ next_time now period, name_f
) !periodic_jobs in
- let next = List.sort (fun (t1,_,_) (t2,_,_) -> compare t1 t2) next in
- let next_t, name, f = List.hd next in
- let name = match name with Some name -> name | None -> "[unnamed]" in
- (* Run it after waiting for the appropriate amount of time. *)
- let seconds = int_of_float (next_t -. now) in
- eprintf "next job '%s' will run in %s\n%!" name (printable_seconds seconds);
+ let jobs = List.sort (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> compare t1 t2) jobs in
+ (* Find all jobs that have the same next time.
+ * XXX When we can handle parallel jobs we can do better here,
+ * but until them run all the ones which have the same time
+ * in series.
+ *)
+ let next_t = int_of_float (fst (List.hd jobs)) in
+ let jobs = List.filter (fun (t, _) -> int_of_float t = next_t) jobs in
+ (* Run next job(s) after waiting for the appropriate amount of time. *)
+ let seconds = next_t - int_of_float now in
+ eprintf "next job will run in %s\n%!" (printable_seconds seconds);
sleep seconds;
- ignore (guard f ())
+ List.iter (
+ fun (_, (name, f)) ->
+ eprintf "running job: %s\n%!"
+ (match name with Some name -> name | None -> "[unnamed]");
+ ignore (guard f ())
+ ) jobs
and printable_seconds s =