\ No newline at end of file
pkgdir = ../goaljobs
ifeq ($(pkgdir),)
-goaljobs = goaljobs
+goaljobs = goaljobs --package pcre,extlib
-goaljobs = $(pkgdir)/goaljobs --pkgdir=$(pkgdir)
+goaljobs = $(pkgdir)/goaljobs --pkgdir=$(pkgdir) --package pcre,extlib
programs = \
fedora_ocaml_rebuild \
- libguestfs_upstream
+ libguestfs_upstream \
+ libguestfs_fedora
all: $(programs)
fedora_ocaml_rebuild: config.ml utils.ml git.ml fedora.ml fedora_ocaml_rebuild.ml
- $(goaljobs) --package pcre,extlib $^ -o $@
+ $(goaljobs) $^ -o $@
+libguestfs_upstream: config.ml utils.ml libguestfs.ml libguestfs_upstream.ml
+ $(goaljobs) $^ -o $@
-libguestfs_upstream: config.ml libguestfs_upstream.ml
+libguestfs_fedora: config.ml utils.ml git.ml fedora.ml libguestfs.ml libguestfs_fedora.ml
$(goaljobs) $^ -o $@
--- /dev/null
+(* Helper functions for handling libguestfs. *)
+open Goaljobs
+open Printf
+open Config
+open Utils
+let package = "libguestfs"
+(* Helper object which stores everything about a version. *)
+type info = {
+ version : string; (* The version as a normal string. *)
+ major : int; (* Broken-out version fields. *)
+ minor : int;
+ release: int;
+ is_stable : bool; (* is a stable version of libguestfs? *)
+ branch : string; (* 'master' or 'stable-1.xx' *)
+ package_version : string; (* package-version *)
+ tarball : string; (* package-version.tar.gz *)
+ urlpath : string; (* download/1.X-(stable|development)/tarball *)
+ url : string; (* full download URL of tarball *)
+let compare_versions { major = major1; minor = minor1; release = release1 }
+ { major = major2; minor = minor2; release = release2 } =
+ compare (major1, minor1, release1) (major2, minor2, release2)
+let string_of_libguestfs_version { version = version } = version
+(* Helper function to make a full 'info' object from a version
+ * number.
+ *)
+let vernames version =
+ Scanf.sscanf version "%d.%d.%d" (
+ fun major minor release ->
+ let is_stable = minor mod 2 = 0 in
+ let branch =
+ if is_stable then
+ sprintf "stable-%d.%d" major minor
+ else
+ sprintf "master" in
+ let package_version = sprintf "%s-%d.%d.%d" package major minor release in
+ let tarball = sprintf "%s.tar.gz" package_version in
+ let urlpath =
+ if is_stable then
+ sprintf "download/%d.%d-stable/%s" major minor tarball
+ else
+ sprintf "download/%d.%d-development/%s" major minor tarball in
+ let url = "http://libguestfs.org/" ^ urlpath in
+ { version = version;
+ major = major; minor = minor; release = release;
+ is_stable = is_stable;
+ branch = branch;
+ package_version = package_version;
+ tarball = tarball;
+ urlpath = urlpath;
+ url = url }
+ )
+(* Clone or update a repo to the latest version on a branch, by force.
+ * It is cached in name = $buildtmp/repos/<package>-<branch>
+ *)
+let git_force branch =
+ let url = "https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs.git" in
+ sh "
+ cd %s/repos
+ if [ ! -d %s-%s ]; then git clone %s %s-%s; fi
+ cd %s-%s
+ git checkout --force %s
+ git pull
+ # Copy or update gnulib
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+ " buildtmp
+ package (quote branch) (quote url) package (quote branch)
+ package (quote branch)
+ (quote branch)
+(* Helper function to read the latest version in a repo and return
+ * the version.
+ *)
+let git_latest_version branch =
+ let v = shout "
+ cd %s/repos/%s-%s
+ git describe --tags --abbrev=0
+ " buildtmp package (quote branch) in
+ vernames v
+(* Get the latest commit. *)
+let git_latest_commit branch =
+ shout "
+ cd %s/repos/%s-%s
+ git rev-parse HEAD
+ " buildtmp package (quote branch)
+(* Find the latest website tarball version. Actually we use our local
+ * CVS copy of the website rather than downloading from
+ * http://libguestfs.org
+ *)
+let website_latest_version =
+ let rex = Str.regexp "libguestfs-\\(.*\\)\\.tar\\.gz" in
+ fun branch ->
+ let wdir = libguestfs_website_cvs // "download" // branch in
+ let files = Sys.readdir wdir in
+ let files = Array.to_list files in
+ if files = [] then None
+ else (
+ let versions = filter_map (
+ fun name ->
+ if not (Str.string_match rex name 0) then None
+ else Some (vernames (Str.matched_group 1 name))
+ ) files in
+ let versions = List.sort compare_versions versions in
+ let versions = List.rev versions in
+ Some (List.hd versions)
+ )
--- /dev/null
+(* Handle Fedora builds of libguestfs. *)
+open Goaljobs
+open Printf
+open Config
+open Fedora
+open Git
+open Libguestfs
+(* Enable debugging. *)
+let () =
+ Unix.putenv "LIBGUESTFS_DEBUG" "1";
+ Unix.putenv "LIBGUESTFS_TRACE" "1"
+(* Log program output. *)
+let from = "rjones@redhat.com"
+let to_ = "rjones@redhat.com"
+let package = "libguestfs"
+(* How branches in libguestfs upstream map to branches in Fedora. *)
+let branches = [
+ "1.23-development", "master"; (* Rawhide follows development. *)
+ "1.23-development", "f20"; (* F20 also follows development. *)
+ "1.22-stable", "f19"; (* F19 follows 1.22. *)
+ "1.20-stable", "f18"; (* F18 follows 1.20. *)
+(* Goal: Latest website version has been built in every branch. *)
+let rec goal all () =
+ List.iter (
+ fun (wbranch, fbranch) ->
+ match website_latest_version wbranch with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some version ->
+ require (fedora_built version fbranch)
+ ) branches
+(* Goal: Fedora has a successful build of 'version' on 'branch'. *)
+and fedora_built version branch =
+ let specfile = fedora_specfile package branch in
+ target (file_contains_string specfile version.version &&
+ koji_build_state (fedora_verrel package branch) == `Complete);
+ require (sources_uploaded version branch);
+ require (specfile_pushed version branch);
+ koji_build ~wait:true package branch
+and sources_uploaded version branch =
+ let repodir = fedora_repo package branch in
+ let sources = repodir // "sources" in
+ let key = sprintf "libguestfs_fedora_sources_uploaded_%s" version.version in
+ target (file_contains_string sources version.version &&
+ memory_exists key);
+ onrun (fun () -> memory_set key "1");
+ require (repodir_up_to_date repodir);
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ fedpkg new-sources %s/%s
+ " repodir libguestfs_website_cvs version.urlpath
+and specfile_updated version branch =
+ let repodir = fedora_repo package branch in
+ let specfile = fedora_specfile package branch in
+ target (file_contains_string specfile version.version);
+ require (repodir_up_to_date repodir);
+ (* Hairy specfile editing. *)
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ email=\"Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>\"
+ date=`date +\"%%a %%b %%d %%Y\"`
+ cp libguestfs.spec libguestfs.spec.old
+ sed < libguestfs.spec.old \\
+ -e \"s/^Version:.*/Version: %s/\" \\
+ -e \"s/^Release:.*/Release: 1%%{?dist}/\" \\
+ -e \"/^%%changelog/a \\
+* $date $email - 1:%s-1\\\\n\\
+- New upstream version %s.\\\\n\\
+\" > libguestfs.spec
+ rm libguestfs.spec.old
+ " repodir version.version version.version version.version
+and specfile_committed version branch =
+ let repodir = fedora_repo package branch in
+ let key = sprintf "libguestfs_fedora_specfile_committed_%s" version.version in
+ target (memory_exists key);
+ onrun (fun () -> memory_set key "1");
+ require (specfile_updated version branch);
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ fedpkg commit -c
+ " repodir
+and specfile_pushed version branch =
+ let repodir = fedora_repo package branch in
+ let key = sprintf "libguestfs_fedora_specfile_pushed_%s" version.version in
+ target (memory_exists key);
+ onrun (fun () -> memory_set key "1");
+ require (repodir_up_to_date repodir);
+ require (specfile_committed version branch);
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ fedpkg push
+ " repodir
+and repodir_up_to_date repodir =
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ git fetch
+ " repodir;
+ if not (git_has_local_changes repodir) then
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ git pull --rebase
+ " repodir
open Goaljobs
open Printf
open Config
+open Libguestfs
(* Enable debugging. *)
let () =
(* Log program output. *)
let from = "rjones@redhat.com"
let to_ = "rjones@redhat.com"
let logfile = log_program_output ()
let () = eprintf "logging to %s\n%!" logfile
let package = "libguestfs"
-(* Helper object which stores everything about a version. *)
-type info = {
- version : string; (* The version as a normal string. *)
- major : int; (* Broken-out version fields. *)
- minor : int;
- release: int;
- is_stable : bool; (* is a stable version of libguestfs? *)
- branch : string; (* 'master' or 'stable-1.xx' *)
- package_version : string; (* package-version *)
- tarball : string; (* package-version.tar.gz *)
- urlpath : string; (* download/1.X-(stable|development)/tarball *)
- url : string; (* full download URL of tarball *)
-(* Helper: Fetch latest gnulib into $buildtmp/repos/gnulib
- * XXX Move to Gnulib module.
- *)
-let get_gnulib () =
- sh "
- cd %s/repos
- if [ ! -d gnulib ]; then git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/gnulib.git; fi
- cd gnulib
- git checkout --force master
- git pull
- " buildtmp
(* Goal: the website has been updated to 'version'. *)
let rec goal website_updated version =
target (url_exists version.url);
onfail (
fun _ ->
let subject = sprintf "goal: %s: FAILED" goalname in
- mailto ~from ~subject ~attach:[logfile] to_
+ mailto ~from ~subject (*~attach:[logfile]*) to_
let key = sprintf "libguestfs_commit_tested_%s" commit in
(quote (libguestfs_localconfigure `Git))
(quote libguestfs_localenv)
-(* Helper function to make a full 'info' object from a version
- * number.
- *)
-let vernames version =
- Scanf.sscanf version "%d.%d.%d" (
- fun major minor release ->
- let is_stable = minor mod 2 = 0 in
- let branch =
- if is_stable then
- sprintf "stable-%d.%d" major minor
- else
- sprintf "master" in
- let package_version = sprintf "%s-%d.%d.%d" package major minor release in
- let tarball = sprintf "%s.tar.gz" package_version in
- let urlpath =
- if is_stable then
- sprintf "download/%d.%d-stable/%s" major minor tarball
- else
- sprintf "download/%d.%d-development/%s" major minor tarball in
- let url = "http://libguestfs.org/" ^ urlpath in
- { version = version;
- major = major; minor = minor; release = release;
- is_stable = is_stable;
- branch = branch;
- package_version = package_version;
- tarball = tarball;
- urlpath = urlpath;
- url = url }
- )
-(* Helper function to read the latest version in a repo and return
- * the version.
- *)
-let git_latest_version branch =
- let v = shout "
- cd %s/repos/%s-%s
- git describe --tags --abbrev=0
- " buildtmp package (quote branch) in
- vernames v
-(* Get the latest commit. *)
-let git_latest_commit branch =
- shout "
- cd %s/repos/%s-%s
- git rev-parse HEAD
- " buildtmp package (quote branch)
-(* Clone or update a repo to the latest version on a branch, by force.
- * It is cached in name = $buildtmp/repos/<package>-<branch>
- *)
-let git_force url branch =
- sh "
- cd %s/repos
- if [ ! -d %s-%s ]; then git clone %s %s-%s; fi
- cd %s-%s
- git checkout --force %s
- git pull
- # Copy or update gnulib
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- " buildtmp
- package (quote branch) (quote url) package (quote branch)
- package (quote branch)
- (quote branch)
let () =
(* Add a periodic job to check for new git commits and test them. *)
every libguestfs_query_mins minutes ~name:"new libguestfs commit" (
fun () ->
- git_force "https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs.git" "master";
+ git_force "master";
let commit = git_latest_commit "master" in
require (commit_tested "master" commit);
(* Periodic job to build new tarballs. *)
every libguestfs_query_mins minutes ~name:"new libguestfs version" (
fun () ->
- git_force "https://github.com/libguestfs/libguestfs.git" "master";
+ git_force "master";
let version = git_latest_version "master" in
require (website_updated version)
let xs = List.sort cmp xs in
let xs = uniq ~cmp xs in
+let rec filter_map f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x :: xs ->
+ match f x with
+ | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
+ | None -> filter_map f xs