use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Gtk2 -init;
-use Gtk2::MozEmbed;
+use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms;
+use Gtk2::WebKit;
+use Gnome2::Vte;
=encoding utf8
-Tech Talk PSE talks are just directories containing C<*.html> and
-C<*.sh> (shell script) files:
- 0010-introduction.html
- 9900-conclusion.html
-The filenames that Tech Talk PSE considers to be slides have to match
-the regular expression:
- ^(\d+)(?:-.*)\.(html|sh)$
-(any other file or subdirectory is ignored). Shell scripts I<must>
-be executable.
-You can create a new talk just by creating an empty directory and
-adding files as above, but you can also create a useful skeleton talk
-like this:
- mkdir talk
- cd talk
- techtalk-pse --new
-The C<--new> flag will refuse to overwrite any existing files, so you
-should run it in an empty directory.
-To display or run a talk, change into the directory containing all
-those files and run the C<techtalk-pse> command:
+A Tech Talk PSE talk is not a single file, but a directory full of
+files. (If you want to start a new talk, see the L</TUTORIAL> section
+below). To display or run the talk, change into the directory
+containing all those files and run the C<techtalk-pse> command:
cd /path/to/talk/; techtalk-pse
-my $new;
-=item B<--new>
-Create a new outline talk in an empty directory.
-This refuses to overwrite existing files.
my $start;
=item B<-n SLIDE> | B<--start SLIDE>
-my $splash = 1;
-=item B<--no-splash>
-Don't display the initial "splash" screen which advertises Tech Talk
-PSE to your audience. Just go straight into the talk.
my $verbose;
=item B<--verbose>
-my $mozembed;
GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
"last" => \$last,
- "mozembed" => \$mozembed,
"n=s" => \$start,
- "new" => \$new,
- "splash!" => \$splash,
"start=s" => \$start,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"version" => \$version,
die "techtalk-pse: cannot use --start and --last options together\n"
if defined $last && defined $start;
-die "techtalk-pse: too many arguments\n" if !$mozembed && @ARGV >= 2;
+die "techtalk-pse: too many arguments\n" if @ARGV >= 2;
# Get the true name of the program.
$0 = abs_path ($0);
my $talkdir = getcwd;
$ENV{talkdir} = $talkdir;
-# Create a new talk (--new flag).
-if ($new) {
- my %files = (
- "essay.txt" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "essay and background notes",
- c => 'Start by writing your thoughts in this file as an essay.
-You can then provide this as extra background reading material
-for your audience after the talk.'
- },
- "0010-introduction.html" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "title slide",
- c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
-<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<div class="titlepage">
-<p>A Technical Talk</p>
-<author>by John Smith (</author>
- },
- "0500-demonstration.html" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "intro to demonstration slide",
- c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
-<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<p>The next slide demonstrates a gnome terminal.</p>
-<p>Hit the UP arrow to access the preloaded history.</p>'
- },
- "" => {
- mode => 0755,
- desc => "shell demonstration slide",
- c => '#!/bin/bash -
-source functions
-add_history ls -l
-add_history virt-df -a
-terminal --title="Demonstration terminal"'
- },
- "9900-conclusion.html" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "last slide",
- c => '<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"/>
-<script src="code.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
-<p>The conclusion page</p>'
- },
- "functions" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "shell script helper functions",
- c => '# -*- shell-script -*-
+# Get the files.
+my @files;
+my %files;
+my $current;
+my $pid;
+my $pipeline;
-# Place any local environment variables and settings in "local".
-if [ -f local ]; then source local; fi
+&reread_directory ();
-export PS1=\'\\$ \'
+print STDERR "read ", 0+@files, " files\n" if $verbose;
+if (@files == 0) {
+ warn "techtalk-pse: no files found, continuing anyway ...\n"
-export HISTFILE=$talkdir/history
+my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
+my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new ();
+my $webkit = Gtk2::WebKit::WebView->new ();
+my $vte = Gnome2::Vte::Terminal->new ();
+my $notebook = Gtk2::Notebook->new ();
+my $splash = make_splash_page ();
+my $webkitscroll = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new ();
+$webkitscroll->add ($webkit);
+$webkitscroll->set_policy('automatic', 'automatic');
+my $webkitpage = $notebook->append_page ($webkitscroll);
+my $vtepage = $notebook->append_page ($vte);
+my $splashpage = $notebook->append_page ($splash);
+my ($bbox, $bquit, $breload, $bnext, $bback, $brestart) = make_button_bar ();
+$vbox->pack_start($bbox, 0, 0, 0);
+$vbox->pack_start($notebook, 1, 1, 0);
+# Default font size is almost certainly too small
+# for audience to see.
+# XXX we should make font size configurable via
+# @ARGV.
+# XXX any way we can scale WebKit programmatically
+# to set base size which CSS is relative to ?
+# NB careful setting it too big, because it will
+# force a min size on the terminal. Scaling 1.3
+# is biggest we can do while fitting 1024x768
+my $font = $vte->get_font;
+$font->set_size($font->get_size * 1.3);
+# When an external command exits, automatically
+# go to the next slide
+$vte->signal_connect (
+ 'child-exited' => sub {
+ if ($pid) {
+ $pid = 0;
+ &switch_slide("NEXT");
+ }
+ });
-rm -f $HISTFILE
-touch $HISTFILE
+# Exit if the window is closed
+$w->signal_connect (
+ destroy => sub {
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return FALSE;
+ });
-add_history ()
- echo "$@" >> $HISTFILE
+# Handle left/right arrows, page up/down & home/end
+# as slide navigation commands. But not when there
+# is a shell running
+$w->signal_connect (
+ 'key-press-event' => sub {
+ my $src = shift;
+ my $ev = shift;
+ # If a shell is running, don't trap keys
+ if ($pid) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Right} ||
+ $ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Page_Down}) {
+ &switch_slide("NEXT");
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Left} ||
+ $ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Page_Up}) {
+ &switch_slide("PREV");
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Home}) {
+ &switch_slide("FIRST");
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{End}) {
+ &switch_slide("LAST");
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{q} ||
+ $ev->keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{Escape}) {
+ Gtk2->main_quit;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
-# Note: If you hand-configure gnome-terminal by adding a
-# new profile (eg. with larger fonts) then you can use that
-# profile here by replacing the --window flag with
-# --window-with-profile=ProfileName
-terminal ()
- chmod -w $HISTFILE
- exec \\
- gnome-terminal \\
- --window \\
- --geometry=+140+64 \\
- --hide-menubar \\
- --disable-factory \\
- -e \'/bin/bash --norc\' \\
- "$@"
- },
- "style.css" => {
- mode => 0644,
- desc => "HTML stylesheet",
- c => 'body {
- font-size: 28pt;
- font-family: liberation, helvetica;
+$w->add ($vbox);
+$w->show_all ();
-h1 {
- font-size: 48px;
- top: 8;
- left: 0;
- border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc;
+$w->set_decorated (0);
+$w->fullscreen ();
+$w->move (0,0);
-div.titlepage {
- margin-top: 100px;
- text-align: center;
- },
- );
+my $scr = $w->get_screen();
- # Refuse to overwrite existing files.
- foreach (sort keys %files) {
- die "techtalk-pse: refusing to overwrite '$_'\n" if -f $_;
- }
- # Write the files.
- foreach (sort keys %files) {
- print "writing $_ ($files{$_}{desc}) ...\n";
- open FILE, ">$_" or die "$_: open: $!";
- print FILE $files{$_}{c} or die "$_: print: $!";
- close FILE or die "$_: close: $!";
- chmod $files{$_}{mode}, $_ or die "$_: chmod: $!";
- }
- exit 0;
+exit 0;
-# Get the files.
-my @files;
-my %files;
sub reread_directory
@files = ();
$files[0]->{first} = 1;
$files[$#files]->{last} = 1;
+ # Work out what slide we're starting on.
+ if (@files && !$current) {
+ if ($start) {
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ if ($file->{name} =~ /^$start/) {
+ $current = $file;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($last) {
+ $current = $files[$#files];
+ }
+ if (!$current) {
+ $current = $files[0];
+ }
+ }
-reread_directory ();
-print STDERR "read ", 0+@files, " files\n" if $verbose;
-if (@files == 0) {
- warn "techtalk-pse: no files found, continuing anyway ...\n"
+sub run_process
+ $pid = $vte->fork_command("./" . $current->{name}, [], [], undef, 0, 0, 0);
-# Run with --mozembed: see below.
-run_mozembed () if $mozembed;
+sub kill_process
+ print STDERR "sending TERM signal to process group $pid\n"
+ if $verbose;
+ kill "TERM", -$pid;
+ # Clears out any current displayed text
+ $vte->reset(1, 1);
+ $vte->set_default_colors();
+ $pid = 0;
-# Else, normal run of the program ...
+sub switch_slide
+ my $action = shift;
-# Work out what slide we're starting on.
-my $current;
-if (defined $current) {
- die "start slide not implemented yet XXX"
-elsif (@files) {
- $current = $files[0];
-# else $current is undefined
-if ($splash) {
- my $w = Gtk2::AboutDialog->new;
- $w->set_authors ("Richard W.M. Jones");
- $w->set_comments (
- "Superior technical demonstration software\n"
- );
- $w->set_program_name ("Tech Talk Platinum Supreme Edition (PSE)");
- $w->set_version ("@VERSION@");
- $w->set_website ("");
- $w->set_license ("GNU General Public License v2 or above");
- $w->run;
- print STDERR "calling \$w->destroy on about dialog\n" if $verbose;
- $w->destroy;
- # The dialog doesn't really get destroyed here. We have
- # to add this hack to really destroy it.
- Glib::Idle->add (sub { Gtk2->main_quit; return FALSE; });
- Gtk2->main;
+ if ($pid) {
+ kill_process ();
+ }
+ if ($pipeline) {
+ $pipeline->set_state('ready');
+ $pipeline = undef;
+ }
+ print STDERR "action = $action\n" if $verbose;
+ my $i = defined $current ? $current->{i} : 0;
+ print STDERR "i = $i\n" if $verbose;
+ if ($action eq "PREV") {
+ if (defined $current) {
+ $i--;
+ } else {
+ $i = $#files;
+ }
+ } elsif ($action eq "NEXT") {
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ($action eq "FIRST") {
+ $i = 0;
+ } elsif ($action eq "LAST") {
+ $i = $#files;
+ } elsif ($action =~ /^I_(\d+)$/) {
+ $i = $1;
+ }
-MAIN: while (1) {
- if (defined $current) {
- my $go = show_slide ($current);
- if (defined $go) {
- print STDERR "go = $go\n" if $verbose;
- last MAIN if $go eq "QUIT";
- my $i = $current->{i};
- print STDERR "i = $i\n" if $verbose;
- $i-- if $go eq "PREV" && $i > 0;
- $i++ if $go eq "NEXT" && $i+1 < @files;
- $i = 0 if $go eq "FIRST";
- $i = $#files if $go eq "LAST";
- $i = $1 if $go =~ /^I_(\d+)$/;
- $current = $files[$i];
- }
+ $i = 0 if $i < 0;
+ if ($i > $#files) {
+ $current = undef;
} else {
- print "No slides found. Press any key to reload directory ...\n";
- $_ = <STDIN>;
+ $current = $files[$i];
- # Reread directory between slides.
- reread_directory ();
+ &update_slide ();
- if (defined $current && !exists $files{$current->{name}}) {
- # Current slide was deleted.
- undef $current;
- $current = $files[0] if @files;
- }
-sub show_slide
+sub update_slide
- my $slide = shift;
- # Display an HTML page.
- if ($slide->{ext} eq "html") {
- # MozEmbed is incredibly crashy, so we run ourself as a
- # subprocess, so when it segfaults we don't care. If all goes
- # well and it doesn't crash, it should print a line 'RESULT FOO'
- # where 'FOO' is the instruction (eg. 'NEXT', 'PREV', 'QUIT' etc).
- my @cmd = ($0, "--mozembed", $talkdir, $slide->{name});
- print STDERR "running subcommand: ", join (" ", @cmd), "\n"
- if $verbose;
- open CMD, "-|", @cmd
- or die "failed to execute subcommand: ", join(" ", @cmd), ": $!\n";
- my $r;
- while (<CMD>) {
- if (/^RESULT ([A-Z]+.*)/) {
- $r = $1;
- print STDERR "subcommand result: $r\n" if $verbose;
- last;
- }
- }
- # No RESULT line? Subcommand probably segfaulted, just
- # continue to next slide.
- $r ||= "NEXT";
- return $r;
+ if ($current) {
+ # Display an HTML page.
+ if ($current->{ext} eq "html") {
+ $notebook->set_current_page ($webkitpage);
+ my $name = $current->{name};
+ my $url = "file://$talkdir/$name";
+ $webkit->load_uri ($url);
+ $webkit->grab_focus ();
+ }
+ # Run a shell command.
+ elsif ($current->{ext} eq "sh") {
+ $notebook->set_current_page ($vtepage);
+ $vte->grab_focus ();
+ run_process ();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $notebook->set_current_page ($splashpage);
- # Run a shell command.
- elsif ($slide->{ext} eq "sh") {
- my $pid;
- #
- local *run_process = sub {
- $pid = fork ();
- die "fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
- unless ($pid) {
- # Child.
- POSIX::setsid ();
- exec ("./".$slide->{name});
- die "failed to execute command: ", $slide->{name}, ": $!";
- }
- # Parent returns.
- };
- local *kill_process = sub {
- print STDERR "sending TERM signal to process group $pid\n"
- if $verbose;
- kill "TERM", -$pid;
- };
- run_process ();
- my $r = "NEXT";
- my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
- my $s = $w->get_screen;
- $w->set_default_size ($s->get_width, -1);
- $w->move (0, 0);
- $w->set_decorated (0);
- my $bbox =
- make_button_bar ((exists $slide->{first}),
- (exists $slide->{last}),
- sub { $r = $_[0]; $w->destroy },
- restart => sub {
- kill_process ();
- run_process ();
- },
- );
- $w->add ($bbox);
- $w->signal_connect (destroy => sub {
- Gtk2->main_quit;
- return FALSE;
- });
- $w->show_all ();
- Gtk2->main;
- kill_process ();
- print STDERR "returning r=$r\n" if $verbose;
- return $r;
+ if ($pid) {
+ $brestart->show ();
+ } else {
+ $brestart->hide ();
+ }
+ if (defined $current) {
+ $bquit->hide ();
+ $breload->hide ();
+ $bnext->set_sensitive (1);
+ $bback->set_sensitive (!exists $current->{first});
+ } else {
+ $bquit->show ();
+ if (@files) {
+ $breload->hide ();
+ } else {
+ $breload->show ();
+ }
+ $bnext->set_sensitive (0);
+ $bback->set_sensitive (int(@files));
-# If invoked with the --mozembed parameter then we just display a
-# single page. This is just to prevent crashes in MozEmbed from
-# killing the whole program.
-sub run_mozembed
- my $w = Gtk2::Window->new ();
- my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new ();
- my $moz = Gtk2::MozEmbed->new ();
- reread_directory ();
- my $name = $ARGV[1];
- $current = $files{$name};
- my $url = "file://$talkdir/$name";
- my $bbox =
- make_button_bar ($current->{first}, $current->{last},
- sub { print "RESULT ", $_[0], "\n"; $w->destroy }
- );
- $vbox->pack_start ($bbox, 0, 0, 0);
- $vbox->add ($moz);
- $w->fullscreen ();
- #$w->set_default_size (640, 480);
- $w->add ($vbox);
- $w->signal_connect (destroy => sub {
- Gtk2->main_quit;
- return FALSE;
- });
- $w->show_all ();
- $moz->load_url ($url);
+sub make_splash_page {
+ my $box = Gtk2::VBox->new();
+ my $title = Gtk2::Label->new ("<b><span size='x-large'>Tech Talk Platinum Supreme Edition (PSE)</span></b>");
+ $title->set_use_markup (1);
+ $box->pack_start ($title, 0, 1, 0);
+ my $vers = Gtk2::Label->new ("<b><span size='large'>@VERSION@</span></b>");
+ $vers->set_use_markup (1);
+ $box->pack_start ($vers, 0, 1, 0);
+ my $tagline = Gtk2::Label->new ("<i><span size='large'>Superior technical demonstration software</span></i>");
+ $tagline->set_use_markup (1);
- Gtk2->main;
+ $box->pack_start ($tagline, 0, 1, 0);
+ $box->pack_start (Gtk2::Label->new (""), 0, 1, 0);
+ $box->pack_start (Gtk2::Label->new ("Author: Richard W.M. Jones"), 0, 1, 0);
- exit 0;
+ my $url = Gtk2::Label->new ("<a href=''>http;//</a>");
+ $url->set_use_markup (1);
+ $box->pack_start ($url, 0, 1, 0);
+ $box->pack_start (Gtk2::Label->new ("GNU General Public License v2 or above"), 0, 1, 0);
+ return $box;
# Make the standard button bar across the top of the page.
sub make_button_bar
- my $first = shift;
- my $last = shift;
- my $cb = shift;
- my %params = @_;
my $bbox = Gtk2::Toolbar->new ();
$bbox->set_style ("GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT");
my $i = 0;
+ my $bquit = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Quit");
+ $bquit->signal_connect (clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit });
+ $bbox->insert ($bquit, $i++);
+ my $breload = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Reload");
+ $breload->signal_connect (clicked => sub { reread_directory () });
+ $bbox->insert ($breload, $i++);
my $bnext = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Next slide");
- $bnext->signal_connect (clicked => sub { &$cb ("NEXT") });
- $bnext->set_sensitive (!$last);
+ $bnext->signal_connect (clicked => sub { &switch_slide ("NEXT") });
$bbox->insert ($bnext, $i++);
my $bback = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Back");
- $bback->signal_connect (clicked => sub { &$cb ("PREV") });
- $bback->set_sensitive (!$first);
+ $bback->signal_connect (clicked => sub { &switch_slide ("PREV") });
$bbox->insert ($bback, $i++);
- if (exists $params{restart}) {
- $bbox->insert (Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem->new (), $i++);
+ $bbox->insert (Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem->new (), $i++);
- my $brestart = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Kill & restart");
- $brestart->signal_connect (clicked => $params{restart});
- $bbox->insert ($brestart, $i++);
- }
+ my $brestart = Gtk2::ToolButton->new (undef, "Kill & restart");
+ $brestart->signal_connect (clicked =>
+ sub {
+ kill_process ();
+ run_process ();
+ });
+ $bbox->insert ($brestart, $i++);
my $sep = Gtk2::SeparatorToolItem->new ();
$sep->set_expand (TRUE);
my $optsmenu = Gtk2::Menu->new ();
- my $bfirst = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("First slide");
- $bfirst->signal_connect (activate => sub { \&$cb ("FIRST") });
- $bfirst->show ();
- $optsmenu->append ($bfirst);
+ my $mfirst = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("First slide");
+ $mfirst->signal_connect (activate => sub { &switch_slide ("FIRST") });
+ $mfirst->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($mfirst);
- my $blast = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Last slide");
- $blast->signal_connect (activate => sub { \&$cb ("LAST") });
- $blast->show ();
- $optsmenu->append ($blast);
+ my $mlast = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Last slide");
+ $mlast->signal_connect (activate => sub { &switch_slide ("LAST") });
+ $mlast->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($mlast);
my $slidesmenu = Gtk2::Menu->new ();
foreach (@files) {
my $item = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ($_->{name});
my $index = $_->{i};
- $item->signal_connect (activate => sub { \&$cb ("I_$index") });
+ $item->signal_connect (activate => sub { &switch_slide ("I_$index") });
$item->set_sensitive ($current->{i} != $index);
$item->show ();
$slidesmenu->append ($item);
- my $bslides = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Slides");
- $bslides->set_submenu ($slidesmenu);
- $bslides->show ();
- $optsmenu->append ($bslides);
+ my $mslides = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Slides");
+ $mslides->set_submenu ($slidesmenu);
+ $mslides->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($mslides);
my $sep2 = Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new ();
$sep2->show ();
$optsmenu->append ($sep2);
- my $bscreenshot = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Take a screenshot");
- $bscreenshot->signal_connect (activate => sub { screenshot () });
- $bscreenshot->show ();
- $optsmenu->append ($bscreenshot);
+ my $mscreenshot = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Take a screenshot");
+ $mscreenshot->signal_connect (activate => sub { screenshot () });
+ $mscreenshot->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($mscreenshot);
my $sep3 = Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new ();
$sep3->show ();
$optsmenu->append ($sep3);
- my $bquit = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Quit");
- $bquit->signal_connect (activate => sub { \&$cb ("QUIT") });
- $bquit->show ();
- $optsmenu->append ($bquit);
+ my $mquit = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Quit");
+ $mquit->signal_connect (activate => sub { Gtk2->main_quit });
+ $mquit->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($mquit);
- my $boptions = Gtk2::MenuToolButton->new (undef, "Options");
+ my $moptions = Gtk2::MenuToolButton->new (undef, "Options");
#$boptions->signal_connect (clicked =>
# sub { $optsmenu->popup (undef, undef, undef, undef, ?, ?) } );
- $bbox->insert ($boptions, $i++);
- $boptions->set_menu ($optsmenu);
+ $bbox->insert ($moptions, $i++);
+ $moptions->set_menu ($optsmenu);
- return $bbox;
+ return ($bbox, $bquit, $breload, $bnext, $bback, $brestart);
# Try running the external "gnome-screenshot" program, if it's
To start your talk, all you have to do is to make a new directory
-somewhere and run Tech Talk PSE with the C<--new> flag to create an
mkdir talk
cd talk
- techtalk-pse --new
A tech talk consists of HTML files ("slides") and shell scripts. The
filenames must start with a number, followed optionally by a
-description, followed by the extension (C<.html> or C<.sh>).
+description, followed by the extension (C<.html> or C<.sh>). So to
+start our talk with two slides:
+ echo "This is the introduction" > 0010-introduction.html
+ echo "This is the second slide" > 0020-second.html
To run it, run the command from within the talk directory: