daemon.cmo \
+XOBJECTS = $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
# Daemon.
noinst_LIBRARIES = libdaemon.a
libdaemon_a_SOURCES = exit.c syslog_c.c
whenproto.x: ../lib/whenproto.x
ln -f $< $@
+whenjobsd: ../lib/whenlib.cmxa $(XOBJECTS) libdaemon.a
+ $(OCAMLFIND) opt $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) -ccopt -L../lib \
+ -linkpkg whenlib.cmxa \
+ libdaemon_a-exit.o libdaemon_a-syslog_c.o \
+ $(XOBJECTS) -o $@
whenjobsd: ../lib/whenlib.cma $(OBJECTS) libdaemon.a
$(OCAMLFIND) c -custom $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -ccopt -L../lib \
-linkpkg whenlib.cma \
libdaemon_a-exit.o libdaemon_a-syslog_c.o \
$(OBJECTS) -o $@
# Rules for all OCaml files.
%.cmi: %.mli ../lib/whenlib.cma
(* Reload the jobs file(s). *)
and reload_files () =
- (* Get dir/*.cmo *)
+ (* Get dir/*.cmo (bytecode) or dir/*.cmxs (native code) *)
+ let suffix = if not Dynlink.is_native then ".cmo" else ".cmxs" in
let dir = !jobsdir in
let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
- let files = List.filter (
- fun file ->
- let n = String.length file in
- n >= 5 && String.sub file (n-4) 4 = ".cmo"
- ) files in
+ let files = List.filter (fun file -> string_endswith file suffix) files in
let files = List.map (fun file -> dir // file) files in
let files = List.sort compare files in
The parameters are [jobsdir] and [debug]. *)
val reload_files : unit -> unit
- (** (Re-)load the file(s) [$jobsdir/*.cmo].
+ (** (Re-)load the file(s) [$jobsdir/*.cmo] (in bytecode)
+ or [$jobsdir/*.cmxs] (in native code).
This can raise [Failure] if the operation fails. *)
Syslog.notice "daemon started: version=%s uid=%d home=%s"
Config.package_version euid home;
- (* If there is a jobs.cmo file, load it. *)
+ (* If there is a jobs.cmo/jobs.cmxs file, load it. *)
let () =
- let file = sprintf "%s/jobs.cmo" jobsdir in
+ let suffix = if not Dynlink.is_native then "cmo" else "cmxs" in
+ let file = sprintf "%s/jobs.%s" jobsdir suffix in
if Sys.file_exists file then
try Daemon.reload_files () with Failure _ -> () in
libwhenjobsdir = $(libdir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)
libwhenjobs_SCRIPTS = whenlib.cma pa_when.cmo $(CMI_FILES)
+libwhenjobs_SCRIPTS += whenlib.cmxa
OCAMLPACKAGES = -package unix,num,camlp4.lib,calendar,rpc
whentools.cmo \
+XOBJECTS = $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
# Library.
noinst_LIBRARIES = liblibrary.a
liblibrary_a_SOURCES = flock.c
whenlib.cma: $(OBJECTS) liblibrary.a
$(OCAMLFIND) c -a $(OCAMLCFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -cclib -llibrary -o $@
+whenlib.cmxa: $(XOBJECTS) liblibrary.a
+ $(OCAMLFIND) opt -a $(OCAMLOPTFLAGS) $(XOBJECTS) -cclib -llibrary -o $@
whenproto_aux.ml whenproto_aux.mli: whenproto.x
$(OCAMLRPCGEN) -int int32 -hyper int64 -aux $<
(1900+tm.tm_year) (1+tm.tm_mon) tm.tm_mday
tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
(if localtime then "" else " UTC")
+let string_endswith str suffix =
+ let len = String.length str in
+ let slen = String.length suffix in
+ len >= slen && String.sub str (len-slen) slen = suffix
val string_of_time_t : ?localtime:bool -> float -> string
(** Convert string to time in ISO format. If [~localtime] is true
then it uses localtime, else UTC. *)
+val string_endswith : string -> string -> bool
+(** [string_endswith str suffix] returns true iff [str] ends with [suffix]. *)
whenproto_clnt.cmo \
+XOBJECTS = $(OBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
libdir.ml: Makefile
rm -f $@ $@-t
echo 'let libdir = "$(libdir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)"' > $@-t
whenproto.x: ../lib/whenproto.x
ln -f $< $@
+whenjobs: ../lib/whenlib.cmxa $(XOBJECTS)
+ $(OCAMLFIND) opt $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -ccopt -L../lib \
+ -linkpkg whenlib.cmxa $(XOBJECTS) -o $@
whenjobs: ../lib/whenlib.cma $(OBJECTS)
- $(OCAMLFIND) ocamlc -custom $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -ccopt -L../lib \
+ $(OCAMLFIND) c -custom $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -ccopt -L../lib \
-linkpkg whenlib.cma $(OBJECTS) -o $@
# Rules for all OCaml files.
%.cmi: %.mli ../lib/whenlib.cma
let files = get_multijobs_filenames () in
List.iter (
fun file ->
- let cmd = sprintf "%s c -I +camlp4 -I %s -package unix,camlp4.lib -pp 'camlp4o %s/pa_when.cmo' -c %s"
- Config.ocamlfind !libdir !libdir file in
+ let cmd =
+ if not Config.have_ocamlopt then
+ (* bytecode *)
+ sprintf "%s c -I +camlp4 -I %s -package unix,camlp4.lib -pp 'camlp4o %s/pa_when.cmo' -c %s"
+ Config.ocamlfind !libdir !libdir file
+ else (
+ (* native code *)
+ let base = Filename.chop_extension file in (* without .ml suffix *)
+ sprintf "%s opt -I +camlp4 -I %s -package unix,camlp4.lib -pp 'camlp4o %s/pa_when.cmo' -c %s &&\n%s opt -shared -linkall %s.cmx -o %s.cmxs"
+ Config.ocamlfind !libdir !libdir file
+ Config.ocamlfind base base
+ ) in
if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then (
eprintf "whenjobs: %s: could not compile jobs script, see earlier errors\n"
) files;
- let cmo_files = List.map (
+ let suffix = if not Dynlink.is_native then "cmo" else "cmxs" in
+ let compiled_files = List.map (
fun file ->
let n = String.length file in
if n < 4 then assert false;
- String.sub file 0 (n-3) ^ ".cmo"
+ sprintf "%s.%s" (String.sub file 0 (n-3)) suffix
) files in
(* Test-load the jobs files to ensure they make sense. *)
Whenfile.init Whenstate.empty;
- List.iter Dynlink.loadfile cmo_files
+ List.iter Dynlink.loadfile compiled_files
Dynlink.Error err ->
- eprintf "whenjobs: %s\n" (Dynlink.error_message err);
- (* Since it failed, unlink the cmo files. *)
- List.iter (
- fun cmo_file ->
- (try unlink cmo_file with Unix_error _ -> ())
- ) cmo_files;
+ eprintf "whenjobs: dynlink: %s\n" (Dynlink.error_message err);
+ (* Since it failed, unlink the compiled files. *)
+ List.iter (fun f -> try unlink f with Unix_error _ -> ()) compiled_files;
exit 1
and get_multijobs_filenames () =
(* Get dir/*.ml *)
let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir jobsdir) in
- let files = List.filter (
- fun file ->
- let n = String.length file in
- n >= 4 && String.sub file (n-3) 3 = ".ml"
- ) files in
+ let files = List.filter (fun file -> string_endswith file ".ml") files in
let files = List.map (fun file -> jobsdir // file) files in
List.sort compare files