"inotify_event", "INotifyEvent";
+(* What structs are actually returned. *)
+type rstructs_used_t = RStructOnly | RStructListOnly | RStructAndList
+(* Returns a list of RStruct/RStructList structs that are returned
+ * by any function. Each element of returned list is a pair:
+ *
+ * (structname, RStructOnly)
+ * == there exists function which returns RStruct (_, structname)
+ * (structname, RStructListOnly)
+ * == there exists function which returns RStructList (_, structname)
+ * (structname, RStructAndList)
+ * == there are functions returning both RStruct (_, structname)
+ * and RStructList (_, structname)
+ *)
+let rstructs_used =
+ (* ||| is a "logical OR" for rstructs_used_t *)
+ let (|||) a b =
+ match a, b with
+ | RStructAndList, _
+ | _, RStructAndList -> RStructAndList
+ | RStructOnly, RStructListOnly
+ | RStructListOnly, RStructOnly -> RStructAndList
+ | RStructOnly, RStructOnly -> RStructOnly
+ | RStructListOnly, RStructListOnly -> RStructListOnly
+ in
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ (* if elem->oldv exists, update entry using ||| operator,
+ * else just add elem->newv to the hash
+ *)
+ let update elem newv =
+ try let oldv = Hashtbl.find h elem in
+ Hashtbl.replace h elem (newv ||| oldv)
+ with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h elem newv
+ in
+ List.iter (
+ fun (_, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ match fst style with
+ | RStruct (_, structname) -> update structname RStructOnly
+ | RStructList (_, structname) -> update structname RStructListOnly
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) all_functions;
+ (* return key->values as a list of (key,value) *)
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun key value xs -> (key, value) :: xs) h []
+(* debug:
+let () =
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | sn, RStructOnly -> printf "%s RStructOnly\n" sn
+ | sn, RStructListOnly -> printf "%s RStructListOnly\n" sn
+ | sn, RStructAndList -> printf "%s RStructAndList\n" sn
+ ) rstructs_used
(* Used for testing language bindings. *)
type callt =
| CallString of string