rhbz503169c10.sh \
rhbz503169c13.sh \
- test-cancellation-upload-daemoncancels.sh \
test-cancellation-download-librarycancels.sh \
- test-qemudie-midcommand.sh \
+ test-cancellation-upload-daemoncancels.sh \
+ test-noexec-stack.pl \
test-qemudie-killsub.sh \
+ test-qemudie-midcommand.sh \
test-qemudie-synch.sh \
test-read_file.sh \
test-remote.sh \
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(top_builddir)/src/.libs \
- LIBGUESTFS_PATH=$(top_builddir)/appliance
+ LIBGUESTFS_PATH=$(top_builddir)/appliance \
+ NOEXEC_CHECK="$(top_builddir)/src/.libs/libguestfs.so $(top_builddir)/daemon/guestfsd"
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+die("NOEXEC_CHECK not set") unless(exists($ENV{NOEXEC_CHECK}));
+my @files = split(/ /, $ENV{NOEXEC_CHECK});
+FILES: foreach my $file (@files) {
+ my $output;
+ my @cmd = ('readelf', '-l', $file);
+ open($output, '-|', @cmd)
+ or die("$0: failed to run: '".join(' ', @cmd)."': $!\n");
+ my $offset;
+ my $line = 1;
+ # Find the offset of the Flags field
+ while(<$output>) {
+ next unless(/^\s*Type\b/);
+ my @lines;
+ push(@lines, $_);
+ # Look for a Flg field on this line (32 bit)
+ $offset = index($_, 'Flg ');
+ if(-1 == $offset) {
+ # 64 bit is split over 2 lines. Look for a Flags field on the next
+ # line
+ $_ = <$output>;
+ $offset = index($_, 'Flags ');
+ $line = 2;
+ push(@lines, $_);
+ }
+ die("Unrecognised header: ".join("\n", @lines)) if(-1 == $offset);
+ last;
+ }
+ # Find the GNU_STACK entry
+ while(<$output>) {
+ next unless(/^\s*GNU_STACK\b/);
+ # Skip over input lines according to the header
+ for(my $i = 1; $i < $line; $i++) {
+ $_ = <$output>;
+ }
+ my $flags = substr($_, $offset, 3);
+ $flags =~ /^[ R][ W]([ E])$/ or die("Unrecognised flags: $flags");
+ if('E' eq $1) {
+ print "***** $file has an executable stack *****\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ next FILES;
+ }
+ die("Didn't find GNU_STACK entry");