--- /dev/null
+(* Copy a page from one host to another. Note that this only copies
+ * the text, not any images which may be present.
+ * $Id: copy_page.ml,v 1.1 2005/07/25 12:49:22 rich Exp $
+ *
+ * Usage: copy_page hostid url new_hostid new_url
+ *)
+module DB = Dbi_postgres
+let dbh = DB.connect "cocanwiki"
+let old_hostid = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
+let old_url = Sys.argv.(2)
+let new_hostid = int_of_string Sys.argv.(3)
+let new_url = Sys.argv.(4)
+let () =
+ let sth = dbh#prepare_cached
+ "select id from pages where hostid = ? and url = ?" in
+ sth#execute [`Int old_hostid; `String old_url];
+ let old_pageid = sth#fetch1int () in
+ let sth = dbh#prepare_cached
+ "insert into pages (url, title, description, hostid, redirect, css)
+ select ? as url, title, description, ? as hostid, redirect, css
+ from pages
+ where id = ?" in
+ sth#execute [`String new_url; `Int new_hostid; `Int old_pageid];
+ let new_pageid = sth#serial "pages_id_seq" in
+ let sth = dbh#prepare_cached
+ "insert into contents (pageid, ordering, sectionname, content, divname)
+ select ? as pageid, ordering, sectionname, content, divname
+ from contents
+ where pageid = ?" in
+ sth#execute [`Int new_pageid; `Int old_pageid];
+ dbh#commit ()