let slenbytes = slen lsr 3 in
if slenbytes > 0 then Buffer.add_substring buf str 0 slenbytes;
- t.last <- Char.code str.[slenbytes] lsl (8 - (slen land 7))
+ let last = Char.code str.[slenbytes] in (* last char *)
+ let mask = 0xff lsl (8 - (slen land 7)) in
+ t.last <- last land mask
t.len <- len + slen
) else (
(* Target buffer is unaligned. Copy whole bytes using
* add_byte which knows how to deal with an unaligned
- * target buffer, then call _add_bits for the remaining < 8 bits.
+ * target buffer, then call add_bit for the remaining < 8 bits.
* XXX This is going to be dog-slow.
let byte = Char.code str.[i] in
add_byte t byte
- _add_bits t (Char.code str.[slenbytes]) (slen - (slenbytes lsl 3))
+ let bitsleft = slen - (slenbytes lsl 3) in
+ if bitsleft > 0 then (
+ let c = Char.code str.[slenbytes] in
+ for i = 0 to bitsleft - 1 do
+ let bit = c land (0x80 lsr i) <> 0 in
+ add_bit t bit
+ done
+ )
str.[i] <- Char.chr c;
loop data off len (i+1)
) else if len > 0 then (
- (* XXX Is this correct? It should write into the high bits
- * of the last byte.
- *)
- let c, off, len = extract_char_unsigned data off len len in
- str.[i] <- Char.chr c
+ let c, _, _ = extract_char_unsigned data off len len in
+ str.[i] <- Char.chr (c lsl (8-len))
loop data off len 0;
--- /dev/null
+(* Test the Bitmatch.Buffer module and string_of_bitstring in
+ * nasty non-aligned corner cases.
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+open Printf
+let () =
+ Random.self_init ();
+ let str1 = "012345678" in
+ for offset = 0 to 65 do
+ for len = 1 to 65 do
+ let expected =
+ let strlen = (len+7) lsr 3 in
+ let expected = String.create strlen in
+ for i = 0 to strlen-1 do
+ expected.[i] <- Char.chr (Random.int 256)
+ done;
+ let last = Char.code expected.[strlen-1] in
+ let last = last land (0xff lsl (8 - (len land 7))) in
+ expected.[strlen-1] <- Char.chr last;
+ expected in
+ (* Create a random bitstring:
+ * +-------------+-------------------------------------------+
+ * | (random) | bits that we check (expected) |
+ * +-------------+-------------------------------------------+
+ * 0 offset offset+len
+ * <---------------- len bits --------------->
+ *)
+ let bits =
+ let bits = Bitmatch.Buffer.create () in
+ Bitmatch.Buffer.add_bits bits str1 offset;
+ Bitmatch.Buffer.add_bits bits expected len;
+ Bitmatch.Buffer.contents bits in
+ (* Create a sub bitstring corresponding to what we want to check. *)
+ let subbits =
+ let bits, bitoffset, bitlen = bits in
+ (bits, bitoffset+offset, bitlen-offset) in
+ assert (Bitmatch.bitstring_length subbits = len);
+ (* Now try to read out the substring using string_of_bitstring. *)
+ let actual = Bitmatch.string_of_bitstring subbits in
+ if actual <> expected then (
+ eprintf "MISMATCH between actual and expected, offset=%d, len=%d\n"
+ offset len;
+ eprintf "EXPECTED string:\n";
+ for i = 0 to String.length expected-1 do
+ eprintf " %02x" (Char.code expected.[i])
+ done;
+ eprintf "\nACTUAL string:\n";
+ for i = 0 to String.length actual-1 do
+ eprintf " %02x" (Char.code actual.[i])
+ done;
+ eprintf "\nBITS:\n";
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stderr bits;
+ eprintf "SUBBITS:\n";
+ Bitmatch.hexdump_bitstring stderr subbits;
+ exit 1
+ );
+ done
+ done