function (foo, bar) returning string = { echo hello }
function (foo, bar) returning strings = { echo hello; echo goodbye }
Then re-add the sort function.
-Should the environment be populated by the actual environment, eg:
-let homedir = "%HOME"
open Printf
+open Utils
(* See comment in parser.mly. *)
let () =
Parser.lexer_read := Some;
(* Change directory (-C option). *)
+ (* Create the initial environment, containing the system environment
+ * and a few other standard strings.
+ *)
+ let env =
+ Array.fold_left (
+ fun env environ ->
+ let k, v = split "=" environ in
+ Ast.Env.add k (Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString v)) env
+ ) Ast.Env.empty (Unix.environment ()) in
+ let env =
+ Ast.Env.add "stdlib"
+ (Ast.EConstant (Ast.noloc, Ast.CString Cmdline.stdlibdir))
+ env in
+ (*let env =
+ if Cmdline.debug_flag then Ast.Env.add "debug" (Ast.EConstant (noloc, Ast.CBool true)) env else env in *)
(* Parse the prelude. *)
let env =
if Cmdline.use_prelude then
- Parse.parse_goalfile Ast.Env.empty Cmdline.prelude_gl_file
- else
- Ast.Env.empty in
+ Parse.parse_goalfile env Cmdline.prelude_gl_file
+ else env in
(* Parse the input file. *)
let env = Parse.parse_goalfile env Cmdline.input_file in
(** [string_find str sub] finds the index of [sub] in [str]. If
not found, returns -1. *)
+val split : string -> string -> string * string
+(** [split sep str] splits [str] at the first occurrence of the
+ separator [sep], returning the part before and the part after.
+ If separator is not found, return the whole string and an
+ empty string. *)
val nsplit : ?max:int -> string -> string -> string list
(** [nsplit ?max sep str] splits [str] into multiple strings at each
separator [sep].