List.filter (fun pkg -> not (is_blocked pkg)) source_packages
+(* Short the dependencies lists so that the build order is stable
+ * each time it runs.
+ *)
+let pkg_deps =
+ (fun (pkg, deps) -> pkg, List.sort compare deps) pkg_deps
+(* Sort the source packages so that the packages with the largest
+ * number of reverse dependencies [other packages that depend on it]
+ * appear earlier in the list, on the basis that building these
+ * packages first has the greatest advantage.
+ *)
+let source_packages =
+ let rdeps pkg =
+ Utils.filter_map (
+ fun (rdep, deps) -> if List.mem pkg deps then Some rdep else None
+ ) pkg_deps
+ in
+ let cmp p1 p2 =
+ let r1 = rdeps p1 and r2 = rdeps p2 in
+ let n1 = List.length r1 and n2 = List.length r2 in
+ if n1 <> n2 then compare n2 n1 else compare p1 p2
+ in
+ List.sort cmp source_packages
let () =
printf "final list of source packages = %s\n%!"
(String.concat " " source_packages)