+2008-01-08 Richard Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
+ Fix native virt-ctrl on Windows.
+ * virt-ctrl/Makefile.in, virt-ctrl/mingw-gcc-wrapper.ml: Wrapper
+ around 'gcc' to fix native virt-ctrl builds on Windows/MinGW.
+ * .hgignore: Ignore *.exe files.
2008-01-07 Richard Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
../libvirt/mllibvirt.cma gtkInit.cmo -o $@ $^
+host_os = @host_os@
+ifneq ($(host_os),mingw32)
virt-ctrl.opt: $(XOBJS)
- -cclib "$(LDFLAGS)" \
+ $(patsubst %,-cclib %,$(LDFLAGS)) \
../libvirt/mllibvirt.cmxa gtkInit.cmx -o $@ $^
+# On MinGW, use a hacked 'gcc' wrapper which understands the @...
+# syntax for extending the command line.
+gcc.exe: mingw-gcc-wrapper.ml
+ $(OCAMLC) unix.cma $< -o $@
+virt-ctrl.opt: $(XOBJS) gcc.exe
+ PATH=.:$$PATH \
+ $(patsubst %,-cclib %,$(LDFLAGS)) \
+ ../libvirt/mllibvirt.cmxa gtkInit.cmx -o $@ $(XOBJS)
--- /dev/null
+(* Wrapper around 'gcc'. On MinGW, this wrapper understands the '@...'\r
+ * syntax for extending the command line.\r
+ *)\r
+open Printf\r
+open Unix\r
+let (//) = Filename.concat\r
+(* Substitute any @... arguments with the file content. *)\r
+let rec input_all_lines chan =\r
+ try\r
+ let line = input_line chan in\r
+ line :: input_all_lines chan\r
+ with\r
+ End_of_file -> []\r
+let argv = Array.map (\r
+ fun arg ->\r
+ if arg.[0] = '@' then (\r
+ let chan = open_in (String.sub arg 1 (String.length arg - 1)) in\r
+ let lines = input_all_lines chan in\r
+ close_in chan;\r
+ lines\r
+ ) else\r
+ [arg]\r
+) Sys.argv\r
+let argv = Array.to_list argv\r
+let argv = List.flatten argv\r
+(* Find the real gcc.exe on $PATH, but ignore any '.' elements in the path.\r
+ * Note that on Windows, $PATH is split with ';' characters.\r
+ *)\r
+let rec split_find str sep f =\r
+ try\r
+ let i = String.index str sep in\r
+ let n = String.length str in\r
+ let str, str' = String.sub str 0 i, String.sub str (i+1) (n-i-1) in\r
+ match f str with\r
+ | None -> split_find str' sep f (* not found, keep searching *)\r
+ | Some found -> found\r
+ with\r
+ Not_found ->\r
+ match f str with\r
+ | None -> raise Not_found (* not found at all *)\r
+ | Some found -> found\r
+let exists filename =\r
+ try access filename [F_OK]; true with Unix_error _ -> false\r
+let gcc =\r
+ split_find (Sys.getenv "PATH") ';'\r
+ (function\r
+ | "." -> None (* ignore current directory in path *)\r
+ | path ->\r
+ let gcc = path // "gcc.exe" in\r
+ if exists gcc then Some gcc else None)\r
+(* Finally execute the real gcc with the full argument list.\r
+ * Can't use execv here because then the parent process (ocamlopt) thinks\r
+ * that this process has finished and deletes all the temp files. Stupid\r
+ * Windoze!\r
+ *)\r
+let _ =\r
+ let argv = List.map Filename.quote (List.tl argv) in\r
+ let cmd = String.concat " " (gcc :: argv) in\r
+ eprintf "mingw-gcc-wrapper: %s\n%!" cmd;\r
+ let r = Sys.command cmd in\r
+ exit r\r