(* Run a goal by name. *)
and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) extra_deps =
- Cmdline.debug "%a: running goal %s %a"
- Ast.string_loc loc name Ast.string_expr (Ast.EList (Ast.noloc, args));
+ (* This is used to print the goal in debug and error messages only. *)
+ let debug_goal =
+ sprintf "%s (%s)" name
+ (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args)) in
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running goal %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal;
(* This is the point where we evaluate the goal arguments. We must
* do this before creating the new environment, because variables
let params =
try List.combine params args
with Invalid_argument _ ->
- failwithf "%a: calling goal ā%sā with wrong number of arguments"
- Ast.string_loc loc name in
+ failwithf "%a: calling goal %s with wrong number of arguments, expecting %d args but got %d args"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal
+ (List.length params) (List.length args) in
List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
(* Check all dependencies have been updated. *)
match pattern_still_needs_rebuild with
| None -> ()
| Some pattern ->
- failwithf "%a: goal ā%sā ran successfully but it did not rebuild %a"
- Ast.string_loc loc
- name
- Ast.string_pattern pattern
+ failwithf "%a: goal %s ran successfully but it did not rebuild %a"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_goal Ast.string_pattern pattern
* cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
and run_tactic env loc tactic cargs =
- Cmdline.debug "%a: running tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc tactic;
+ (* This is used to print the tactic in debug and error messages only. *)
+ let debug_tactic =
+ Ast.string_expr ()
+ (Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, tactic,
+ List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c)) cargs)) in
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic;
(* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *)
let goals =
let targs = List.map (function Ast.CString s -> [Ast.SString s]) cargs in
let p = Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) in
- if needs_rebuild env loc [] [] p then (
- let t = Ast.ETacticCtor (loc, tactic,
- List.map (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c))
- cargs) in
- failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %a"
- Ast.string_loc loc Ast.string_expr t
- )
+ if needs_rebuild env loc [] [] p then
+ failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %s"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic
| [_, name, goal, args] ->
(* Single goal matches, run it. *)
(g, extra_deps)
| _ :: _ ->
- failwithf "%a: multiple goals with {code} sections match tactic %s"
- Ast.string_loc loc tactic in
+ failwithf "%a: multiple goals found which match tactic %s, but more than one of these goals have {code} sections which is not allowed"
+ Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic in
run_goal env loc name args goal extra_deps