| 1 -> false
| i -> failwithf "%s: failed with error code %d" cmd i
+let rec filter_map f = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x :: xs ->
+ match f x with
+ | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
+ | None -> filter_map f xs
let rec find_map f = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| x :: xs ->
-static void no_test_warnings (void)
+ (* Generate a list of commands which are not tested anywhere. *)
+ pr "static void no_test_warnings (void)\n";
+ pr "{\n";
+ let hash : (string, bool) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
List.iter (
- function
- | name, _, _, _, [], _, _ ->
+ fun (_, _, _, _, tests, _, _) ->
+ let tests = filter_map (
+ function
+ | (_, (Always|If _|Unless _), test) -> Some test
+ | (_, Disabled, _) -> None
+ ) tests in
+ let seq = List.concat (List.map seq_of_test tests) in
+ let cmds_tested = List.map List.hd seq in
+ List.iter (fun cmd -> Hashtbl.replace hash cmd true) cmds_tested
+ ) all_functions;
+ List.iter (
+ fun (name, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ if not (Hashtbl.mem hash name) then
pr " fprintf (stderr, \"warning: \\\"guestfs_%s\\\" has no tests\\n\");\n" name
- | name, _, _, _, tests, _, _ -> ()
) all_functions;
pr "}\n";