* ocaml, ocaml-extlib, ocaml-pcre, ocaml-xml-light (all in Fedora)
* qemu and/or KVM (only for testing)
-(1) Edit Makefile - there is some general configuration at the
- top which you may want to change.
-(2) 'make build' will build an ISO image called virt-p2v-$VERSION.iso
+ ./configure && make
-(3) Burn the image on to a CD using standard tools.
+As root, 'make build' will build an ISO image called
+Burn the image on to a CD using standard tools.
realistic testing you will also need an operating system image,
eg. from /var/lib/xen/images, to experiment with). For example:
- $ cp /var/lib/xen/images/rhel5gax32fv.img .
- $ make boot HDA=rhel5gax32fv.img
- qemu -m 512 -cdrom virt-p2v-0.1.iso -boot d -hda rhel5gax32fv.img
+ cp /var/lib/xen/images/rhel5gax32fv.img .
+ make boot HDA=rhel5gax32fv.img
The files in this directory
Kickstart file which describes how to build the live CD. This is
essentially the configuration file for livecd-creator. Most
importantly it lists the RPMs which are needed on the live CD.
- This is the %post-configuration section of the Kickstart script. It
- is a shell script which runs after the RPMs have been installed but
- before the live CD is turned into an ISO. The shell script creates
- any extra files we need on the live CD.
This is the virt-p2v P2V configuration tool itself. It is