let bitstring_length (_, _, len) = len
+let subbitstring (data, off, len) off' len' =
+ let off = off + off' in
+ if len < off' + len' then invalid_arg "subbitstring";
+ (data, off, len')
+let dropbits n (data, off, len) =
+ let off = off + n in
+ let len = len - n in
+ if len < 0 then invalid_arg "dropbits";
+ (data, off, len)
+let takebits n (data, off, len) =
+ if len < n then invalid_arg "takebits";
+ (data, off, n)
(* Bitwise functions.
location of the [BITSTRING] constructor that failed.
-(** {3 Bitstrings} *)
+(** {3 Bitstring manipulation} *)
+val bitstring_length : bitstring -> int
+(** [bitstring_length bitstring] returns the length of
+ the bitstring in bits.
+ Note this just returns the third field in the {!bitstring} tuple. *)
+val subbitstring : bitstring -> int -> int -> bitstring
+(** [subbitstring bits off len] returns a sub-bitstring
+ of the bitstring, starting at offset [off] bits and
+ with length [len] bits.
+ If the original bitstring is not long enough to do this
+ then the function raises [Invalid_argument "subbitstring"].
+ Note that this function just changes the offset and length
+ fields of the {!bitstring} tuple, so is very efficient. *)
+val dropbits : int -> bitstring -> bitstring
+(** Drop the first n bits of the bitstring and return a new
+ bitstring which is shorter by n bits.
+ If the length of the original bitstring is less than n bits,
+ this raises [Invalid_argument "dropbits"].
+ Note that this function just changes the offset and length
+ fields of the {!bitstring} tuple, so is very efficient. *)
+val takebits : int -> bitstring -> bitstring
+(** Take the first n bits of the bitstring and return a new
+ bitstring which is exactly n bits long.
+ If the length of the original bitstring is less than n bits,
+ this raises [Invalid_argument "takebits"].
+ Note that this function just changes the offset and length
+ fields of the {!bitstring} tuple, so is very efficient. *)
+(** {3 Constructing bitstrings} *)
val empty_bitstring : bitstring
(** [empty_bitstring] is the empty, zero-length bitstring. *)
[max] bytes from the channel (or fewer if the end of input
occurs before that). *)
-val bitstring_length : bitstring -> int
-(** [bitstring_length bitstring] returns the length of
- the bitstring in bits. *)
+(** {3 Converting bitstrings} *)
val string_of_bitstring : bitstring -> string
(** [string_of_bitstring bitstring] converts a bitstring to a string