(* Build a data structure describing the source disk's partition layout. *)
type partition = {
p_name : string; (* Device name, like /dev/sda1. *)
- p_part : G.partition; (* Partition data from libguestfs. *)
+ p_part : G.partition; (* SOURCE partition data from libguestfs. *)
p_bootable : bool; (* Is it bootable? *)
p_mbr_id : int option; (* MBR ID, if it has one. *)
p_type : partition_content; (* Content type and content size. *)
- mutable p_operation : partition_operation; (* What we're going to do. *)
- mutable p_target_partnum : int; (* Partition number on target. *)
+ (* What we're going to do: *)
+ mutable p_operation : partition_operation;
+ p_target_partnum : int; (* TARGET partition number. *)
+ p_target_start : int64; (* TARGET partition start (sector num). *)
+ p_target_end : int64; (* TARGET partition end (sector num). *)
and partition_content =
| ContentUnknown (* undetermined *)
{ p_name = name; p_part = part;
p_bootable = bootable; p_mbr_id = mbr_id; p_type = typ;
- p_operation = OpCopy; p_target_partnum = 0 }
+ p_operation = OpCopy; p_target_partnum = 0;
+ p_target_start = 0L; p_target_end = 0L }
) parts in
if debug then (
(* Repartition the target disk. *)
-let () =
- (* The first partition must start at the same position as the old
- * first partition. Old virt-resize used to align this to 64
- * sectors, but I suspect this is the cause of boot failures, so
- * let's not do this.
- *)
- let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in
- let start = ref ((List.hd partitions).p_part.G.part_start /^ sectsize) in
- (* This counts the partition numbers on the target disk. *)
- let nextpart = ref 1 in
+(* Calculate the location of the partitions on the target disk. This
+ * also removes from the list any partitions that will be deleted, so
+ * the final list just contains partitions that need to be created
+ * on the target.
+ *)
+let partitions =
+ let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in
- let rec repartition = function
- | [] -> ()
+ let rec loop partnum start = function
| p :: ps ->
- let target_partnum =
- match p.p_operation with
- | OpDelete -> None (* do nothing *)
- | OpIgnore | OpCopy -> (* new partition, same size *)
- (* Size in sectors. *)
- let size = (p.p_part.G.part_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
- Some (add_partition size)
- | OpResize newsize -> (* new partition, resized *)
- (* Size in sectors. *)
- let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
- Some (add_partition size) in
- (match target_partnum with
- | None -> (* OpDelete *)
- ()
- | Some target_partnum -> (* not OpDelete *)
- p.p_target_partnum <- target_partnum;
- (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *)
- if p.p_bootable then
- g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" target_partnum true;
- (match p.p_mbr_id with
- | None -> ()
- | Some mbr_id ->
- g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" target_partnum mbr_id
- );
- );
- repartition ps
- (* Add a partition, returns the partition number on the target. *)
- and add_partition size (* in SECTORS *) =
- let target_partnum, end_ =
- if !nextpart <= 3 || parttype <> "msdos" then (
- let target_partnum = !nextpart in
- let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" !start end_;
- incr nextpart;
- target_partnum, end_
- ) else (
- if !nextpart = 4 then (
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "extended" !start (-1L);
- incr nextpart;
- start := !start +^ 128L
- );
- let target_partnum = !nextpart in
- let end_ = !start +^ size -^ 1L in
- g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "logical" !start end_;
- incr nextpart;
- target_partnum, end_
- ) in
- (* Start of next partition + alignment to 128 sectors. *)
- start := ((end_ +^ 1L) +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L);
- target_partnum
+ (match p.p_operation with
+ | OpDelete -> loop partnum start ps (* skip p *)
+ | OpIgnore | OpCopy -> (* same size *)
+ (* Size in sectors. *)
+ let size = (p.p_part.G.part_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
+ (* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
+ let end_ = start +^ size in
+ let next = (end_ +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ { p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = end_ -^ 1L;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
+ | OpResize newsize -> (* resized partition *)
+ (* New size in sectors. *)
+ let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
+ (* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
+ let next = start +^ size in
+ let next = (next +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ { p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = next -^ 1L;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
+ )
+ | [] ->
+ (* Create the surplus partition if there is room for it. *)
+ if extra_partition && surplus >= min_extra_partition then (
+ [ {
+ (* Since this partition has no source, this data is
+ * meaningless and not used since the operation is
+ * OpIgnore.
+ *)
+ p_name = "";
+ p_part = { G.part_num = 0l; part_start = 0L; part_end = 0L;
+ part_size = 0L };
+ p_bootable = false; p_mbr_id = None; p_type = ContentUnknown;
+ (* Target information is meaningful. *)
+ p_operation = OpIgnore;
+ p_target_partnum = partnum;
+ p_target_start = start; p_target_end = ~^ 64L
+ } ]
+ )
+ else
+ []
- repartition partitions;
+ (* The first partition must start at the same position as the old
+ * first partition. Old virt-resize used to align this to 64
+ * sectors, but I suspect this is the cause of boot failures, so
+ * let's not do this.
+ *)
+ let start = (List.hd partitions).p_part.G.part_start /^ sectsize in
+ loop 1 start partitions
- (* Create the surplus partition. *)
- if extra_partition && surplus >= min_extra_partition then (
- let size = outsize /^ sectsize -^ 64L -^ !start in
- ignore (add_partition size)
- )
+(* Now partition the target disk. *)
+let () =
+ List.iter (
+ fun p ->
+ g#part_add "/dev/sdb" "primary" p.p_target_start p.p_target_end;
+ (* Set bootable and MBR IDs *)
+ if p.p_bootable then
+ g#part_set_bootable "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum true;
+ (match p.p_mbr_id with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some mbr_id ->
+ g#part_set_mbr_id "/dev/sdb" p.p_target_partnum mbr_id
+ );
+ ) partitions
(* Copy over the data. *)
let () =
- let rec copy_data = function
- | [] -> ()
+ List.iter (
+ fun p ->
+ match p.p_operation with
+ | OpCopy | OpResize _ ->
+ (* XXX Old code had 'when target_partnum > 0', but it appears
+ * to have served no purpose since the field could never be 0
+ * at this point.
+ *)
- | ({ p_name = source; p_target_partnum = target_partnum;
- p_operation = (OpCopy | OpResize _) } as p) :: ps
- when target_partnum > 0 ->
let oldsize = p.p_part.G.part_size in
let newsize =
match p.p_operation with OpResize s -> s | _ -> oldsize in
let copysize = if newsize < oldsize then newsize else oldsize in
- let target = sprintf "/dev/sdb%d" target_partnum in
+ let source = p.p_name in
+ let target = sprintf "/dev/sdb%d" p.p_target_partnum in
if not quiet then
printf "Copying %s ...\n%!" source;
g#copy_size source target copysize;
- copy_data ps
- | _ :: ps ->
- copy_data ps
- in
- copy_data partitions
+ | _ -> ()
+ ) partitions
(* After copying the data over we must shut down and restart the
* appliance in order to expand the content. The reason for this may