- Added #blocksize, #mapblock methods to device.
- Implement default #read method.
- Push the #close method down into the block_device subclass only.
- Updated documentation.
include Diskimage_utils
+(* Use as the natural block size for disk images, but really we should
+ * use the 'blockdev -getbsz' command to find the real block size.
+ *)
+let disk_block_size = 512
let partition_types = [
("MBR", Diskimage_mbr.probe);
let open_machine name disks =
let disks = List.map (
fun (name, path) ->
- let dev = new block_device path in
+ let dev = new block_device path disk_block_size (* XXX *) in
{ d_name = name; d_dev = dev; d_content = `Unknown }
) disks in
{ m_name = name; m_disks = disks; m_lv_filesystems = [] }
let scan_machine ({ m_disks = m_disks } as machine) =
let m_disks = List.map (
fun ({ d_dev = dev } as disk) ->
+ let dev = (dev :> device) in
(* See if it is partitioned first. *)
let parts = probe_for_partitions dev in
match parts with
let pvs_on_disks = List.filter_map (
| { d_dev = d_dev;
- d_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } -> Some (pv, d_dev)
+ d_content = `PhysicalVolume pv } -> Some (pv, (d_dev :> device))
| _ -> None
) m_disks in
let pvs_on_partitions = List.map (
- {2 Machine/device model}
- The "machine/device model" that we currently understand looks
- like this:
- |
- \--- host partitions / disk image files
- ||
- guest block devices
- |
- +--> guest partitions (eg. using MBR)
- | |
- \-(1)->+--- filesystems (eg. ext3)
- |
- \--- PVs for LVM
- |||
- VGs and LVs
- (1) Filesystems and PVs may also appear directly on guest
- block devices.
- Partition schemes (eg. MBR) and filesystems register themselves
- with this main module and they are queried first to get an idea
- of the physical devices, partitions and filesystems potentially
- available to the guest.
- Volume management schemes (eg. LVM2) register themselves here
- and are called later with "spare" physical devices and partitions
- to see if they contain LVM data. If this results in additional
- logical volumes then these are checked for filesystems.
- Swap space is considered to be a dumb filesystem for the purposes
- of this discussion.
+(** {2 Device class and specialized subclasses} *)
class virtual device :
Note: For some types of devices, the device may have
"holes", alignment requirements, etc. so this method doesn't
imply that every byte from [0..size-1] is readable. *)
- method close : unit -> unit
- (** Close the device. This must be called to fully free up
- any resources used by the device. *)
- method virtual read : int64 -> int -> string
- (** [read offset len] reads len bytes starting at offset. *)
+ method read : int64 -> int -> string
+ (** [read offset len] reads len bytes starting at offset.
+ Note: A default implementation is provided for [read],
+ but it is fairly inefficient because it uses {!mapblock} to
+ map each block in the request. *)
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
(** [read_bitstring] is the same as [read] but returns
a pa_bitmatch-style bitstring. *)
+ method virtual blocksize : int
+ (** [blocksize] returns the natural block size of the device. *)
+ method virtual mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
+ (** [mapblock] describes how a block in this device is
+ mapped down to any underlying device(s).
+ Returns [[]] (empty list) if there is no underlying
+ device for this block. Otherwise returns a list of
+ [(device, byte-offset)] locations where this block is mapped.
+ Normally the returned list has length 1, but in cases
+ such as mirroring you can have the same block mapped
+ to several underlying devices. *)
A virtual (or physical!) device, encapsulating any translation
Note this very rare use of OOP in OCaml!
-class block_device : string ->
+class block_device : string -> int ->
method name : string
method size : int64
- method close : unit -> unit
method read : int64 -> int -> string
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
+ method blocksize : int
+ method mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
+ method close : unit -> unit
+ (** Close the device, freeing up the file descriptor. *)
- (** A concrete device which just direct-maps a file or /dev device. *)
+ (** A concrete device which just direct-maps a file or /dev device.
-class offset_device : string -> int64 -> int64 -> device ->
+ Create the device with [new block_device filename blocksize]
+ where [filename] is the path to the file or device and
+ [blocksize] is the blocksize of the device. *)
+class offset_device : string -> int64 -> int64 -> int -> device ->
method name : string
method size : int64
- method close : unit -> unit
method read : int64 -> int -> string
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
+ method blocksize : int
+ method mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
(** A concrete device which maps a linear part of an underlying device.
- [new offset_device name start size dev] creates a new
+ [new offset_device name start size blocksize dev] creates a new
device which maps bytes from [start] to [start+size-1]
of the underlying device [dev] (ie. in this device they
appear as bytes [0] to [size-1]).
val null_device : device
(** The null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *)
+ {2 Structures used to describe machines, disks, partitions and filesystems}
+ {3 Machine/device model}
+ The "machine/device model" that we currently understand looks
+ like this:
+ |
+ \--- host partitions / disk image files
+ ||
+ guest block devices
+ |
+ +--> guest partitions (eg. using MBR)
+ | |
+ \-(1)->+--- filesystems (eg. ext3)
+ |
+ \--- PVs for LVM
+ |||
+ VGs and LVs
+ (1) Filesystems and PVs may also appear directly on guest
+ block devices.
+ Partition schemes (eg. MBR) and filesystems register themselves
+ with this main module and they are queried first to get an idea
+ of the physical devices, partitions and filesystems potentially
+ available to the guest.
+ Volume management schemes (eg. LVM2) register themselves here
+ and are called later with "spare" physical devices and partitions
+ to see if they contain LVM data. If this results in additional
+ logical volumes then these are checked for filesystems.
+ Swap space is considered to be a dumb filesystem for the purposes
+ of this discussion.
type machine = {
m_name : string; (** Machine name. *)
m_disks : disk list; (** Machine disks. *)
and disk = {
d_name : string; (** Device name (eg "hda") *)
- d_dev : device; (** Disk device. *)
+ d_dev : block_device; (** Disk device. *)
d_content : disk_content; (** What's on it. *)
(** A single physical disk image. *)
fs_inodes_avail : int64; (** Inodes free (available). *)
fs_inodes_used : int64; (** Inodes in use. *)
- (** A filesystem. *)
+ (** A filesystem, with superblock contents. *)
and pv = {
lvm_plugin_id : lvm_plugin_id; (** The LVM plug-in which detected
val close_machine : machine -> unit
(** This is a convenience function which calls the [dev#close]
- method on any open devices owned by the machine. This just
+ method on any open {!block_device}s owned by the machine. This just
has the effect of closing any file descriptors which are
opened by these devices.
identifying all partitions, filesystems, physical and logical
volumes that are known to this library.
+ This scans down to the level of the filesystem superblocks.
Returns an updated {!machine} structure with the scan results.
List.fold_left max 0L
(List.map (fun (_, end_extent, _, _) -> end_extent) segments) in
let size = size_in_extents *^ extent_size in
+object (self)
inherit device
method name = name
method size = size
- (* Read method checks which segment the request lies inside and
- * maps it to the underlying device. If there is no mapping then
- * we have to return an error.
- *
- * The request must lie inside a single extent, otherwise this is
- * also an error (XXX - should lift this restriction, however default
- * extent size is 4 MB so we probably won't hit this very often).
+ (* The natural blocksize for LVM devices is the extent size.
+ * NB. Throws a runtime exception if the extent size is bigger
+ * than an int (only likely to matter on 32 bit).
- method read offset len =
- let offset_in_extents = offset /^ extent_size in
- (* Check we don't cross an extent boundary. *)
- if (offset +^ Int64.of_int (len-1)) /^ extent_size <> offset_in_extents
- then invalid_arg "linear_map_device: request crosses extent boundary";
+ method blocksize = Int64.to_int extent_size
- if offset_in_extents < 0L || offset_in_extents >= size_in_extents then
+ (* Map block (extent) i to the underlying device. *)
+ method mapblock i =
+ if i < 0L || i >= size_in_extents then
invalid_arg "linear_map_device: read outside device";
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
- invalid_arg "linear_map_device: offset not mapped"
+ []
| (start_extent, end_extent, dev, pvoffset) :: rest ->
- if start_extent <= offset_in_extents &&
- offset_in_extents < end_extent
- then dev#read (offset +^ pvoffset *^ extent_size) len
- else loop rest
+ if start_extent <= i && i < end_extent then
+ [dev, (pvoffset +^ i) *^ extent_size]
+ else
+ loop rest
loop segments
+ (* NB. Use the superclass #read method. *)
let pe_start = pe_start *^ sector_size64 in
let pe_count = get_int64 "pe_count" meta in
let pe_count = pe_count *^ extent_size in
- let pvdev = new offset_device pvuuid pe_start pe_count dev in
+ let pvdev =
+ new offset_device
+ pvuuid (* name *)
+ pe_start pe_count (* start, size in bytes *)
+ (* don't really have a natural block size ... *)
+ (Int64.to_int extent_size)
+ dev (* underlying device *) in
Some (pvname, pvdev)
| _ ->
* (2) 'partno' is the partition number, starting at 1
* (cf. /dev/hda1 is the first partition).
* (3) 'dev' is the underlying block device.
+ * (4) natural blocksize to use is sector size.
class partition_device partno start size dev =
let devname = dev#name in
let start = start *^ sector_size64 in
let size = size *^ sector_size64 in
object (self)
- inherit offset_device name start size dev
+ inherit offset_device name start size sector_size dev
(** Probe the
class virtual device =
object (self)
- method virtual read : int64 -> int -> string
method virtual size : int64
method virtual name : string
+ method virtual blocksize : int
+ method virtual mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
- method close () = ()
+ (* Block-based read. Inefficient so normally overridden in subclasses. *)
+ method read offset len =
+ if offset < 0L || len < 0 then
+ invalid_arg "device: read: negative offset or length";
+ let blocksize64 = Int64.of_int self#blocksize in
+ (* Break the request into blocks.
+ * Find the first and last blocks of this request.
+ *)
+ let first_blk = offset /^ blocksize64 in
+ let offset_in_first_blk = offset -^ first_blk *^ blocksize64 in
+ let last_blk = (offset +^ Int64.of_int (len-1)) /^ blocksize64 in
+ (* Buffer for the result. *)
+ let buf = Buffer.create len in
+ let not_mapped_error () = invalid_arg "device: read: block not mapped" in
+ (* Copy the first block (partial). *)
+ (match self#mapblock first_blk with
+ | [] -> not_mapped_error ()
+ | (dev, base) :: _ ->
+ let len =
+ min len (Int64.to_int (blocksize64 -^ offset_in_first_blk)) in
+ let str = dev#read (base +^ offset_in_first_blk) len in
+ Buffer.add_string buf str
+ );
+ (* Copy the middle blocks. *)
+ let rec loop blk =
+ if blk < last_blk then (
+ (match self#mapblock blk with
+ | [] -> not_mapped_error ()
+ | (dev, base) :: _ ->
+ let str = dev#read 0L self#blocksize in
+ Buffer.add_string buf str
+ );
+ loop (Int64.succ blk)
+ )
+ in
+ loop (Int64.succ first_blk);
+ (* Copy the last block (partial). *)
+ if first_blk < last_blk then (
+ match self#mapblock last_blk with
+ | [] -> not_mapped_error ()
+ | (dev, base) :: _ ->
+ let len = (offset +^ Int64.of_int len) -^ last_blk *^ blocksize64 in
+ let len = Int64.to_int len in
+ let str = dev#read 0L len in
+ Buffer.add_string buf str
+ );
+ assert (len = Buffer.length buf);
+ Buffer.contents buf
(* Helper method to read a chunk of data into a bitstring. *)
method read_bitstring offset len =
(* A concrete device which just direct-maps a file or /dev device. *)
-class block_device filename =
+class block_device filename blocksize =
let fd = openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0 in
let size = (LargeFile.fstat fd).LargeFile.st_size in
object (self)
let str = String.make len '\000' in
read fd str 0 len;
- method close () = close fd
method size = size
method name = filename
+ method blocksize = blocksize
+ method mapblock _ = []
+ method close () = close fd
(* A linear offset/size from an underlying device. *)
-class offset_device name start size (dev : device) =
+class offset_device name start size blocksize (dev : device) =
inherit device
method name = name
method size = size
- (* method close () = dev#close () - NB: NO!! Device may be shared. *)
method read offset len =
if offset < 0L || len < 0 || offset +^ Int64.of_int len > size then
invalid_arg (
name offset len size
dev#read (start+^offset) len
+ method blocksize = blocksize
+ method mapblock i = [dev, i *^ Int64.of_int blocksize +^ start]
(* The null device. Any attempt to read generates an error. *)
method read _ _ = assert false
method size = 0L
method name = "null"
+ method blocksize = 1
+ method mapblock _ = assert false
type machine = {
d_name : string; (* Device name (eg "hda") *)
(* About the device itself. *)
- d_dev : device; (* Disk device. *)
+ d_dev : block_device; (* Disk device. *)
d_content : disk_content; (* What's on it. *)
and disk_content =
method virtual name : string
method virtual size : int64
- method close : unit -> unit
- method virtual read : int64 -> int -> string
+ method read : int64 -> int -> string
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
+ method virtual blocksize : int
+ method virtual mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
-class block_device : string ->
+class block_device : string -> int ->
method name : string
method size : int64
- method close : unit -> unit
method read : int64 -> int -> string
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
+ method blocksize : int
+ method mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
+ method close : unit -> unit
-class offset_device : string -> int64 -> int64 -> device ->
+class offset_device : string -> int64 -> int64 -> int -> device ->
method name : string
method size : int64
- method close : unit -> unit
method read : int64 -> int -> string
method read_bitstring : int64 -> int -> Bitmatch.bitstring
+ method blocksize : int
+ method mapblock : int64 -> (device * int64) list
val null_device : device
and disk = {
d_name : string;
- d_dev : device;
+ d_dev : block_device;
d_content : disk_content;
List.iter (
| ({ Diskimage.d_content = `Filesystem fs; d_dev = dev } as disk) ->
- f dom ~disk dev fs
+ f dom ~disk (dev :> Diskimage.device) fs
| ({ Diskimage.d_content = `Partitions partitions } as disk) ->
List.iteri (
fun i ->