(* Ignored packages are treated as if they have been rebuilt. *)
if not (ignored pkg) then (
(* A local test build must succeed. *)
require (local_build_succeeded pkg);
+ (* local_build_succeeded normally does this ... *)
+ require (specfile_updated pkg);
(* Rebuild the package in Koji. Don't wait ... *)
koji_build ~wait:false pkg branch;
loop ()
and local_build_succeeded pkg =
(* The specfile must have been updated. *)
require (specfile_updated pkg);
" (fedora_repo pkg branch);
memory_set key "1"
and specfile_updated pkg =
let repodir = fedora_repo pkg branch in
git pull --rebase
" repodir;
+(* - XXX why did we do this here?
install_build_dependencies pkg;
(* For rationale behind always bumping the spec file, see comment
* in 'fedora.ml'.