--- /dev/null
+(* Copy a whole host (site). This can also copy between databases and
+ * servers.
+ *
+ * Use 'copy_host --help' for usage.
+ *
+ * $Id: copy_host.ml,v 1.1 2006/09/09 15:08:08 rich Exp $
+ *)
+open Printf
+open ExtList
+open ExtString
+let usage =
+ "copy_host can be used to copy/duplicate a whole host (site).
+It can also copy hosts between databases and database server.
+ Please read the instructions below carefully before attempting
+ to use this program!
+ Duplicate a host on the same (local) database server:
+ copy_host -shost mysite.example.com -dhost mycopy.example.com
+ Copy a host from the local database server to another. The copy
+ will have the same canonical and alternate hostnames:
+ copy_host -short mysite.example.com -ddbhost anotherdb.example.com
+'host': The term used by COCANWIKI to mean a site. Each host has
+ a single row in the 'hosts' table in the database, and a single
+ unique hostid. A single COCANWIKI database instance can handle
+ an unlimited number of hosts.
+'canonical hostname': The standard hostname for a host. See the
+ hosts.canonical_hostname column.
+'hostname': Any of the hostnames permitted for a host. Most sites
+ will only have one, the canonical_hostname, but some will have
+ several names, eg. 'example.com' and 'www.example.com'. See
+ the 'hostnames' table.
+'source ***', 'destination ***': When copying hosts, you copy
+ from the source whatever to the destination whatever.
+'database hostname': The name of the server running the PostgreSQL
+ database. When copying a host between databases, you have a
+ source database hostname and a destination database hostname.
+'database name': The name of the PostgreSQL database (not the
+ name of the server, but the name of the database). Usually
+ 'cocanwiki'. Use the command 'psql -l' to list database
+ names.
+In general, any parameter beginning with '-s***' refers to the
+source and with '-d***' to the destination.
+The '-shost hostname' parameter is required, and it selects the
+particular host which you want to copy/duplicate. You may give
+either the canonical hostname or one of the alternate hostnames,
+since either uniquely identifies the source host you want to
+'-dhost hostname[,...]' is an optional parameter which specifies
+the destination hostnames (canonical and alternates).
+ If not given, then the same hostname(s) are used as the source.
+ This only makes sense when copying a host between database
+ instances, since a single database instance cannot contain
+ multiple hosts with the same hostnames.
+ If given with a single hostname, then that hostname is used
+ as the canonical hostname for the copy.
+ If given with multiple (comma-separated) hostnames, then
+ the first one is the canonical hostname and the subsequent
+ ones are the alternate hostnames, eg:
+ -dhost www.example.com,example.com
+'-sdb***' and '-ddb***' parameters can be used to select
+different source and destination database instances. The
+parameters in question are:
+ -sdbhost -ddbhost Database hostname.
+ -sdbport -ddbport Database port number.
+ -sdbuser -ddbuser Database username.
+ -sdbpassword -ddbpassword Database password.
+ -sdbdatabase -ddbdatabase Database name.
+All except the last two, database name, default to nothing
+which means that the usual PostgreSQL method for find the value
+is used (ie. first use environment variables like $PGHOST, then
+use an internal default, usually the local database and user).
+The database name defaults to 'cocanwiki'.
+It is possible to duplicate a host on the same database instance.
+In this case it is probably better not to specify the '-sdb***'
+or '-ddb***' parameters, but instead use environment variables,
+or run this program on the database server itself.
+let shost = ref ""
+let dhost = ref ""
+let sdbhost = ref ""
+let ddbhost = ref ""
+let sdbport = ref 0
+let ddbport = ref 0
+let sdbuser = ref ""
+let ddbuser = ref ""
+let sdbpassword = ref ""
+let ddbpassword = ref ""
+let sdbdatabase = ref "cocanwiki"
+let ddbdatabase = ref "cocanwiki"
+let dryrun = ref false
+let argspec = [
+ "-shost", Arg.Set_string shost,
+ "Source hostname (required).";
+ "-dhost", Arg.Set_string dhost,
+ "Destination hostname(s) (optional).";
+ "-sdbhost", Arg.Set_string sdbhost,
+ "Source database hostname (optional).";
+ "-ddbhost", Arg.Set_string ddbhost,
+ "Destination database hostname (optional).";
+ "-sdbport", Arg.Set_int sdbport,
+ "Source database port (optional).";
+ "-ddbport", Arg.Set_int ddbport,
+ "Destination database port (optional).";
+ "-sdbuser", Arg.Set_string sdbuser,
+ "Source database user (optional).";
+ "-ddbuser", Arg.Set_string ddbuser,
+ "Destination database user (optional).";
+ "-sdbpassword", Arg.Set_string sdbpassword,
+ "Source database password (optional).";
+ "-ddbpassword", Arg.Set_string ddbpassword,
+ "Destination database password (optional).";
+ "-sdbdatabase", Arg.Set_string sdbdatabase,
+ "Source database name (default: cocanwiki).";
+ "-ddbdatabase", Arg.Set_string ddbdatabase,
+ "Destination database name (default: cocanwiki).";
+ "-dryrun", Arg.Set dryrun,
+ "Rollback database changes at the end.";
+let error _ = raise (Arg.Bad "Use --help for help.")
+let () = Arg.parse argspec error usage
+let shost =
+ match !shost with
+ | "" -> failwith "-shost is required. Use --help for help."
+ | s -> s
+let dhost =
+ match !dhost with
+ | "" -> []
+ | s -> String.nsplit s ","
+let sdbhost = match !sdbhost with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let ddbhost = match !ddbhost with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let sdbport = match !sdbport with 0 -> None | p -> Some p
+let ddbport = match !ddbport with 0 -> None | p -> Some p
+let sdbuser = match !sdbuser with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let ddbuser = match !ddbuser with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let sdbpassword = match !sdbpassword with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let ddbpassword = match !ddbpassword with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let sdbdatabase = match !sdbdatabase with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let ddbdatabase = match !ddbdatabase with "" -> None | s -> Some s
+let dryrun = !dryrun
+(* Get column names from a table. *)
+let columns dbh table_name =
+ let query = "select * from " ^ table_name in
+ let name = "columns" in
+ PGOCaml.prepare dbh ~query ~name ();
+ let columns =
+ match PGOCaml.describe_statement dbh ~name () with
+ | _, Some results ->
+ List.map (fun { PGOCaml.name = name } -> name) results
+ | _, None -> assert false in
+ PGOCaml.close_statement dbh ~name ();
+ columns
+(* 'select * on table where ...' using the low level interface. *)
+let select_all dbh table_name where_clause =
+ let query = "select * from " ^ table_name ^
+ (match where_clause with
+ | "" -> ""
+ | where_clause -> " where " ^ where_clause) in
+ let name = "selectall" in
+ PGOCaml.prepare dbh ~query ~name ();
+ let columns =
+ match PGOCaml.describe_statement dbh ~name () with
+ | _, Some results ->
+ List.map (fun { PGOCaml.name = name } -> name) results
+ | _, None -> assert false in
+ let rows = PGOCaml.execute dbh ~name ~params:[] () in
+ PGOCaml.close_statement dbh ~name ();
+ columns, rows
+(* Functions to remove or update the value in a column. *)
+let rec remove_column columns rows col_name =
+ List.filter (
+ fun col_name' -> col_name <> col_name'
+ ) columns,
+ List.map (
+ fun row ->
+ List.filter_map (
+ fun (col_name', value) ->
+ if col_name <> col_name' then Some value else None
+ ) (List.combine columns row)
+ ) rows
+and update_column columns rows col_name new_value =
+ columns,
+ List.map (
+ fun row ->
+ List.map (
+ fun (col_name', old_value) ->
+ if col_name <> col_name' then old_value else new_value
+ ) (List.combine columns row)
+ ) rows
+and update_apply_column columns rows col_name f =
+ columns,
+ List.map (
+ fun row ->
+ List.map (
+ fun (col_name', old_value) ->
+ if col_name <> col_name' then old_value else f old_value
+ ) (List.combine columns row)
+ ) rows
+(* Insert rows into the database table. *)
+let insert dbh table_name columns rows =
+ let query = "insert into " ^ table_name ^ " (" ^
+ String.concat ", " columns
+ ^ ") values (" ^
+ String.concat ", " (List.mapi (fun i _ -> sprintf "$%d" (i+1)) columns)
+ ^ ")" in
+ let name = "insertinto" in
+ PGOCaml.prepare dbh ~query ~name ();
+ List.iter (fun params -> ignore (PGOCaml.execute dbh ~name ~params ())) rows;
+ PGOCaml.close_statement dbh ~name ()
+(* Insert rows into the database table, returning serial numbers. *)
+let insert_serial dbh table_name columns rows serial_col =
+ let query = "insert into " ^ table_name ^ " (" ^
+ String.concat ", " columns
+ ^ ") values (" ^
+ String.concat ", " (List.mapi (fun i _ -> sprintf "$%d" (i+1)) columns)
+ ^ ")" in
+ let name = "insertserial" in
+ PGOCaml.prepare dbh ~query ~name ();
+ let seq = table_name ^ "_" ^ serial_col ^ "_seq" in
+ let serials =
+ List.map (
+ fun params ->
+ ignore (PGOCaml.execute dbh ~name ~params ());
+ PGOCaml.serial4 dbh seq
+ ) rows in
+ PGOCaml.close_statement dbh ~name ();
+ serials
+let int32_of_value value =
+ let value = Option.get value in
+ Int32.of_string value
+let value_of_int32 i =
+ let i = Int32.to_string i in
+ Some i
+let () =
+ print_endline "Connecting to databases ...";
+ print_endline " Source ...";
+ let sdbh =
+ let host = sdbhost in
+ let port = sdbport in
+ let user = sdbuser in
+ let password = sdbpassword in
+ let database = sdbdatabase in
+ PGOCaml.connect ?host ?port ?user ?password ?database () in
+ print_endline " Destination ...";
+ let ddbh =
+ let host = ddbhost in
+ let port = ddbport in
+ let user = ddbuser in
+ let password = ddbpassword in
+ let database = ddbdatabase in
+ PGOCaml.connect ?host ?port ?user ?password ?database () in
+ print_endline "Locate source host ...";
+ let shostid = List.hd (
+ PGSQL(sdbh) "select hostid from hostnames where name = $shost"
+ ) in
+ let scanonical_hostname = List.hd (
+ PGSQL(sdbh) "select canonical_hostname from hosts where id = $shostid"
+ ) in
+ let shostnames =
+ PGSQL(sdbh)
+ "select name from hostnames where hostid = $shostid order by 1" in
+ printf " shostid = %ld\n" shostid;
+ printf " scanonical_hostname = %s\n" scanonical_hostname;
+ printf " shostnames = [ %s ]\n" (String.concat "; " shostnames);
+ print_endline "Begin transaction on destination database ...";
+ PGOCaml.begin_work ddbh;
+ PGSQL(ddbh) "set constraints hosts_hostname_cn, pages_redirect_cn deferred";
+ (* Also start a transaction on the source database. We are not
+ * intending to make any changes, but this transaction ensures that we
+ * can't because the disconnect at the end of the program will roll any
+ * we make back.
+ *)
+ PGOCaml.begin_work sdbh;
+ (* Tables hosts and hostnames are the most complex to copy because
+ * we may want to update the hostname.
+ *)
+ let dcanonical_hostname, dhostnames =
+ match dhost with
+ | [] -> scanonical_hostname, shostnames
+ | x :: xs -> x, xs in
+ print_endline "Create new host ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "hosts" (sprintf "id = %ld" shostid) in
+ let nr_columns = List.length columns in
+ assert (nr_columns >= 19);
+ assert (List.length rows = 1);
+ let columns, rows = remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ assert (List.length columns = nr_columns - 1);
+ assert (List.length rows = 1);
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "canonical_hostname"
+ (Some dcanonical_hostname) in
+ assert (List.length columns = nr_columns - 1);
+ assert (List.length rows = 1);
+ let serials = insert_serial ddbh "hosts" columns rows "id" in
+ assert (List.length serials = 1);
+ let dhostid = List.hd serials in
+ printf " dhostid = %ld\n" dhostid;
+ print_endline "Create table hostnames ...";
+ List.iter (
+ fun hostname ->
+ printf " adding hostname %s\n" hostname;
+ PGSQL(ddbh)
+ "insert into hostnames (hostid, name) values ($dhostid, $hostname)"
+ ) dhostnames;
+ (* Now start copying the tables.
+ * Not entirely trivial because where a table references another,
+ * we will need to update the IDs to match the corrected serial
+ * numbers.
+ *)
+ print_endline "Copying table users ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "users" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ assert (List.hd columns = "id");
+ let old_ids = List.map int32_of_value (List.map List.hd rows) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ let new_ids =
+ insert_serial ddbh "users" columns rows "id" in
+ let userid_map = List.combine old_ids new_ids in
+ print_endline "Copying tables contacts, contact_emails ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "contacts" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ assert (List.hd columns = "id");
+ let old_ids = List.map int32_of_value (List.map List.hd rows) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ let new_ids =
+ insert_serial ddbh "contacts" columns rows "id" in
+ let map = List.combine old_ids new_ids in
+ if old_ids <> [] then (
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "contact_emails"
+ ("contactid in (" ^
+ String.concat ", " (List.map Int32.to_string old_ids) ^
+ ")") in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "contactid"
+ (fun old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id map)) in
+ insert ddbh "contact_emails" columns rows
+ );
+ print_endline "Copying tables pages, contents ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "pages" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ assert (List.hd columns = "id");
+ let old_ids = List.map int32_of_value (List.map List.hd rows) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "title_description_fti" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "logged_user"
+ (function
+ | None -> None
+ | (Some _) as old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id userid_map)) in
+ let new_ids =
+ insert_serial ddbh "pages" columns rows "id" in
+ let map = List.combine old_ids new_ids in
+ if old_ids <> [] then (
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "contents"
+ ("pageid in (" ^
+ String.concat ", " (List.map Int32.to_string old_ids) ^
+ ")") in
+ let columns, rows = remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows = remove_column columns rows "content_fti" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "pageid"
+ (fun old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id map)) in
+ insert ddbh "contents" columns rows
+ );
+ print_endline "Copying tables messages, msg_references ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "messages" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ assert (List.hd columns = "id");
+ let old_ids = List.map int32_of_value (List.map List.hd rows) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ let new_ids =
+ insert_serial ddbh "messages" columns rows "id" in
+ let map = List.combine old_ids new_ids in
+ if old_ids <> [] then (
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "msg_references"
+ ("message_id in (" ^
+ String.concat ", " (List.map Int32.to_string old_ids) ^
+ ")") in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "message_id"
+ (fun old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id map)) in
+ insert ddbh "msg_references" columns rows
+ );
+ print_endline "Copying table files ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "files" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "files" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table images ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "images" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ remove_column columns rows "id" in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "images" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table sitemenu ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "sitemenu" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "sitemenu" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table links ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "links" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "links" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table macros ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "macros" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "macros" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table page_emails ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "page_emails" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "page_emails" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table mailing_lists ...";
+ let columns, rows =
+ select_all sdbh "mailing_lists" (sprintf "hostid = %ld" shostid) in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_column columns rows "hostid" (value_of_int32 dhostid) in
+ insert ddbh "mailing_lists" columns rows;
+ (* pending_email_changes and usercookies are only copied if the URL
+ * will not change, because if the URL does change then there is
+ * no point copying them because all cookies/email URLs will be
+ * out of date.
+ *)
+ if scanonical_hostname = dcanonical_hostname && userid_map <> [] then (
+ let where_clause =
+ "userid in (" ^
+ String.concat ", "
+ (List.map Int32.to_string (List.map fst userid_map)) ^
+ ")" in
+ print_endline "Copying table usercookies ...";
+ let columns, rows = select_all sdbh "usercookies" where_clause in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "userid"
+ (function
+ | None -> None
+ | (Some _) as old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id userid_map)) in
+ insert ddbh "usercookies" columns rows;
+ print_endline "Copying table pending_email_changes ...";
+ let columns, rows = select_all sdbh "pending_email_changes" where_clause in
+ let columns, rows =
+ update_apply_column columns rows "userid"
+ (function
+ | None -> None
+ | (Some _) as old_id ->
+ let old_id = int32_of_value old_id in
+ value_of_int32 (List.assoc old_id userid_map)) in
+ insert ddbh "pending_email_changes" columns rows;
+ );
+ (* Note: Tables which are NOT copied:
+ *
+ * pg_ts_cfg -- Internal tables used by tsearch2
+ * pg_ts_cfgmap -- """"
+ * pg_ts_dict -- """"
+ * pg_ts_parser -- """"
+ * powered_by -- Fixed table.
+ * recently_visited -- Not worth copying.
+ * server_settings -- Global configuration table.
+ * templates -- Fixed table.
+ * themes -- Fixed table.
+ *)
+ (* Commit or rollback. *)
+ if dryrun then (
+ print_endline "Rolling back database because -dryrun flag was given.";
+ PGOCaml.rollback ddbh
+ ) else (
+ print_endline "Committing changes ...";
+ PGOCaml.commit ddbh;
+ print_endline "Done."
+ )