my $mozembed;
-my $mozembed_first;
-my $mozembed_last;
GetOptions ("help|?" => \$help,
"last" => \$last,
"mozembed" => \$mozembed,
- "mozembed-first" => \$mozembed_first,
- "mozembed-last" => \$mozembed_last,
"n=s" => \$start,
"splash!" => \$splash,
"start=s" => \$start,
die "techtalk-pse: cannot use --start and --last options together\n"
if defined $last && defined $start;
-# Run with --mozembed: see below.
-run_mozembed () if $mozembed;
-# Normal run of the program.
-die "techtalk-pse: too many arguments\n" if @ARGV >= 2;
+die "techtalk-pse: too many arguments\n" if !$mozembed && @ARGV >= 2;
# Get the true name of the program.
$0 = abs_path ($0);
warn "techtalk-pse: no files found, continuing anyway ...\n"
+# Run with --mozembed: see below.
+run_mozembed () if $mozembed;
+# Else, normal run of the program ...
# Work out what slide we're starting on.
my $current;
if (defined $current) {
$i++ if $go eq "NEXT" && $i+1 < @files;
$i = 0 if $go eq "FIRST";
$i = $#files if $go eq "LAST";
+ $i = $1 if $go =~ /^I_(\d+)$/;
$current = $files[$i];
} else {
# subprocess, so when it segfaults we don't care. If all goes
# well and it doesn't crash, it should print a line 'RESULT FOO'
# where 'FOO' is the instruction (eg. 'NEXT', 'PREV', 'QUIT' etc).
- my @cmd = ($0, "--mozembed");
- push @cmd, "--mozembed-first" if exists $slide->{first};
- push @cmd, "--mozembed-last" if exists $slide->{last};
- my $url = "file://$talkdir/" . $slide->{name};
- push @cmd, $url;
+ my @cmd = ($0, "--mozembed", $talkdir, $slide->{name});
print STDERR "running subcommand: ", join (" ", @cmd), "\n"
if $verbose;
open CMD, "-|", @cmd
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new ();
my $moz = Gtk2::MozEmbed->new ();
+ reread_directory ();
+ my $name = $ARGV[1];
+ $current = $files{$name};
+ my $url = "file://$talkdir/$name";
my $bbox =
- make_button_bar ($mozembed_first, $mozembed_last,
+ make_button_bar ($current->{first}, $current->{last},
sub { print "RESULT ", $_[0], "\n"; $w->destroy }
$w->show_all ();
- $moz->load_url ($ARGV[0]);
+ $moz->load_url ($url);
exit 0;
$blast->show ();
$optsmenu->append ($blast);
+ my $slidesmenu = Gtk2::Menu->new ();
+ foreach (@files) {
+ my $item = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ($_->{name});
+ my $index = $_->{i};
+ $item->signal_connect (activate => sub { \&$cb ("I_$index") });
+ $item->set_sensitive ($current->{i} != $index);
+ $item->show ();
+ $slidesmenu->append ($item);
+ }
+ my $bslides = Gtk2::MenuItem->new ("Slides");
+ $bslides->set_submenu ($slidesmenu);
+ $bslides->show ();
+ $optsmenu->append ($bslides);
my $sep2 = Gtk2::SeparatorMenuItem->new ();
$sep2->show ();
$optsmenu->append ($sep2);