+++ /dev/null
-# @configure_input@
-Summary: Bootstrap a new Fedora system (like debootstrap)
-Name: febootstrap
-Version: @VERSION@
-Release: 1%{?dist}
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Development/Tools
-URL: http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/febootstrap/
-Source0: http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/febootstrap/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
-BuildArch: noarch
-BuildRequires: /usr/bin/pod2man
-Requires: fakeroot >= 1.11
-Requires: fakechroot >= 2.9-1.fc11.rwmj3
-Requires: yum >= 3.2
-Requires: MAKEDEV
-Requires: util-linux-ng
-Requires: cpio
-Requires: upx
-# These are suggestions. However making them hard requirements
-# pulls in far too much stuff.
-#Requires: qemu
-#Requires: filelight
-#Requires: baobab # Not as nice as filelight.
-febootstrap is a Fedora equivalent to Debian's debootstrap. You can
-use it to create a basic Fedora filesystem, and build initramfs
-(initrd.img) or filesystem images.
-febootstrap also includes a separate tool to minimize filesystems by
-removing unneeded locales, documentation etc.
-The main difference from other appliance building tools is that this
-one doesn't need to be run as root.
-%setup -q
-# Clean up the examples/ directory which will get installed in %doc.
-# In this case I don't want the scripts to be executable because
-# people should read them carefully before running them.
-rm examples/Makefile*
-chmod -x examples/*.sh
-%doc COPYING README examples
-* Mon Mar 23 2009 Richard Jones <rjones@redhat.com> - @VERSION@-1
-- Initial build.