febootstrap [...]
+If you get segfaults while running febootstrap or errors in the %post
+scripts, these are often caused by some incompatibility in the
+emulation provided by fakeroot/fakechroot. You can track them down by
+running the yum command explicitly. Try:
+ fakeroot fakechroot -s \
+ yum -y -c /tmp/repo \
+ --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=febootstrap \
+ --noplugins --nogpgcheck \
+ --installroot=/tmp/root \
+ install "@Core"
+where /tmp/repo would be a file like this (change repo and arch
+parameters as appropriate):
+ [febootstrap]
+ name=febootstrap
+ failovermethod=priority
+ enabled=1
+ gpgcheck=0
+ mirrorlist=
+You can insert gdb in the appropriate place in the fakeroot /
+fakechroot / yum command.
Feedback and bugs