+++ /dev/null
-## NB ##
-These notes reflect earlier thinking about the language and may not
-necessarily accurately describe the current goaljobs language. Please
-read the documentation instead.
-## NB ##
-Like 'make' except:
- - Predicates can be based on arbitrary expressions, not just
- "file X is older than file Y".
- - Rules are more flexible and encourage structuring and reuse
- through functions.
- - Goals can be parameterized.
- - Program can run continuously to implement business rules.
-Differences from 'whenjobs':
- - Goals instead of variables.
- - Persistent (across session) variables exist, but are not central.
- - Doesn't use <<..>> for shell scripts (has a function 'sh' instead).
- - No daemon.
-Similarities to 'whenjobs':
- - Each shell script runs in its own temporary directory.
-Example program:
- let package = "foo"
- let rec goal website_updated version =
- let tarfile = sprintf "%s-%s.tar.gz" package version in
- let tarpath = getenv "HOME" // "html" // tarfile in
- let url = sprintf "http://example.com/%s" tarfile in
- target (url_exists url);
- require (tarball_exists version);
- require (tarball_tested version);
- sh "rsync %s example.com:/html/" tarpath
- and goal tarball_tested version =
- let tarfile = sprintf "%s-%s.tar.gz" package version in
- let tarpath = getenv "HOME" // "html" // tarfile in
- let memkey = package ^ "_tested_" ^ version in
- target (memory_exists memkey);
- require (tarball_exists version);
- sh "
- tar zxf %s
- cd %s-%s
- ./configure
- make
- make check
- " tarpath package version;
- memory_set memkey "1"
- and goal tarball_exists version =
- let tarpath = getenv "HOME" // "html" // tarfile in
- target (file_exists tarpath);
- sh "
- cd $HOME/repos/%s
- git fetch
- git archive --prefix %s-%s/ v%s | gzip > %s-t
- mv %s-t %s
- " package package version version tarpath tarpath tarpath
- every 1 hour =
- let version = shout "
- cd $HOME/repos/%s
- git fetch
- git describe --tags --abbrev=0 --match='v*'
- " package in
- require (website_updated version)
-This compiles down to a command line program that can be used like this:
- ./compile [-flags] [goals]
-The goals are not enabled automatically. You have to do something
-(simple) to publish a goal and specify how command line arguments get
-mapped to goal arguments, since the mapping is not likely to be 1-1
-strings. In the end you can do stuff like:
- ./compile all
- ./compile clean
- ./compile build program # program is a parameter
- ./compile -my-flag # custom flags can be defined