# Create a working directory to store the downloaded registry files.
my $tmpdir = tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
-# Only used when merging to map downloaded hive names to hive handles.
+# Used when merging (only) to map from the downloaded hiveshortname to
+# various properties about the hive. The key is hiveshortname. The
+# value is a hashref containing {h} (hive handle) and {hivefile} (full
+# hive path on the Windows side).
my %hives;
if (!$merge) { # Export mode.
my $name = shift @ARGV; # or undef
# Map this to the hive name. This function dies on failure.
- my ($hivename, $prefix);
- ($hivename, $path, $prefix) = map_path_to_hive ($path);
+ my ($hiveshortname, $hivefile, $prefix);
+ ($hiveshortname, $hivefile, $path, $prefix) = map_path_to_hive ($path);
# Download the chosen hive.
- download_hive ($hivename);
+ download_hive ($hivefile, $hiveshortname);
# Open it.
- my $h = Win::Hivex->open ("$tmpdir/$hivename", debug => $debug);
+ my $h = Win::Hivex->open ("$tmpdir/$hiveshortname", debug => $debug);
unless ($name) {
# Export it.
- warn "exporting $path from $hivename with prefix $prefix ..." if $debug;
+ warn "exporting $path from $hiveshortname with prefix $prefix ..."
+ if $debug;
reg_export ($h, $path, \*STDOUT,
prefix => $prefix,
unsafe_printable_strings => $unsafe_printable_strings);
} else {
# Export a single key using hivexget.
- my @args = ("hivexget", "$tmpdir/$hivename", $path, $name);
+ my @args = ("hivexget", "$tmpdir/$hiveshortname", $path, $name);
warn "running ", join (" ", @args), " ..." if $debug;
system (@args) == 0 or die "hivexget failed: $?"
# Now we've done importing, commit all the hive handles and
# close them all.
- $_->commit (undef) foreach values %hives;
- %hives = ();
- # Look in the tmpdir for all the hive files which have been
- # downloaded / modified by the import mapper, and upload
- # each one.
- opendir my $dh, $tmpdir or die "$tmpdir: $!";
- foreach (readdir $dh) {
- unless (/^\./) {
- upload_hive ($_)
- }
+ foreach (values %hives) {
+ my $h = $_->{h};
+ delete $_->{h};
+ $h->commit (undef);
+ }
+ # Upload all the downloaded hives.
+ foreach my $hiveshortname (keys %hives) {
+ upload_hive ($hiveshortname, $hives{$hiveshortname}->{hivefile})
# Sync everything.
local $_ = shift;
- my ($hivename, $path, $prefix) = map_path_to_hive ($_);
+ my ($hiveshortname, $hivefile, $path, $prefix) = map_path_to_hive ($_);
# Need to download this hive?
- unless (-f "$tmpdir/$hivename") {
- download_hive ($hivename);
+ unless (-f "$tmpdir/$hiveshortname") {
+ download_hive ($hivefile, $hiveshortname);
- my $h = Win::Hivex->open ("$tmpdir/$hivename",
+ my $h = Win::Hivex->open ("$tmpdir/$hiveshortname",
write => 1, debug => $debug);
- $hives{$hivename} = $h;
+ my %hash = ( h => $h, hivefile => $hivefile );
+ $hives{$hiveshortname} = \%hash;
- return ($hives{$hivename}, $path);
+ return ($hives{$hiveshortname}->{h}, $path);
# Given a path, map that to the name of the hive and the true path
sub map_path_to_hive
local $_ = shift;
- my ($hivename, $prefix);
+ my ($hiveshortname, $hivefile, $prefix);
if (/^\\?(?:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKLM)\\SAM(\\.*)?$/i) {
- $hivename = "sam";
+ $hiveshortname = "sam";
+ $hivefile = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hiveshortname";
$_ = defined $1 ? $1 : "\\";
elsif (/^\\?(?:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKLM)\\SECURITY(\\.*)?$/i) {
- $hivename = "security";
+ $hiveshortname = "security";
+ $hivefile = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hiveshortname";
$_ = defined $1 ? $1 : "\\";
elsif (/^\\?(?:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKLM)\\SOFTWARE(\\.*)?$/i) {
- $hivename = "software";
+ $hiveshortname = "software";
+ $hivefile = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hiveshortname";
$_ = defined $1 ? $1 : "\\";
elsif (/^\\?(?:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE|HKLM)\\SYSTEM(\\.*)?$/i) {
- $hivename = "system";
+ $hiveshortname = "system";
+ $hivefile = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hiveshortname";
$_ = defined $1 ? $1 : "\\";
elsif (/^\\?(?:HKEY_USERS|HKU)\\.DEFAULT(\\.*)?$/i) {
- $hivename = "default";
+ $hiveshortname = "default";
+ $hivefile = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hiveshortname";
$_ = defined $1 ? $1 : "\\";
p => $_)
- return ($hivename, $_, $prefix);
+ return ($hiveshortname, $hivefile, $_, $prefix);
# Download a named hive file. Die on failure.
sub download_hive
local $_;
- my $hivename = shift;
+ my $hivefile = shift;
+ my $hiveshortname = shift;
- my $winfile_before = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hivename";
my $winfile;
- eval { $winfile = $g->case_sensitive_path ($winfile_before); };
+ eval { $winfile = $g->case_sensitive_path ($hivefile); };
if ($@) {
die __x("virt-win-reg: {p}: file not found in guest: {err}\n",
- p => $winfile_before, err => $@);
+ p => $hivefile, err => $@);
warn "downloading $winfile ..." if $debug;
- eval { $g->download ($winfile, "$tmpdir/$hivename"); };
+ eval { $g->download ($winfile, "$tmpdir/$hiveshortname"); };
if ($@) {
die __x("virt-win-reg: {p}: could not download registry file: {err}\n",
p => $winfile, err => $@);
sub upload_hive
local $_;
- my $hivename = shift;
+ my $hiveshortname = shift;
+ my $hivefile = shift;
- my $winfile_before = "$systemroot/system32/config/$hivename";
my $winfile;
- eval { $winfile = $g->case_sensitive_path ($winfile_before); };
+ eval { $winfile = $g->case_sensitive_path ($hivefile); };
if ($@) {
die __x("virt-win-reg: {p}: file not found in guest: {err}\n",
- p => $winfile_before, err => $@);
+ p => $hivefile, err => $@);
warn "uploading $winfile ..." if $debug;
- eval { $g->upload ("$tmpdir/$hivename", $winfile); };
+ eval { $g->upload ("$tmpdir/$hiveshortname", $winfile); };
if ($@) {
die __x("virt-win-reg: {p}: could not upload registry file: {err}\n",
p => $winfile, err => $@);