failwithf "%s: cannot find the standard library directory, expected %s. If the standard library directory is in a non-standard location then set GOALS_DATADIR. If you can trying to run goals from the build directory then use ‘./run goals ...’"
Sys.executable_name stdlibdir
-let input_file, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets =
+let input_file,
+ debug_flag, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets =
let args = ref [] in
+ let debug_flag = ref false in
let directory = ref "." in
let input_file = ref "Goalfile" in
let includes = ref [stdlibdir] in
let argspec = [
"-C", Arg.Set_string directory,
"directory Change to directory before running";
+ "-d", Arg.Set debug_flag,
+ " Print debug information.";
"--directory", Arg.Set_string directory,
"directory Change to directory before running";
"-f", Arg.Set_string input_file,
Arg.parse argspec anon_fun usage;
let args = List.rev !args in
+ let debug_flag = !debug_flag in
let directory = !directory in
let input_file = absolute_path !input_file in
(* Don't reverse includes - we want newer -I options to take precedence. *)
(name, expr)
) anon_vars in
- input_file, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets
+ input_file,
+ debug_flag, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets
+(* Create the debug function. *)
+let debug fs =
+ let display str = if debug_flag then prerr_endline str in
+ ksprintf display fs
(** Get the name of the input Goalfile.
This is an absolute path. *)
+val debug : ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
+(** If debugging is enabled (-d option) then print the formatted
+ output. If debugging was not enabled then nothing is printed. *)
+val debug_flag : bool
+(** If debugging is enabled. *)
val directory : string
(** Get the name of working directory (-C option). *)
(* Run a goal by name. *)
and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) =
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running goal %s %a"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name Ast.string_expr (Ast.EList (Ast.noloc, args));
(* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
* the args.
(* Return whether the target (pattern) needs to be rebuilt. *)
and needs_rebuild env loc deps pattern =
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: testing if %a needs rebuild"
+ Ast.string_loc loc Ast.string_pattern pattern;
match pattern with
| Ast.PTactic (loc, tactic, targs) ->
(* Look up the tactic. *)
* cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
and run_tactic env loc tactic cargs =
+ Cmdline.debug "%a: running tactic %s" Ast.string_loc loc tactic;
(* Find all goals in the environment. Returns a list of (name, goal). *)
let goals =
let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in
if targets <> [] then targets
else [Ast.ECallGoal (Ast.noloc, "all", [])] in
- Ast.print_env stderr env;
+ if Cmdline.debug_flag then
+ Ast.print_env stderr env;
(* Evaluate the target expressions in turn. *)
Eval.evaluate_targets env targets