(* Command line argument parsing. *)
let prog = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name
-let infile, outfile, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun,
+let infile, outfile, alignment, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun,
expand, expand_content, extra_partition, format, ignores,
lv_expands, machine_readable, ntfsresize_force, output_format,
quiet, resizes, resizes_force, shrink =
let add xs s = xs := s :: !xs in
+ let alignment = ref 128 in
let copy_boot_loader = ref true in
let debug = ref false in
let deletes = ref [] in
let argspec = Arg.align [
+ "--alignment", Arg.Set_int alignment, "sectors Set partition alignment (default: 128 sectors)";
"--no-copy-boot-loader", Arg.Clear copy_boot_loader, " Don't copy boot loader";
"-d", Arg.Set debug, " Enable debugging messages";
"--debug", Arg.Set debug, " -\"-";
(* Dereference the rest of the args. *)
+ let alignment = !alignment in
let copy_boot_loader = !copy_boot_loader in
let deletes = List.rev !deletes in
let dryrun = !dryrun in
let resizes_force = List.rev !resizes_force in
let shrink = match !shrink with "" -> None | str -> Some str in
+ if alignment < 1 then
+ error "alignment cannot be < 1";
+ let alignment = Int64.of_int alignment in
(* No arguments and machine-readable mode? Print out some facts
* about what this binary supports. We only need to print out new
* things added since this option, or things which depend on features
printf "ntfsresize-force\n";
printf "32bitok\n";
printf "128-sector-alignment\n";
+ printf "alignment\n";
let g = new G.guestfs () in
g#add_drive_opts "/dev/null";
g#launch ();
| _ ->
error "usage is: %s [--options] indisk outdisk" prog in
- infile, outfile, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun,
+ infile, outfile, alignment, copy_boot_loader, debug, deletes, dryrun,
expand, expand_content, extra_partition, format, ignores,
lv_expands, machine_readable, ntfsresize_force, output_format,
quiet, resizes, resizes_force, shrink
let nr_partitions = List.length partitions in
let overhead = (Int64.of_int sectsize) *^ (
2L *^ 64L +^ (* GPT start and end *)
- (128L *^ (Int64.of_int (nr_partitions + 1))) (* Maximum alignment *)
+ (alignment *^ (Int64.of_int (nr_partitions + 1))) (* Maximum alignment *)
) +^
(Int64.of_int (max_bootloader - 64 * 512)) in (* Bootloader *)
let partitions =
let sectsize = Int64.of_int sectsize in
+ (* Return 'i' rounded up to the next multiple of 'a'. *)
+ let roundup64 i a = let a = a -^ 1L in (i +^ a) &^ (~^ a) in
let rec loop partnum start = function
| p :: ps ->
(match p.p_operation with
let size = (p.p_part.G.part_size +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
(* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
let end_ = start +^ size in
- let next = (end_ +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ let next = roundup64 end_ alignment in
{ p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = end_ -^ 1L;
p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
let size = (newsize +^ sectsize -^ 1L) /^ sectsize in
(* Start of next partition + alignment. *)
let next = start +^ size in
- let next = (next +^ 127L) &^ (~^ 127L) in
+ let next = roundup64 next alignment in
{ p with p_target_start = start; p_target_end = next -^ 1L;
p_target_partnum = partnum } :: loop (partnum+1) next ps
Display help.
+=item B<--alignment N>
+Set the alignment of partitions to C<N> sectors. The default in
+virt-resize E<lt> 1.13.19 was 64 sectors, and after that is 128
+Assuming 512 byte sector size inside the guest, here are some
+suitable values for this:
+=over 4
+=item I<--alignment 1> (512 bytes)
+The partitions would be packed together as closely as possible, but
+would be completely unaligned. In some cases this can cause very poor
+performance. See L<virt-alignment-scan(1)> for further details.
+=item I<--alignment 8> (4K)
+This would be the minimum acceptable alignment for reasonable
+performance on modern hosts.
+=item I<--alignment 128> (64K)
+This alignment provides good performance when the host is using high
+end network storage.
+=item I<--alignment 2048> (1M)
+This is the standard alignment used by all newly installed guests
+since around 2008.
=item B<-d>
=item B<--debug>
=head2 "Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary."
-Virt-resize aligns partitions to multiples of 64 sectors. Usually
-this means the partitions will not be aligned to the ancient CHS
-geometry. However CHS geometry is meaningless for disks manufactured
-since the early 1990s, and doubly so for virtual hard drives.
-Alignment of partitions to cylinders is not required by any modern
-operating system.
+Virt-resize aligns partitions to multiples of 128 sectors (see the
+I<--alignment> parameter). Usually this means the partitions will not
+be aligned to the ancient CHS geometry. However CHS geometry is
+meaningless for disks manufactured since the early 1990s, and doubly
+so for virtual hard drives. Alignment of partitions to cylinders is
+not required by any modern operating system.
=head1 AUTHOR