(* csv.ml - comma separated values parser
- * $Id: csv.ml,v 1.9 2006-02-23 15:24:25 rich Exp $
+ * $Id: csv.ml,v 1.10 2006-04-21 12:44:42 rich Exp $
(* The format of CSV files:
* subset of it into a matrix.
+open Printf
type t = string list list
exception Bad_CSV_file of string
match csv with
| [] -> []
- | r :: _ ->
- let n = List.length r in
- let lengths = List.map (List.map String.length) csv in
+ | row1 :: rest ->
+ let lengths_row1 = List.map String.length row1 in
+ let lengths_rest = List.map (List.map String.length) rest in
let max2rows r1 r2 =
- let rp = List.combine r1 r2 in
+ let rp =
+ try List.combine r1 r2
+ with
+ Invalid_argument "List.combine" ->
+ failwith "Csv.save_out_readable: internal error: length r1 = %d, length r2 = %d" (List.length r1) (List.length r2) in
List.map (fun ((a : int), (b : int)) -> max a b) rp
- let rec repeat x = function
- | 0 -> []
- | i -> x :: repeat x (i-1)
- in
- List.fold_left max2rows (repeat 0 n) lengths in
+ List.fold_left max2rows lengths_row1 lengths_rest in
(* Print out each cell at the correct width. *)
let rec repeat f = function
output_string chan cell;
output_char chan '\n'
| row -> (* Other. *)
- let row = List.combine widths row in
+ (* Pair up each cell with its max width. *)
+ let row =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | ([], _) -> []
+ | (_, []) -> failwith "Csv.save_out_readable: internal error"
+ | (cell :: cells, width :: widths) ->
+ (cell, width) :: loop (cells, widths)
+ in
+ loop (row, widths) in
List.iter (
- fun (width, cell) ->
+ fun (cell, width) ->
output_string chan cell;
let n = String.length cell in
repeat (fun () -> output_char chan ' ') (width - n + 1)