* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- * $Id: bitmatch.ml,v 1.7 2008-04-02 08:05:58 rjones Exp $
+ * $Id: bitmatch.ml,v 1.8 2008-04-02 11:06:07 rjones Exp $
open Printf
(* Bitwise operations on ints. Note that we assume int <= 31 bits. *)
let (<<) = (lsl)
let (>>) = (lsr)
+ external to_int : int -> int = "%identity"
+ let zero = 0
let one = 1
let minus_one = -1
let ff = 0xff
pred (one << bits)
else if bits = 30 then
- else
+ else if bits = 31 then
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Bitmatch.I.mask"
(* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
let byteswap v bits =
let v4 = (v land (mask shift)) << 24 in
v4 lor v3 lor v2 lor v1
+ (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
+ let range_unsigned v bits =
+ let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
+ (v land mask) = zero
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (big endian - so start at top).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ map_bytes_be g f (v >> 8) (bits-8);
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
module I32 = struct
let (>>) = Int32.shift_right_logical
let (land) = Int32.logand
let (lor) = Int32.logor
+ let lnot = Int32.lognot
let pred = Int32.pred
let max_int = Int32.max_int
+ let to_int = Int32.to_int
+ let zero = Int32.zero
let one = Int32.one
let minus_one = Int32.minus_one
let ff = 0xff_l
pred (one << bits)
else if bits = 31 then
- else
+ else if bits = 32 then
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Bitmatch.I32.mask"
(* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
let byteswap v bits =
let v4 = (v land (mask shift)) << 24 in
v4 lor v3 lor v2 lor v1
+ (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
+ let range_unsigned v bits =
+ let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
+ (v land mask) = zero
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (big endian - so start at top).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ map_bytes_be g f (v >> 8) (bits-8);
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
+module I64 = struct
+ (* Bitwise operations on int64s. Note we try to keep it as similar
+ * as possible to the I/I32 modules above, to make it easier to track
+ * down bugs.
+ *)
+ let (<<) = Int64.shift_left
+ let (>>) = Int64.shift_right_logical
+ let (land) = Int64.logand
+ let (lor) = Int64.logor
+ let lnot = Int64.lognot
+ let pred = Int64.pred
+ let max_int = Int64.max_int
+ let to_int = Int64.to_int
+ let zero = Int64.zero
+ let one = Int64.one
+ let minus_one = Int64.minus_one
+ let ff = 0xff_L
+ (* Create a mask so many bits wide. *)
+ let mask bits =
+ if bits < 63 then
+ pred (one << bits)
+ else if bits = 63 then
+ max_int
+ else if bits = 64 then
+ minus_one
+ else
+ invalid_arg "Bitmatch.I64.mask"
+ (* Byte swap an int of a given size. *)
+ (* let byteswap v bits = *)
+ (* Check a value is in range 0 .. 2^bits-1. *)
+ let range_unsigned v bits =
+ let mask = lnot (mask bits) in
+ (v land mask) = zero
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (big endian - so start at top).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_be g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ map_bytes_be g f (v >> 8) (bits-8);
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
Buffer._add_bits buf v flen
-(* Generate a mask with the lower 'bits' bits set. *)
-let mask64 bits =
- if bits < 63 then Int64.pred (Int64.shift_left 1L bits)
- else if bits = 63 then Int64.max_int
- else if bits = 64 then -1L
- else invalid_arg "Bitmatch.mask64"
+(* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
+let construct_int_be_unsigned buf v flen exn =
+ (* Check value is within range. *)
+ if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
+ (* Add the bytes. *)
+ I.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
(* Construct a field of up to 64 bits. *)
let construct_int64_be_unsigned buf v flen exn =
(* Check value is within range. *)
- let m = Int64.lognot (mask64 flen) in
- if Int64.logand v m <> 0L then raise exn;
+ if not (I64.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
(* Add the bytes. *)
- let rec loop v flen =
- if flen > 8 then (
- loop (Int64.shift_right_logical v 8) (flen-8);
- let lsb = Int64.to_int (Int64.logand v 0xffL) in
- Buffer.add_byte buf lsb
- ) else if flen > 0 then (
- let lsb = Int64.to_int (Int64.logand v (mask64 flen)) in
- Buffer._add_bits buf lsb flen
- )
- in
- loop v flen
+ I64.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
(* Display functions. *)