| exn ->
failwith (Printexc.to_string exn) in
+ let s = Whenstate.copy_prev_state !state s in
state := s;
(* Re-evaluate all when jobs. *)
let copy_variables old t =
{ t with variables = StringMap.fold StringMap.add old.variables t.variables }
+let copy_prev_state old t =
+ let is_explicit jobname =
+ String.length jobname < 4 || String.sub jobname 0 4 <> "job$"
+ in
+ let prev_variables = StringMap.fold (
+ fun jobname _ map ->
+ try
+ if not (is_explicit jobname) then raise Not_found;
+ (* See if we can find a job with the same name in the old state. *)
+ let old_vars = StringMap.find jobname old.prev_variables in
+ StringMap.add jobname old_vars map
+ with
+ Not_found -> map
+ ) t.jobmap t.prev_variables in
+ let prev_eval_result = StringMap.fold (
+ fun jobname _ map ->
+ try
+ if not (is_explicit jobname) then raise Not_found;
+ (* See if we can find a job with the same name in the old state. *)
+ let old_result = StringMap.find jobname old.prev_eval_result in
+ StringMap.add jobname old_result map
+ with
+ Not_found -> map
+ ) t.jobmap t.prev_eval_result in
+ { t with
+ prev_variables = prev_variables; prev_eval_result = prev_eval_result }
let get_variable t name =
try StringMap.find name t.variables with Not_found -> T_string ""
the variables from [old_state], adding them to [current_state],
returning a new state. Note the order of arguments. *)
+val copy_prev_state : t -> t -> t
+(** [copy_prev_state old_state current_state -> new_state] is an
+ obscure function used to make the [prev] function work predictably
+ across file reloads. Since a file reload creates a new state
+ object, it would normally "forget" that jobs had run previously,
+ so any job that used [prev], [changes] etc would run again
+ unnecessarily. This function copies the prev state, allowing us
+ to remember which jobs ran previously and the state of the
+ variables at that time, making these functions work predictably.
+ State is only copied for jobs that have explicit names. *)
val get_variable : t -> string -> Whenexpr.variable
(** Return the value of a variable, when unknown variables defaulting
to empty string. *)
If the when-job has not run yet, then this returns C<"">.
+Job state is preserved across file reloads, but I<only> for jobs that
+are explicitly named. If you find that jobs using C<prev>, C<changes>
+etc are running unnecessarily when the jobs file is edited or
+uploaded, try giving the jobs an explicit name.
=item B<changes> I<variable>
If the named variable has changed since this job last ran, then this