+and generate_php_h () =
+ generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
+ pr "\
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_H 1
+#ifdef ZTS
+#include \"TSRM.h\"
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_EXTNAME \"guestfs_php\"
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_VERSION \"1.0\"
+PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION (guestfs_php);
+#define PHP_GUESTFS_HANDLE_RES_NAME \"guestfs_h\"
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_create);
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_last_error);
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr "PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_%s);\n" shortname
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr "\
+extern zend_module_entry guestfs_php_module_entry;
+#define phpext_guestfs_php_ptr &guestfs_php_module_entry
+#endif /* PHP_GUESTFS_PHP_H */
+and generate_php_c () =
+ generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
+ pr "\
+/* NOTE: Be very careful with all macros in PHP header files. The
+ * morons who wrote them aren't good at making them safe for inclusion
+ * in arbitrary places in C code, eg. not using 'do ... while(0)'
+ * or parenthesizing any of the arguments.
+ */
+/* NOTE (2): Some parts of the API can't be used on 32 bit platforms.
+ * Any 64 bit numbers will be truncated. There's no easy way around
+ * this in PHP.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <php.h>
+#include <php_guestfs_php.h>
+#include \"guestfs.h\"
+static int res_guestfs_h;
+static void
+guestfs_php_handle_dtor (zend_rsrc_list_entry *rsrc TSRMLS_DC)
+ guestfs_h *g = (guestfs_h *) rsrc->ptr;
+ if (g != NULL)
+ guestfs_close (g);
+PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION (guestfs_php)
+ res_guestfs_h =
+ zend_register_list_destructors_ex (guestfs_php_handle_dtor,
+static function_entry guestfs_php_functions[] = {
+ PHP_FE (guestfs_create, NULL)
+ PHP_FE (guestfs_last_error, NULL)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr " PHP_FE (guestfs_%s, NULL)\n" shortname
+ ) all_functions_sorted;
+ pr " { NULL, NULL, NULL }
+zend_module_entry guestfs_php_module_entry = {
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901
+ guestfs_php_functions,
+ PHP_MINIT (guestfs_php),
+#if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20010901
+ZEND_GET_MODULE (guestfs_php)
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_create)
+ guestfs_h *g = guestfs_create ();
+ if (g == NULL) {
+ }
+ guestfs_set_error_handler (g, NULL, NULL);
+ ZEND_REGISTER_RESOURCE (return_value, g, res_guestfs_h);
+PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_last_error)
+ zval *z_g;
+ guestfs_h *g;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, \"r\",
+ &z_g) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ res_guestfs_h);
+ if (g == NULL) {
+ }
+ const char *err = guestfs_last_error (g);
+ if (err) {
+ RETURN_STRING (err, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
+ (* Now generate the PHP bindings for each action. *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (shortname, style, _, _, _, _, _) ->
+ pr "PHP_FUNCTION (guestfs_%s)\n" shortname;
+ pr "{\n";
+ pr " zval *z_g;\n";
+ pr " guestfs_h *g;\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n
+ | BufferIn n ->
+ pr " char *%s;\n" n;
+ pr " int %s_size;\n" n
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ pr " zval *z_%s;\n" n;
+ pr " char **%s;\n" n;
+ | Bool n ->
+ pr " zend_bool %s;\n" n
+ | Int n | Int64 n ->
+ pr " long %s;\n" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Parse the parameters. *)
+ let param_string = String.concat "" (
+ List.map (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | BufferIn n | Key n -> "s"
+ | OptString n -> "s!"
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n -> "a"
+ | Bool n -> "b"
+ | Int n | Int64 n -> "l"
+ ) (snd style)
+ ) in
+ pr " if (zend_parse_parameters (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, \"r%s\",\n"
+ param_string;
+ pr " &z_g";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | BufferIn n | Key n
+ | OptString n ->
+ pr ", &%s, &%s_size" n n
+ | StringList n | DeviceList n ->
+ pr ", &z_%s" n
+ | Bool n ->
+ pr ", &%s" n
+ | Int n | Int64 n ->
+ pr ", &%s" n
+ ) (snd style);
+ pr ") == FAILURE) {\n";
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE (g, guestfs_h *, &z_g, -1, PHP_GUESTFS_HANDLE_RES_NAME,\n";
+ pr " res_guestfs_h);\n";
+ pr " if (g == NULL) {\n";
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n ->
+ (* Just need to check the string doesn't contain any ASCII
+ * NUL characters, which won't be supported by the C API.
+ *)
+ pr " if (strlen (%s) != %s_size) {\n" n n;
+ pr " fprintf (stderr, \"libguestfs: %s: parameter '%s' contains embedded ASCII NUL.\\n\");\n" shortname n;
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | BufferIn n -> ()
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ (* Convert array to list of strings.
+ * http://marc.info/?l=pecl-dev&m=112205192100631&w=2
+ *)
+ pr " {\n";
+ pr " HashTable *a;\n";
+ pr " int n;\n";
+ pr " HashPosition p;\n";
+ pr " zval **d;\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " a = Z_ARRVAL_P (z_%s);\n" n;
+ pr " n = zend_hash_num_elements (a);\n";
+ pr " %s = safe_emalloc (n + 1, sizeof (char *), 0);\n" n;
+ pr " for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex (a, &p);\n";
+ pr " zend_hash_get_current_data_ex (a, (void **) &d, &p) == SUCCESS;\n";
+ pr " zend_hash_move_forward_ex (a, &p)) {\n";
+ pr " zval t = **d;\n";
+ pr " zval_copy_ctor (&t);\n";
+ pr " convert_to_string (&t);\n";
+ pr " %s[c] = Z_STRVAL (t);\n" n;
+ pr " c++;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " %s[c] = NULL;\n" n;
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | Bool n | Int n | Int64 n -> ()
+ ) (snd style);
+ (* Return value. *)
+ let error_code =
+ match fst style with
+ | RErr -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RBool _
+ | RInt _ -> pr " int r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RInt64 _ -> pr " int64_t r;\n"; "-1"
+ | RConstString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RConstOptString _ -> pr " const char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RString _ ->
+ pr " char *r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RStringList _ ->
+ pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RStruct (_, typ) ->
+ pr " struct guestfs_%s *r;\n" typ; "NULL"
+ | RStructList (_, typ) ->
+ pr " struct guestfs_%s_list *r;\n" typ; "NULL"
+ | RHashtable _ ->
+ pr " char **r;\n"; "NULL"
+ | RBufferOut _ ->
+ pr " char *r;\n";
+ pr " size_t size;\n";
+ "NULL" in
+ (* Call the function. *)
+ pr " r = guestfs_%s " shortname;
+ generate_c_call_args ~handle:"g" style;
+ pr ";\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Free up parameters. *)
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | String n | Device n | Pathname n | Dev_or_Path n
+ | FileIn n | FileOut n | Key n
+ | OptString n -> ()
+ | BufferIn n -> ()
+ | StringList n
+ | DeviceList n ->
+ pr " {\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; %s[c] != NULL; ++c)\n" n;
+ pr " efree (%s[c]);\n" n;
+ pr " efree (%s);\n" n;
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ | Bool n | Int n | Int64 n -> ()
+ ) (snd style);
+ (* Check for errors. *)
+ pr " if (r == %s) {\n" error_code;
+ pr " RETURN_FALSE;\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr "\n";
+ (* Convert the return value. *)
+ (match fst style with
+ | RErr ->
+ pr " RETURN_TRUE;\n"
+ | RBool _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_BOOL (r);\n"
+ | RInt _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_LONG (r);\n"
+ | RInt64 _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_LONG (r);\n"
+ | RConstString _ ->
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r, 1);\n"
+ | RConstOptString _ ->
+ pr " if (r) { RETURN_STRING (r, 1); }\n";
+ pr " else { RETURN_NULL (); }\n"
+ | RString _ ->
+ pr " char *r_copy = estrdup (r);\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r_copy, 0);\n"
+ | RBufferOut _ ->
+ pr " char *r_copy = estrndup (r, size);\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ pr " RETURN_STRING (r_copy, 0);\n"
+ | RStringList _ ->
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; r[c] != NULL; ++c) {\n";
+ pr " add_next_index_string (return_value, r[c], 1);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c]);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ | RHashtable _ ->
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; r[c] != NULL; c += 2) {\n";
+ pr " add_assoc_string (return_value, r[c], r[c+1], 1);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c]);\n";
+ pr " free (r[c+1]);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " free (r);\n";
+ | RStruct (_, typ) ->
+ let cols = cols_of_struct typ in
+ generate_php_struct_code typ cols
+ | RStructList (_, typ) ->
+ let cols = cols_of_struct typ in
+ generate_php_struct_list_code typ cols
+ );
+ pr "}\n";
+ pr "\n"
+ ) all_functions_sorted
+and generate_php_struct_code typ cols =
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, FString ->
+ pr " add_assoc_string (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, 1);\n" name name
+ | name, FBuffer ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, r->%s_len, 1);\n"
+ name name name
+ | name, FUUID ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s, 32, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, (FBytes|FUInt64|FInt64|FInt32|FUInt32) ->
+ pr " add_assoc_long (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FChar ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (return_value, \"%s\", &r->%s, 1, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FOptPercent ->
+ pr " add_assoc_double (return_value, \"%s\", r->%s);\n"
+ name name
+ ) cols;
+ pr " guestfs_free_%s (r);\n" typ
+and generate_php_struct_list_code typ cols =
+ pr " array_init (return_value);\n";
+ pr " size_t c = 0;\n";
+ pr " for (c = 0; c < r->len; ++c) {\n";
+ pr " zval *z_elem;\n";
+ pr " ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL (z_elem);\n";
+ pr " array_init (z_elem);\n";
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | name, FString ->
+ pr " add_assoc_string (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FBuffer ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, r->val[c].%s_len, 1);\n"
+ name name name
+ | name, FUUID ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s, 32, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, (FBytes|FUInt64|FInt64|FInt32|FUInt32) ->
+ pr " add_assoc_long (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FChar ->
+ pr " add_assoc_stringl (z_elem, \"%s\", &r->val[c].%s, 1, 1);\n"
+ name name
+ | name, FOptPercent ->
+ pr " add_assoc_double (z_elem, \"%s\", r->val[c].%s);\n"
+ name name
+ ) cols;
+ pr " add_next_index_zval (return_value, z_elem);\n";
+ pr " }\n";
+ pr " guestfs_free_%s_list (r);\n" typ
and generate_bindtests () =
generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
output_to "haskell/Guestfs.hs" generate_haskell_hs;
output_to "haskell/Bindtests.hs" generate_haskell_bindtests;
output_to "csharp/Libguestfs.cs" generate_csharp;
+ output_to "php/extension/php_guestfs_php.h" generate_php_h;
+ output_to "php/extension/guestfs_php.c" generate_php_c;
(* Always generate this file last, and unconditionally. It's used
* by the Makefile to know when we must re-run the generator.