let OCAMLFLAGS = [ "-g", "-safe-string", "-warn-error", "CDEFLMPSUVYZX+52-3" ]
-let OCAMLPACKAGES = [ "-package", "str,unix", "-I", "src" ]
+let OCAMLPACKAGES = [ "-package", "str,unix,threads", "-I", "src", "-thread" ]
+ "src/jobs.cmx",
dnl Substitute OCaml flags and packages.
AC_SUBST([OCAMLFLAGS], ["-g -safe-string -warn-error CDEFLMPSUVYZX+52-3"])
-AC_SUBST([OCAMLPACKAGES], ["-package str,unix"])
+AC_SUBST([OCAMLPACKAGES], ["-package str,unix,threads -thread"])
dnl Produce output files.
goals ['TARGET'] ['VAR=VALUE']
[-C|--directory DIRECTORY] [-d] [-f|--file Goalfile]
- [-I|--include DIRECTORY] [--no-prelude]
+ [-I|--include DIRECTORY] [-j|--jobs JOBS] [--no-prelude]
goals --help
directory specified with the I<-C> option, or to the current directory
if I<-C> was not used.
+=item B<-j> JOBS
+=item B<--jobs> JOBS
+Set the maximum number of commands that can run at the same time.
+Unlike make, goals defaults to running in parallel, setting the
+default to the number of cores on the machine. To disable parallel
+jobs, you must use S<I<-j 1>>.
=item B<--no-prelude>
Do not load F<prelude.gl> from C<%stdlib>. The default is that the
Sys.executable_name stdlibdir
let input_file,
- debug_flag, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets =
+ debug_flag, directory, includes, nr_jobs, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets =
let args = ref [] in
let debug_flag = ref false in
let directory = ref "." in
let input_file = ref "Goalfile" in
let includes = ref [stdlibdir] in
let add_include dir = includes := dir :: !includes in
+ let nr_jobs = ref 4 (* XXX use nproc *) in
let use_prelude = ref true in
let argspec = [
"dir Add include directory";
"--include", Arg.String add_include,
"dir Add include directory";
+ "-j", Arg.Set_int nr_jobs,
+ "jobs Set number of parallel jobs";
+ "--jobs", Arg.Set_int nr_jobs,
+ "jobs Set number of parallel jobs";
"--no-prelude",Arg.Clear use_prelude,
" Do not automatically use prelude.gl from stdlib";
"-v", Arg.Unit print_version,
let input_file = !input_file in
(* Don't reverse includes - we want newer -I options to take precedence. *)
let includes = !includes in
+ let nr_jobs = !nr_jobs in
+ if nr_jobs < 1 then
+ failwithf "%s: -j must be >= 1" Sys.executable_name;
let use_prelude = !use_prelude in
(* Get the anon var assignments and targets. *)
) anon_vars in
- debug_flag, directory, includes, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets
+ debug_flag, directory, includes, nr_jobs, use_prelude, anon_vars, targets
(* Create the debug function. *)
let debug fs =
val includes : string list
(** Get list of include directories (-I option). *)
+val nr_jobs : int
+(** Number of jobs (-j option). *)
val use_prelude : bool
(** True if we should load the prelude, or false if --no-prelude. *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Goals parallel jobs.
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Richard W.M. Jones
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+module type Key = sig
+ type t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val to_string : t -> string
+module type Jobs = sig
+ type key
+ type group
+ val new_group : unit -> group
+ val start : group -> key -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+ val wait : group -> unit
+module Make (K : Key) = struct
+ type key = K.t
+ type state = Waiting | Running | Done
+ type job = {
+ mutable state : state;
+ f : unit -> unit; (* The function to run the job. *)
+ }
+ type queue = {
+ (* Lock preventing multiple jobs with the same key from
+ * running at the same time.
+ *)
+ q_lock : Mutex.t;
+ mutable q : job list; (* List of jobs on this queue. *)
+ }
+ let new_queue () = { q_lock = Mutex.create (); q = [] }
+ (* All of the shared state below is protected by this lock that
+ * you must hold before using any of it.
+ *)
+ let lock = Mutex.create ()
+ (* Jobs are queued on separate queues according to their key.
+ * qs is a map of the key to the list of jobs in that queue.
+ *)
+ module Qs = Map.Make (K)
+ let qs = ref Qs.empty
+ (* Threads which are idle wait on this condition. This is
+ * signalled when:
+ * - a new job is added (idle threads may be able to run it)
+ * - a job finishes (idle threads may be able to run another
+ * job which has the same key as the one which finished)
+ *)
+ let idle = Condition.create ()
+ (* Threads which are running or idle but NOT waiting. This
+ * starts as one because the main thread is running. A thread
+ * which is waiting is essentially blocking another job which
+ * could run, so we should start a new thread. A thread which
+ * is idle on the other hand is not blocking anything from
+ * running, it's idle because there is nothing that can be run.
+ *
+ * We aim to keep this <= Cmdline.nr_jobs.
+ *)
+ let ready = ref 1
+ (* The worker thread. *)
+ let rec worker _ =
+ let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ incr ready;
+ while !ready <= Cmdline.nr_jobs do
+ (* See if there's any queue with a job which is ready to run. *)
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: checking for a runnable queue" id;
+ match get_runnable_queue () with
+ | None ->
+ (* Nothing that we can run, go idle. This also drops
+ * the lock so other threads can examine the queue.
+ *)
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: idle" id;
+ Condition.wait idle lock;
+ | Some q ->
+ (* Note that q.q_lock is now held by this thread, and q.q
+ * is non-empty. Pick the job off the head of this queue.
+ *)
+ let job = List.hd q.q in
+ q.q <- List.tl q.q;
+ (* Run the job, dropping the main lock while running. *)
+ job.state <- Running;
+ Mutex.unlock lock;
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: running job" id;
+ job.f ();
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: finished job" id;
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ job.state <- Done;
+ (* Since we have finished a job, it may be that other
+ * idle threads could now run (if a job with the same
+ * key is waiting).
+ *)
+ Mutex.unlock q.q_lock;
+ Condition.broadcast idle
+ done;
+ decr ready;
+ Mutex.unlock lock
+ (* Check all the queues to see if there is any job which can run.
+ * The lock must be held when calling this function. This
+ * locks the queue if it finds one.
+ *)
+ and get_runnable_queue () =
+ try
+ let qs = List.map snd (Qs.bindings !qs) in
+ Some (List.find is_runnable_queue qs)
+ with
+ Not_found -> None
+ (* Return true iff the queue contains jobs and no existing job
+ * from this queue is already running. This locks the queue
+ * if it returns true.
+ *)
+ and is_runnable_queue = function
+ | { q = [] } -> false
+ | { q_lock } -> Mutex.try_lock q_lock
+ (* A group is simply a list of jobs. *)
+ type group = job list ref
+ let new_group () = ref []
+ (* Submit a new job. *)
+ let start group key f =
+ let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: submitting new job" id;
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ let job = { state = Waiting; f } in
+ group := job :: !group;
+ (* Put the job on the queue associated with this key. *)
+ let q =
+ try Qs.find key !qs
+ with Not_found ->
+ let q = new_queue () in (* Allocate a new queue for this key. *)
+ qs := Qs.add key q !qs;
+ q in
+ q.q <- q.q @ [job];
+ (* Wake up any idle threads. *)
+ Condition.signal idle;
+ Mutex.unlock lock
+ (* Wait for all jobs in the group to be done. *)
+ let rec wait group =
+ let id = Thread.id (Thread.self ()) in
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ while not (all_done group); do
+ decr ready;
+ (* Start more threads if fewer than nr_jobs threads are ready. *)
+ let needed = Cmdline.nr_jobs - !ready in
+ if needed > 0 then
+ ignore (Array.init needed (Thread.create worker));
+ Cmdline.debug "thread %d: waiting for group to complete" id;
+ Condition.wait idle lock;
+ incr ready
+ done;
+ Mutex.unlock lock
+ (* Test if all jobs in a group are done. Note you must hold
+ * the lock.
+ *)
+ and all_done group = List.for_all (fun { state } -> state = Done) !group
--- /dev/null
+(* Goals parallel jobs.
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Richard W.M. Jones
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(** This module manages parallel jobs.
+ Jobs are grouped. You call [new_group] to create a new
+ group of jobs, initially empty. Then add jobs to it. Then
+ wait for all the jobs in the group to complete.
+ To submit a job to a group use [start group key f]. [group]
+ is an existing group of jobs to which this is added. [key] is
+ a key which ensures that two identical jobs cannot be running
+ at the same time (across all groups). If two or more jobs
+ with the same key are submitted then only one will run and
+ the others will wait until the first finishes, and then another
+ will be picked to run and so on. Jobs with different keys run
+ freely in parallel, assuming there are enough threads available
+ to run them.
+ Goals uses the goal (name + parameters) as the key to
+ ensure you cannot have two jobs running at the same time
+ which would interfere with each other by trying to build
+ the same target.
+ To wait for a group of jobs to complete, call [wait group].
+ *)
+module type Key = sig
+ type t
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val to_string : t -> string
+module type Jobs = sig
+ type key
+ type group
+ val new_group : unit -> group
+ (** Create a new empty jobs group. *)
+ val start : group -> key -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+ (** [start group key f] submits a job to run in the background.
+ The [key] ensures that two jobs with the same key cannot run
+ at the same time (across all groups). *)
+ val wait : group -> unit
+ (** [wait group] waits for all of the jobs in the group to finish. *)
+module Make (K : Key) : Jobs with type key = K.t
Ast.print_env stderr env;
(* Run the target expressions. *)
- Run.run_targets env targets
+ Run.run_targets_to_completion env targets
let () =
try main ()
open Utils
-let rec run_targets env exprs =
- List.iter (run_target env) exprs
+(* Goals uses the goal (name + parameters) as the key to
+ * ensure you cannot have two jobs running at the same time
+ * which would interfere with each other by trying to build
+ * the same target.
+ *)
+module Jobs = Jobs.Make (
+ struct
+ type t = string * Ast.expr list
+ let compare = compare
+ let to_string (name, args) =
+ sprintf "%s (%s)" name
+ (String.concat ", " (List.map (Ast.string_expr ()) args))
+ end
+(* Starts the target expressions running and waits for them to complete. *)
+let rec run_targets_to_completion env exprs =
+ let group = Jobs.new_group () in
+ run_targets group env exprs;
+ Jobs.wait group
+(* This starts the targets, adding them to the jobs group, but does not
+ * wait for them to complete.
+ *)
+and run_targets group env exprs =
+ List.iter (run_target group env) exprs
-and run_target env = function
+(* This starts a single target, adding the (usually single but can
+ * be multiple) jobs to the jobs group. It does not wait for the
+ * jobs to complete.
+ *)
+and run_target group env = function
| Ast.EGoalDefn _ | Ast.EFuncDefn _ | Ast.ETacticDefn _ -> assert false
(* Call a goal or function. *)
let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
(match expr with
| Ast.EGoalDefn (_, goal) ->
- run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ let key = name, args in
+ Jobs.start group key (
+ fun () -> run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ )
| Ast.EFuncDefn (_, func) ->
let expr = Eval.call_function env loc name args func in
- run_target env expr
+ run_target group env expr
| _ ->
failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal or a function"
Ast.string_loc loc name
* (strings, in future booleans, numbers, etc).
let args = List.map (Eval.to_constant env) args in
- run_tactic env loc name args
+ run_tactic group env loc name args
(* If this is a goal then it's the same as calling goal(). If not
* then look up the variable and substitute it.
let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
(match expr with
| Ast.EGoalDefn (loc, ([], _, _, _)) ->
- run_target env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
+ run_target group env (Ast.ECall (loc, name, []))
| EGoalDefn _ ->
failwithf "%a: cannot call %s() since this goal has parameters"
Ast.string_loc loc name
| _ ->
- run_target env expr
+ run_target group env expr
(* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *)
| Ast.EList (loc, exprs) ->
- run_targets env exprs
+ run_targets group env exprs
(* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *)
| Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
let str = Eval.substitute env loc str in
- run_tactic env loc "*file" [Ast.CString str]
+ run_tactic group env loc "*file" [Ast.CString str]
| Ast.EConstant (loc, c) ->
- run_tactic env loc "*file" [c]
+ run_tactic group env loc "*file" [c]
(* Run a goal by name. *)
and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) extra_deps =
(List.length params) (List.length args) in
List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
- (* Check all dependencies have been updated. *)
- run_targets env (deps @ extra_deps);
+ (* Check all dependencies have been updated. We must wait
+ * for these to complete before we can continue.
+ *)
+ run_targets_to_completion env (deps @ extra_deps);
(* Check if any target (ie. pattern) needs to be rebuilt.
* As with make, a goal with no targets is always run.
exit 1
-(* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and run it.
+(* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and start it.
* cargs is a list of parameters (all constants).
-and run_tactic env loc tactic cargs =
+and run_tactic group env loc tactic cargs =
(* This is used to print the tactic in debug and error messages only. *)
let debug_tactic =
Ast.string_expr ()
| [_, name, goal, args] ->
(* Single goal matches, run it. *)
- run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ let key = name, args in
+ Jobs.start group key (
+ fun () -> run_goal env loc name args goal []
+ )
| goals ->
(* Two or more goals match. Only one must have a CODE section,
failwithf "%a: multiple goals found which match tactic %s, but more than one of these goals have {code} sections which is not allowed"
Ast.string_loc loc debug_tactic in
- run_goal env loc name args goal extra_deps
+ let key = name, args in
+ Jobs.start group key (fun () ->
+ run_goal env loc name args goal extra_deps
+ )
(* Test if pattern matches *tactic(cargs). If it does
* then we return Some args where args is the arguments that must
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-val run_targets : Ast.env -> Ast.expr list -> unit
+val run_targets_to_completion : Ast.env -> Ast.expr list -> unit
(** This drives evaluation of the list of target expressions (in
parallel) until they are complete or we reach an error. The
expressions are either a list of dependencies and/or a list of