open Lexing
open Printf
+open Utils
module Env = Map.Make (String)
type loc = position * position
| SString of string
| SVar of id
+let getvar env loc name =
+ try Env.find name env
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwithf "%a: variable ‘%s’ not found" string_loc loc name
+let getgoal env loc name =
+ let expr =
+ try Env.find name env
+ with Not_found ->
+ failwithf "%a: goal ‘%s’ not found" string_loc loc name in
+ let goal =
+ match expr with
+ | EGoal (loc, goal) -> goal
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal"
+ string_loc loc name in
+ goal
+let rec to_constant env = function
+ | EConstant (loc, c) -> c
+ | EVar (loc, name) ->
+ let expr = getvar env loc name in
+ to_constant env expr
+ | ESubsts (loc, str) ->
+ CString (substitute env loc str)
+ | EList (loc, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: list found where constant expression expected"
+ string_loc loc
+ | ECall (loc, name, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use goal ‘%s’ in constant expression"
+ string_loc loc name
+ | ETactic (loc, name, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use tactic ‘*%s’ in constant expression"
+ string_loc loc name
+ | EGoal (loc, _) ->
+ failwithf "%a: cannot use goal in constant expression"
+ string_loc loc
+and substitute env loc substs =
+ let b = Buffer.create 13 in
+ List.iter (
+ function
+ | SString s -> Buffer.add_string b s
+ | SVar name ->
+ let expr = getvar env loc name in
+ match to_constant env expr with
+ | CString s -> Buffer.add_string b s
+ ) substs;
+ Buffer.contents b
module Substs = struct
type t = {
mutable elems : subst list; (* built in reverse order *)
and print_pattern fp p = output_string fp (string_pattern () p)
-and print_expr fp = function
- | EGoal _ -> assert false (* printed above *)
+and string_expr () = function
+ | EGoal (loc, (params, patterns, exprs, code)) ->
+ sprintf "goal (%s) = %s : %s%s"
+ (String.concat ", " params)
+ (String.concat ", " ( (string_pattern ()) patterns))
+ (String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) exprs))
+ (match code with None -> "" | Some code -> " = { ... }")
| ECall (loc, name, params) ->
- fprintf fp "%s (" name;
- iter_with_commas fp print_expr params;
- fprintf fp ")"
+ sprintf "%s (%s)"
+ name (String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) params))
| ETactic (loc, name, params) ->
- fprintf fp "*%s (" name;
- iter_with_commas fp print_expr params;
- fprintf fp ")"
- | EVar (loc, var) -> print_id fp var
+ sprintf "*%s (%s)"
+ name (String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) params))
+ | EVar (loc, var) -> var
| EList (loc, xs) ->
- fprintf fp "[";
- iter_with_commas fp print_expr xs;
- fprintf fp "]"
- | ESubsts (loc, s) -> print_substs fp s
- | EConstant (loc, c) -> print_constant fp c
-and print_constant fp = function
- | CString s -> fprintf fp "%S" s
+ sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat ", " ( (string_expr ()) xs))
+ | ESubsts (loc, s) -> string_substs () s
+ | EConstant (loc, c) -> string_constant () c
+and print_expr fp expr = output_string fp (string_expr () expr)
+and string_constant () = function
+ | CString s -> sprintf "%S" s
+and print_constant fp c = output_string fp (string_constant () c)
and print_id = output_string
(* Call a goal. *)
| Ast.ECall (loc, name, args) ->
- let expr =
- try Ast.Env.find name env
- with Not_found ->
- failwithf "%a: goal ‘%s’ not found" Ast.string_loc loc name in
- let goal =
- match expr with
- | Ast.EGoal (loc, goal) -> goal
- | _ ->
- failwithf "%a: tried to call ‘%s’ which is not a goal"
- Ast.string_loc loc name in
- run_goal loc env name args goal
+ let goal = Ast.getgoal env loc name in
+ run_goal env loc name args goal
| Ast.ETactic (loc, name, args) ->
(* All parameters of tactics must be simple expressions (strings,
* in future booleans, numbers, etc).
- let args = (simplify env) args in
- run_goal_for_tactic loc env name args
+ let args = (Ast.to_constant env) args in
+ run_tactic env loc name args
(* Look up the variable and substitute it. *)
| Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
- let expr =
- try Ast.Env.find name env
- with Not_found ->
- failwithf "%a: variable ‘%s’ not found" Ast.string_loc loc name in
+ let expr = Ast.getvar env loc name in
evaluate_target env expr
(* Lists are inlined when found as a target. *)
(* A string (with or without substitutions) implies *file(filename). *)
| Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
- let str = substitute loc env str in
- run_goal_for_tactic loc env "file" [Ast.CString str]
+ let str = Ast.substitute env loc str in
+ run_tactic env loc "file" [Ast.CString str]
| Ast.EConstant (loc, c) ->
- run_goal_for_tactic loc env "file" [c]
+ run_tactic env loc "file" [c]
+(* Run a goal by name. *)
+and run_goal env loc name args (params, patterns, deps, code) =
+ (* Create a new environment which maps the parameter names to
+ * the args.
+ *)
+ let env =
+ let params =
+ try List.combine params args
+ with Invalid_argument _ ->
+ failwithf "%a: calling goal ‘%s’ with wrong number of arguments"
+ Ast.string_loc loc name in
+ List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env) env params in
+ (* Check all dependencies have been updated. *)
+ evaluate_targets env deps;
+ (* Check if any target (ie. pattern) needs to be rebuilt. *)
+ let rebuild =
+ List.exists (needs_rebuild env loc name deps) patterns in
+ if rebuild then (
+ (* Run the code (if any). *)
+ (match code with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some code ->
+ let code = Ast.substitute env loc code in
+ Printf.printf "running : %s\n" code
+ );
+ (* Check all targets were updated (else it's an error). *)
+ let pattern_still_needs_rebuild =
+ try Some (List.find (needs_rebuild env loc name deps) patterns)
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ match pattern_still_needs_rebuild with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some pattern ->
+ failwithf "%a: goal ‘%s’ ran successfully but it did not rebuild %a"
+ Ast.string_loc loc
+ name
+ Ast.string_pattern pattern
+ )
+(* Return whether the target (pattern) needs to be rebuilt. *)
+and needs_rebuild env loc name deps pattern =
+ false (* XXX *)
(* Find the goal which matches the given tactic and run it.
- * Params is a list of constants.
+ * const_args is a list of parameters (all constants).
-and run_goal_for_tactic loc env tactic const_args =
+and run_tactic env loc tactic const_args =
(* Search across all goals for a matching tactic. *)
let goals =
let env = Ast.Env.bindings env in
(fun (_, (_, patterns, _, _)) ->
- List.exists (matching_pattern loc env tactic const_args) patterns)
+ List.exists (matching_pattern env loc tactic const_args) patterns)
Not_found ->
- failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %s %s"
- Ast.string_loc loc
- tactic
- (String.concat ", "
- ( (function Ast.CString s -> s) const_args)) in
+ let tactic =
+ Ast.ETactic (loc, tactic,
+ (fun c -> Ast.EConstant (loc, c))
+ const_args) in
+ failwithf "%a: don't know how to build %a"
+ Ast.string_loc loc Ast.string_expr tactic in
let args = [] (* XXX calculate free variables *) in
- run_goal loc env name args goal
+ run_goal env loc name args goal
(* XXX This only does exact matches at the moment. *)
-and matching_pattern loc env tactic const_args = function
+and matching_pattern env loc tactic const_args = function
| Ast.PTactic (loc, constructor, params)
when tactic = constructor &&
List.length const_args = List.length params ->
* to constants, but don't fail here if we can't do this.
- let params = (substitute loc env) params in
+ let params = (Ast.substitute env loc) params in
let params = (fun s -> Ast.CString s) params in
const_args = params
with Failure _ -> false
| Ast.PTactic _ -> false
- | Ast.PVar (loc, name) -> assert false
- NOT IMPLEMENTED - we need variables to contain constructors!
- (try
- let expr = Ast.StringMap.find name env in
- let expr = simplify env expr in
- with Not_found -> false
- )
-(* Run a named goal. *)
-and run_goal loc env name args (params, patterns, deps, code) =
- (* Substitute the args for the parameters in the environment. *)
- let params =
- try List.combine params args
- with Invalid_argument _ ->
- failwithf "%a: calling goal ‘%s’ with wrong number of arguments"
- Ast.string_loc loc name in
- let env =
- List.fold_left (fun env (k, v) -> Ast.Env.add k v env)
- env params in
- (* Evaluate the dependencies first. *)
- evaluate_targets env deps;
- (* Check if any target needs to be updated. *)
- (* XXX *)
- (* Run the code (if any). *)
- (match code with
- | None -> ()
- | Some code ->
- let code = substitute loc env code in
- Printf.printf "running : %s\n" code
- );
- (* Check all targets were updated (else it's an error). *)
- (* XXX *)
+ | Ast.PVar (loc, name) -> assert false (* not implemented *)
-(* Take any expression and simplify it down to a constant.
- * If the expression cannot be simplified then this throws
- * an error.
- *)
-and simplify env = function
- | Ast.EConstant (loc, c) -> c
- | Ast.EVar (loc, name) ->
- let expr =
- try Ast.Env.find name env
- with Not_found ->
- failwithf "%a: variable ‘%s’ not found" Ast.string_loc loc name in
- simplify env expr
- | Ast.ESubsts (loc, str) ->
- Ast.CString (substitute loc env str)
- | Ast.EList (loc, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: list found where constant expression expected"
- Ast.string_loc loc
- | Ast.ECall (loc, name, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot use goal ‘%s’ in constant expression"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
- | Ast.ETactic (loc, name, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot use tactic ‘*%s’ in constant expression"
- Ast.string_loc loc name
- | Ast.EGoal (loc, _) ->
- failwithf "%a: cannot use goal in constant expression"
- Ast.string_loc loc
-(* Take a substitution list and try to turn it into a simple
- * string by evaluating every variable. If not possible this
- * throws an error. Returns a string.
- *)
-and substitute loc env substs =
- let b = Buffer.create 13 in
- List.iter (
- function
- | Ast.SString s -> Buffer.add_string b s
- | Ast.SVar name ->
- let expr =
- try Ast.Env.find name env
- with Not_found ->
- failwithf "%a: variable ‘%s’ not found" Ast.string_loc loc name in
- match simplify env expr with
- | Ast.CString s -> Buffer.add_string b s
- ) substs;
- Buffer.contents b