-diskzip.cmo: diskzip_gettext.cmo ../lib/diskimage.cmi
-diskzip.cmx: diskzip_gettext.cmx ../lib/diskimage.cmx
+diskzip_bitmap.cmi: ../lib/int63.cmi
+diskzip_bitmap.cmo: ../lib/int63.cmi diskzip_bitmap.cmi
+diskzip_bitmap.cmx: ../lib/int63.cmx diskzip_bitmap.cmi
+diskzip.cmo: ../lib/int63.cmi diskzip_gettext.cmo diskzip_bitmap.cmi \
+ ../lib/diskimage.cmi
+diskzip.cmx: ../lib/int63.cmx diskzip_gettext.cmx diskzip_bitmap.cmx \
+ ../lib/diskimage.cmx
open Unix
open Printf
+open Int63.Operators
open Diskzip_gettext.Gettext
+module Bitmap = Diskzip_bitmap
type output = File of string | Dir of string
type extcompress = BZip2 | GZip | External of string
let ownership = Diskimage.create_ownership machine in
(* Create ownership bitmap for each disk. *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun { Diskimage.d_name = name; d_dev = disk } ->
+ let blocksize = disk#blocksize in
+ let size = disk#size in (* Size in bytes. *)
+ let nr_blocks = size /^ blocksize in (* Number of disk sectors. *)
+ if !Diskimage.debug then
+ eprintf "Creating bitmap for %s (%s sectors) ...\n%!"
+ disk#name (Int63.to_string nr_blocks);
+ (* Create an empty bitmap, one bit per sector. *)
+ let bitmap = Bitmap.create nr_blocks in
+ (* Get the lookup function for this disk. *)
+ let lookup = Diskimage.get_owners_lookup machine ownership disk in
+ (* Lookup each sector. *)
+ Bitmap.iter_set (
+ fun blk _ ->
+ let owners = lookup blk in
+ false
+ ) bitmap
+ ) machine.Diskimage.m_disks;
(* Redirect output through external pipe if asked. *)
(match extcompress with
--- /dev/null
+(* 'diskzip' command for intelligently compressing disk images.
+ (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ http://libvirt.org/
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *)
+open Int63.Operators
+type t = int63 * string array
+(* NB: Sys.max_string_length is by no means a 'round' number. *)
+let maxlen = Int63.of_int Sys.max_string_length
+let create size =
+ (* Get the size in bytes & round up. *)
+ let sizebytes = (size +^ ~^7) >^> 3 in
+ let n = Int63.to_int (sizebytes /^ maxlen) in
+ let overflow = Int63.to_int (sizebytes %^ maxlen) in
+ let zerochar = Char.chr 0 in
+ let array =
+ if overflow <> 0 then
+ Array.init (n+1)
+ (function
+ | i when i = n -> String.make overflow zerochar
+ | _ -> String.make Sys.max_string_length zerochar)
+ else
+ Array.init n (fun _ -> String.make Sys.max_string_length zerochar) in
+ size, array
+let mask7 = ~^7
+let set (size, t) offset =
+ if offset < Int63.zero || offset >= size then invalid_arg "bitmap";
+ let offset_bytes, offset_bits =
+ offset >^> 3,
+ Int63.to_int (offset &^ mask7) in
+ let offset_strs, offset_in_str =
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes /^ maxlen),
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes %^ maxlen) in
+ let c = Char.code t.(offset_strs).[offset_in_str] in
+ t.(offset_strs).[offset_in_str] <- Char.chr (c lor (1 lsl offset_bits))
+let clear (size, t) offset =
+ if offset < Int63.zero || offset >= size then invalid_arg "bitmap";
+ let offset_bytes, offset_bits =
+ offset >^> 3,
+ Int63.to_int (offset &^ mask7) in
+ let offset_strs, offset_in_str =
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes /^ maxlen),
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes %^ maxlen) in
+ let c = Char.code t.(offset_strs).[offset_in_str] in
+ t.(offset_strs).[offset_in_str] <-
+ Char.chr (c land (lnot (1 lsl offset_bits)))
+let get (size, t) offset =
+ if offset < Int63.zero || offset >= size then invalid_arg "bitmap";
+ let offset_bytes, offset_bits =
+ offset >^> 3,
+ Int63.to_int (offset &^ mask7) in
+ let offset_strs, offset_in_str =
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes /^ maxlen),
+ Int63.to_int (offset_bytes %^ maxlen) in
+ let c = Char.code t.(offset_strs).[offset_in_str] in
+ c land (1 lsl offset_bits) <> 0
+let set_bool t offset v =
+ (if v then set else clear) t offset
+let set_int t offset v =
+ (if v <> 0 then set else clear) t offset
+let iter_set f (size, t) =
+ let n = ref Int63.zero in
+ Array.iter (
+ fun str ->
+ let m = ref 0x80 in
+ for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
+ let c = Char.code str.[i] in
+ for j = 0 to 7 do
+ let n' = !n in
+ if n' < size then (
+ let b = c land !m <> 0 in
+ let b = f n' b in
+ str.[i] <- Char.chr (if b then c lor !m else c land lnot !m)
+ );
+ n := Int63.succ n';
+ m := !m lsr 1
+ done
+ done
+ ) t
+let iter f t =
+ let f i b = f i b; b in
+ iter_set f t
--- /dev/null
+(* 'diskzip' command for intelligently compressing disk images.
+ (C) Copyright 2007 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ http://libvirt.org/
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ Unlimited-length fixed-size bitmap type.
+ The only reason we need this is because strings are limited to 16
+ MBytes on 32 bit platforms (which would limit the size of a disk
+ image we could process to around 64 GB, assuming 512 byte sectors).
+ This module hides multiple strings on 32 bit, or a single long
+ string on 64 bit but is very efficient in either case.
+ Also it uses the 'int63' type which makes arithmetic convenient.
+type t
+val create : Int63.t -> t
+ (** Create a bitmap of the given length in bits. *)
+val set : t -> Int63.t -> unit
+val clear : t -> Int63.t -> unit
+val set_bool : t -> Int63.t -> bool -> unit
+val set_int : t -> Int63.t -> int -> unit
+ (** Treats the integer as a C-like boolean. *)
+val get : t -> Int63.t -> bool
+val iter : (Int63.t -> bool -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ (** [iter f bitmap] iterates over the bitmap, calling [f] for each bit. *)
+val iter_set : (Int63.t -> bool -> bool) -> t -> unit
+ (** [iter_set f bitmap] iterates over the bitmap, calling [f] for each
+ bit. The return value of [f] is used to set or clear the bit
+ in the bitmap. *)
eprintf "/* Use 'dot -Tpng foo.dot > foo.png' to convert to a png file. */\n";
eprintf "digraph G {\n";
print tree;
- eprintf "}\n";
+ eprintf "}\n%!";
type owner =
[ `Filesystem of filesystem
(* Return the ownership structure. *)
-let get_owners_lookup machine ownership disk =
+let get_owners_lookup machine ownership (disk : block_device) =
(* Get the correct tree. *)
- let tree = List.assoc disk ownership in
+ let tree = List.assoc (disk :> device) ownership in
fun offset ->
let rec query = function
| `Partitions of partitions
| `PhysicalVolume of pv ]
-val get_owners_lookup : machine -> ownership -> device ->
+val get_owners_lookup : machine -> ownership -> block_device ->
(Int63.t -> (owner * Int63.t) list)
(** [get_owners_lookup machine disk] returns a specialized
function for looking up owners (filesystems, etc.)