+This directory contains some experimental work for capturing traces of
+block device operations while filesystem operations are performed.
+You can trace any operation that libguestfs supports, including
+partitioning, mkfs, LVM operations, and filesystem operations. You
+can enable and disable tracing in order to capture single operations
+such as a single write, or groups of operations. You can examine the
+traces by hand (as text files) or turn them into graphical
The *.qtr files are qemu trace files, produced using the unofficial
-patch in the current directory.
+qemu patch in the current directory.
- guestfish-N-fs-10M.qtr
- guestfish-write-hello.qtr
- $ guestfish -a test1.img -m /dev/sda1 write /hello "hello, world."
- Note that the trace includes the adding and mounting operations.
+ $ guestfish -a test1.img -m /dev/sda1 \
+ debug qtrace "/dev/vda on" : \
+ write /hello "hello, world." : \
+ debug qtrace "/dev/vda off"
+ where test1.img was created by the command above.
+ This is just the creation of a new file with a small amount of content.
+ Within this trace file, the qtrace on/off commands appear as patterns
+ of reads. For on: 2, 21, 15, 2. For off: 2, 15, 21, 2.
+- guestfish-lv-ext4-4k.qtr
+ $ guestfish \
+ alloc test1.img 40M : \
+ run : \
+ part-disk /dev/vda mbr : \
+ pvcreate /dev/vda : \
+ vgcreate VG /dev/vda : \
+ lvcreate LV VG 32 : \
+ mkfs-b ext4 4096 /dev/VG/LV
+ Some points to note:
+ * an ext4 filesystem, so it has a journal and extents
+ * 4K block size, so we expect writes to be aligned
+ * located inside an LV, so more realistic
+- guestfish-lv-ext4-4k-write-hello.qtr
+ $ guestfish -a test1.img -m /dev/VG/LV \
+ debug qtrace "/dev/vda on" : \
+ write /hello "hello, world." : \
+ debug qtrace "/dev/vda off"
+ where test1.img was created by the previous command.
#!/usr/bin/ocamlrun /usr/bin/ocaml
-#use "topfind";;
-#require "extlib";;
+(* Convert *.qtr (qemu block device trace) to Postscript.
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Red Hat Inc.
+ * By Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *)
-(* Convert *.qtr (qemu block device trace) to Postscript. By Richard
- * W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>.
- *
- * Note that we use ordinary OCaml ints, which means this program is
+(* Note that we use ordinary OCaml ints, which means this program is
* limited to: ~1TB disks for 32 bit machines, or effectively unlimited
- * for 64 bit machines.
+ * for 64 bit machines. Also we make several 512 byte sector
+ * assumptions.
+#use "topfind";;
+#require "extlib";;
open ExtList
open Scanf
open Printf
type op = Read | Write
(* If 'true' then print debug messages. *)
-let debug = false
+let debug = true
(* Width of each row (in sectors) in the output. *)
let row_size = 64
nb_sectors, accesses
+(* If the accesses list contains any qtrace on/off patterns (in
+ * guestfish: debug "qtrace /dev/vda (on|off)") then filter out the
+ * things we want to display. Otherwise leave the whole trace.
+ *)
+let accesses =
+ let contains_qtrace_patterns =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: _ -> true
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: _ -> true
+ | _ :: rest -> loop rest
+ in
+ loop accesses in
+ if contains_qtrace_patterns then (
+ if debug then eprintf "%s: contains qtrace on/off patterns\n%!" input;
+ let rec find_qtrace_on = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> rest
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest ->
+ eprintf "ignored 'qtrace off' pattern when expecting 'qtrace on'\n";
+ find_qtrace_on rest
+ | _ :: rest -> find_qtrace_on rest
+ and split_until_qtrace_off = function
+ | [] -> [], []
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest -> [], rest
+ | (Read, _, 2, 1) :: (Read, _, 21, 1) :: (Read, _, 15, 1) ::
+ (Read, _, 2, 1) :: rest ->
+ eprintf "found 'qtrace on' pattern when expecting 'qtrace off'\n";
+ split_until_qtrace_off rest
+ | x :: ys ->
+ let xs, ys = split_until_qtrace_off ys in
+ x :: xs, ys
+ and filter_accesses xs =
+ let xs = find_qtrace_on xs in
+ if xs <> [] then (
+ let xs, ys = split_until_qtrace_off xs in
+ let ys = filter_accesses ys in
+ xs @ ys
+ ) else
+ []
+ in
+ filter_accesses accesses
+ ) else
+ accesses
let ranges =
(* Given the number of sectors, make the row array. *)
let nr_rows = nb_sectors / row_size in