threads : int;
+ type credential_type =
+ | CredentialUsername
+ | CredentialAuthname
+ | CredentialLanguage
+ | CredentialCnonce
+ | CredentialPassphrase
+ | CredentialEchoprompt
+ | CredentialNoechoprompt
+ | CredentialRealm
+ | CredentialExternal
+ type credential = {
+ typ : credential_type;
+ prompt : string;
+ challenge : string option;
+ defresult : string option;
+ }
+ type auth = {
+ credtype : credential_type list;
+ cb : (credential list -> string option list);
+ }
type list_flag =
| ListNoState | ListRunning | ListBlocked
| ListPaused | ListShutdown | ListShutoff | ListCrashed
external connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open"
external connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_readonly"
+ external connect_auth : ?name:string -> auth -> rw t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth"
+ external connect_auth_readonly : ?name:string -> auth -> ro t = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_readonly"
external close : [>`R] t -> unit = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_close"
external get_type : [>`R] t -> string = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_type"
external get_version : [>`R] t -> int = "ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version"
threads : int; (** number of threads per core *)
+ type credential_type =
+ | CredentialUsername (** Identity to act as *)
+ | CredentialAuthname (** Identify to authorize as *)
+ | CredentialLanguage (** RFC 1766 languages, comma separated *)
+ | CredentialCnonce (** client supplies a nonce *)
+ | CredentialPassphrase (** Passphrase secret *)
+ | CredentialEchoprompt (** Challenge response *)
+ | CredentialNoechoprompt (** Challenge response *)
+ | CredentialRealm (** Authentication realm *)
+ | CredentialExternal (** Externally managed credential *)
+ type credential = {
+ typ : credential_type; (** The type of credential *)
+ prompt : string; (** Prompt to show to user *)
+ challenge : string option; (** Additional challenge to show *)
+ defresult : string option; (** Optional default result *)
+ }
+ type auth = {
+ credtype : credential_type list; (** List of supported credential_type values *)
+ cb : (credential list -> string option list);
+ (** Callback used to collect credentials.
+ The input is a list of all the requested credentials.
+ The function returns a list of all the results from the
+ requested credentials, so the number of results {e must} match
+ the number of input credentials. Each result is optional,
+ and in case it is [None] it means there was no result.
+ *)
+ }
val connect : ?name:string -> unit -> rw t
val connect_readonly : ?name:string -> unit -> ro t
(** [connect ~name ()] connects to the hypervisor with URI [name].
[connect_readonly] is the same but connects in read-only mode.
+ val connect_auth : ?name:string -> auth -> rw t
+ val connect_auth_readonly : ?name:string -> auth -> ro t
val close : [>`R] t -> unit
(** [close conn] closes and frees the connection object in memory.
(void) caml__frame;
+static int
+_list_length (value listv)
+ CAMLparam1 (listv);
+ int len = 0;
+ for (; listv != Val_emptylist; listv = Field (listv, 1), ++len) {}
+ CAMLreturnT (int, len);
+static value
+Val_virconnectcredential (const virConnectCredentialPtr cred)
+ CAMLparam0 ();
+ CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+ rv = caml_alloc (4, 0);
+ Store_field (rv, 0, Val_int (cred->type - 1));
+ Store_field (rv, 1, caml_copy_string (cred->prompt));
+ Store_field (rv, 2,
+ Val_opt_const (cred->challenge,
+ (Val_const_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ Store_field (rv, 3,
+ Val_opt_const (cred->defresult,
+ (Val_const_ptr_t) caml_copy_string));
+ CAMLreturn (rv);
/* Convert the virErrorNumber, virErrorDomain and virErrorLevel enums
* into values (longs because they are variants in OCaml).
CAMLreturn (rv);
+/* Helper struct holding data needed for the helper C authentication
+ * callback (which will call the actual OCaml callback).
+ */
+struct ocaml_auth_callback_data {
+ value *fvp; /* The OCaml auth callback. */
+static int
+_ocaml_auth_callback (virConnectCredentialPtr cred, unsigned int ncred, void *cbdata)
+ CAMLparam0 ();
+ CAMLlocal4 (listv, elemv, rv, v);
+ struct ocaml_auth_callback_data *s = cbdata;
+ int i, len;
+ listv = Val_emptylist;
+ for (i = ncred - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ elemv = caml_alloc (2, 0);
+ Store_field (elemv, 0, Val_virconnectcredential (&cred[i]));
+ Store_field (elemv, 1, listv);
+ listv = elemv;
+ }
+ /* Call the auth callback. */
+ rv = caml_callback_exn (*s->fvp, listv);
+ if (Is_exception_result (rv)) {
+ /* The callback raised an exception, so return an error. */
+ CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+ }
+ len = _list_length (rv);
+ if (len != (int) ncred) {
+ /* The callback did not return the same number of results as the
+ * credentials.
+ */
+ CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; rv != Val_emptylist; rv = Field (rv, 1), ++i) {
+ virConnectCredentialPtr c = &cred[i];
+ elemv = Field (rv, 0);
+ if (elemv == Val_int (0)) {
+ c->result = NULL;
+ c->resultlen = 0;
+ } else {
+ v = Field (elemv, 0);
+ len = caml_string_length (v);
+ c->result = malloc (len + 1);
+ if (c->result == NULL)
+ CAMLreturnT (int, -1);
+ memcpy (c->result, String_val (v), len);
+ c->result[len] = '\0';
+ c->resultlen = len;
+ }
+ }
+ CAMLreturnT (int, 0);
+static virConnectPtr
+_ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (value namev, value authv, int flags)
+ CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+ CAMLlocal2 (listv, fv);
+ virConnectPtr conn;
+ virConnectAuth auth;
+ struct ocaml_auth_callback_data data;
+ int i;
+ char *name = NULL;
+ /* Keep a copy of the 'namev' string, as its value could move around
+ * when calling other OCaml code that allocates memory.
+ */
+ if (namev != Val_int (0)) { /* Some string */
+ name = strdup (String_val (Field (namev, 0)));
+ if (name == NULL)
+ caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+ }
+ fv = Field (authv, 1);
+ data.fvp = &fv;
+ listv = Field (authv, 0);
+ auth.ncredtype = _list_length (listv);
+ auth.credtype = malloc (sizeof (int) * auth.ncredtype);
+ if (auth.credtype == NULL)
+ caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
+ for (i = 0; listv != Val_emptylist; listv = Field (listv, 1), ++i) {
+ auth.credtype[i] = Int_val (Field (listv, 0)) + 1;
+ }
+ auth.cb = &_ocaml_auth_callback;
+ auth.cbdata = &data;
+ /* Call virConnectOpenAuth directly, without using the NONBLOCKING
+ * macro, as this will indeed call ocaml_* APIs, and run OCaml code.
+ */
+ conn = virConnectOpenAuth (name, &auth, flags);
+ free (auth.credtype);
+ free (name);
+ CHECK_ERROR (!conn, "virConnectOpenAuth");
+ CAMLreturnT (virConnectPtr, conn);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth (value namev, value authv)
+ CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+ CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+ virConnectPtr conn;
+ conn = _ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (namev, authv, 0);
+ rv = Val_connect (conn);
+ CAMLreturn (rv);
+CAMLprim value
+ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_readonly (value namev, value authv)
+ CAMLparam2 (namev, authv);
+ CAMLlocal1 (rv);
+ virConnectPtr conn;
+ conn = _ocaml_libvirt_connect_open_auth_common (namev, authv, VIR_CONNECT_RO);
+ rv = Val_connect (conn);
+ CAMLreturn (rv);
CAMLprim value
ocaml_libvirt_connect_get_version (value connv)