* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Written by Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
+ * Python script modified from a version by Seth Vidal.
open Sexplib
failwith (sprintf "command stopped with signal %d" i)
+ if debug then (
+ List.iter (
+ fun pkg -> printf "%s -> [%s]\n" pkg.nevra (String.concat ", " pkg.deps)
+ ) pkgs;
+ printf "root package is %s\n" root;
+ printf "===\n%!"
+ );
(* Create the dependency graph, probably contains loops so beware. *)
let deps = List.map (fun pkg -> Deps (pkg, ref [])) pkgs in
let depsmap =
let deps' = List.map (fun n -> StringMap.find n depsmap) pkg.deps in
deps := List.append !deps deps'
) deps;
+ let deps = () in ignore deps;
+ if debug then (
+ let seen = ref StringMap.empty in
+ let rec display ?(indent=0) = function
+ | Deps (pkg, deps) ->
+ if StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen then
+ printf "%s%s -> ...\n" (spaces indent) pkg.nevra
+ else (
+ printf "%s%s -> [%s]\n"
+ (spaces indent) pkg.nevra (
+ String.concat ", "
+ (List.map (fun (Deps (pkg, _)) -> pkg.nevra) !deps)
+ );
+ seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen;
+ List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) !deps
+ )
+ in
+ display (StringMap.find root depsmap);
+ printf "===\n%!"
+ );
(* For each package, calculate the total installed size of the package,
* which includes all subpackages pulled in. So it's what would be
* size of the additional packages.
let tree =
- let seen = ref StringMap.empty in
+ let seen = StringMap.empty in
+ let seen = StringMap.add root true seen in
+ let seen = ref seen in
+ let mark_seen (Deps (pkg, _))= seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen in
+ let not_seen (Deps (pkg, _)) = not (StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen) in
let rec build_tree = function
- | Deps (pkg, _) when StringMap.mem pkg.nevra !seen -> None
| Deps (pkg, { contents = children }) ->
(* Sort children by reverse total size. *)
let cmp (Deps (p1, _)) (Deps (p2, _)) =
compare t2 t1
let children = List.sort ~cmp children in
- seen := StringMap.add pkg.nevra true !seen;
- let children = List.filter_map build_tree children in
+ let children = List.filter not_seen children in
+ List.iter mark_seen children;
+ let children = List.map build_tree children in
let total = StringMap.find pkg.nevra totalsmap in
let increm =
let rec sum_child_sizes = function
) pkg.size children
sum_child_sizes (Tree (pkg, 0L, 0L, `WHITE, children)) in
- Some (Tree (pkg, total, increm, `WHITE, children))
+ Tree (pkg, total, increm, `WHITE, children)
- Option.get (build_tree (StringMap.find root depsmap)) in
+ build_tree (StringMap.find root depsmap) in
if debug then (
let rec display ?(indent=0) = function
(spaces indent) pkg.nevra pkg.size increm total;
List.iter (display ~indent:(indent+2)) children
- display tree
+ display tree;
(* Max depth of the tree. *)
else if width >= 4 then
draw_pkg_narrow x y width height colour
- (* else nothing *)
+ (* else
+ XXX This doesn't work. We need to coalesce small packages
+ in the tree.
+ draw_pkg_narrow x y 1 height colour *)
and draw_pkg_outline x y width pkgsizewidth height colour =
draw#set_foreground colour;