let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
g (to_int lsb) bits
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (little endian - so start at root).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb);
+ map_bytes_le g f (v >> 8) (bits-8)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
module I32 = struct
let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
g (to_int lsb) bits
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (little endian - so start at root).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb);
+ map_bytes_le g f (v >> 8) (bits-8)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
module I64 = struct
let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
g (to_int lsb) bits
+ (* Call function g on the top bits, then f on each full byte
+ * (little endian - so start at root).
+ *)
+ let rec map_bytes_le g f v bits =
+ if bits >= 8 then (
+ let lsb = v land ff in
+ f (to_int lsb);
+ map_bytes_le g f (v >> 8) (bits-8)
+ ) else if bits > 0 then (
+ let lsb = v land (mask bits) in
+ g (to_int lsb) bits
+ )
(* Add the bytes. *)
I.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
+(* Construct a field of up to 31 bits. *)
+let construct_int_le_unsigned buf v flen exn =
+ (* Check value is within range. *)
+ if not (I.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
+ (* Add the bytes. *)
+ I.map_bytes_le (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
let construct_int_ne_unsigned =
if nativeendian = BigEndian
then construct_int_be_unsigned
- else (*construct_int_le_unsigned*)
- fun _ _ _ _ -> failwith "construct_int_le_unsigned"
+ else construct_int_le_unsigned
let construct_int_ee_unsigned = function
| BigEndian -> construct_int_be_unsigned
- | LittleEndian -> (*construct_int_le_unsigned*)
- (fun _ _ _ _ -> failwith "construct_int_le_unsigned")
+ | LittleEndian -> construct_int_le_unsigned
| NativeEndian -> construct_int_ne_unsigned
(* Construct a field of exactly 32 bits. *)
(* Add the bytes. *)
I64.map_bytes_be (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
+(* Construct a field of up to 64 bits. *)
+let construct_int64_le_unsigned buf v flen exn =
+ (* Check value is within range. *)
+ if not (I64.range_unsigned v flen) then raise exn;
+ (* Add the bytes. *)
+ I64.map_bytes_le (Buffer._add_bits buf) (Buffer.add_byte buf) v flen
let construct_int64_ne_unsigned =
if nativeendian = BigEndian
then construct_int64_be_unsigned
val construct_int_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int_le_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int_ne_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int_ee_unsigned : endian -> Buffer.t -> int -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int32_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int32_le_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int32_ne_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int32_ee_unsigned : endian -> Buffer.t -> int32 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int64_be_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int64 -> int -> exn -> unit
+val construct_int64_le_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int64 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int64_ne_unsigned : Buffer.t -> int64 -> int -> exn -> unit
val construct_int64_ee_unsigned : endian -> Buffer.t -> int64 -> int -> exn -> unit