let ws = get_wordsize t in
let mask = Int64.of_int (bytes_of_wordsize ws - 1) in
(addr +^ mask) &^ (Int64.lognot mask)
-(* Typed addresses. *)
-type 'a typed_addr
-external unsafe_addr_of_typed_addr : 'a typed_addr -> addr = "%identity"
-external unsafe_typed_addr_of_addr : addr -> 'a typed_addr = "%identity"
type addr = int64
(** Virtual memory addresses (even on 32 bit machines). *)
-type 'a typed_addr
-(** Virtual memory addresses with an implicit type, one which we know
- or believe is pointing at a struct of some known type. *)
-external unsafe_addr_of_typed_addr : 'a typed_addr -> addr = "%identity"
-external unsafe_typed_addr_of_addr : addr -> 'a typed_addr = "%identity"
(** {2 Create a memory map, add mappings} *)
val create : unit -> ([`NoWordsize], [`NoEndian], [`NoMappings]) t