# Rebuild the generated kernel struct parsers from the kerneldb.
- extract/codegen/kerneldb-to-parser.opt kernels lib
+ extract/codegen/compile-kerneldb.opt kernels lib
# Developer documentation (in html/ subdirectory).
+struct_classify.cmi: pahole_parser.cmi
+compile_kerneldb.cmo: struct_classify.cmi pahole_parser.cmi
+compile_kerneldb.cmx: struct_classify.cmx pahole_parser.cmx
kerneldb_to_parser.cmo: pahole_parser.cmi
kerneldb_to_parser.cmx: pahole_parser.cmx
pahole_parser.cmo: pahole_parser.cmi
pahole_parser.cmx: pahole_parser.cmi
+struct_classify.cmo: pahole_parser.cmi struct_classify.cmi
+struct_classify.cmx: pahole_parser.cmx struct_classify.cmi
OCAMLOPTLIBS = -linkpkg camlp4lib.cmxa
-TARGETS = kerneldb-to-parser.opt
+TARGETS = compile-kerneldb.opt
-OBJS = pahole_parser.cmo kerneldb_to_parser.cmo
+OBJS = pahole_parser.cmo \
+ struct_classify.cmo \
+ compile_kerneldb.cmo
XOBJS = $(OBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
all: $(TARGETS)
-kerneldb-to-parser.opt: $(XOBJS)
+compile-kerneldb.opt: $(XOBJS)
ocamlfind ocamlopt \
--- /dev/null
+(* Memory info for virtual domains.
+ (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ http://libvirt.org/
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+(* This program takes the kernel database (in kernels/ in toplevel
+ directory) and generates parsing code for the various structures
+ in the kernel that we are interested in.
+ The output programs -- *.ml, *.mli files of generated code -- go
+ into lib/ at the toplevel, eg. lib/virt_mem_kernels.ml
+ The stuff at the top of this file determine what structures
+ we try to parse.
+type struct_t = {
+ good_fields : string list;
+ field_metadata : (string * field_metadata_t) list;
+and field_metadata_t =
+ | VoidPointerIsReally of string
+ | ListHeadIsReally of string
+ * This controls what structures & fields we will parse out.
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+let good_structs = [
+ "task_struct", {
+ good_fields = [ "tasks'next"; "tasks'prev";
+ "run_list'next"; "run_list'prev";
+ "state"; "prio"; "static_prio"; "normal_prio";
+ "comm"; "pid" ];
+ field_metadata = [
+ "tasks'next", ListHeadIsReally "task_struct";
+ "tasks'prev", ListHeadIsReally "task_struct";
+ "run_list'next", ListHeadIsReally "task_struct";
+ "run_list'prev", ListHeadIsReally "task_struct";
+ ];
+ };
+ "net_device", {
+ good_fields = [ "dev_list'prev"; "dev_list'next"; "next";
+ "ip_ptr"; "ip6_ptr";
+ "name"; "flags"; "operstate"; "mtu"; "perm_addr";
+ "addr_len" ];
+ field_metadata = [
+ "dev_list'next", ListHeadIsReally "net_device";
+ "dev_list'prev", ListHeadIsReally "net_device";
+ "ip_ptr", VoidPointerIsReally "in_device";
+ "ip6_ptr", VoidPointerIsReally "inet6_dev";
+ ];
+ };
+ "net", {
+ good_fields = [ "dev_base_head'next"; "dev_base_head'prev" ];
+ field_metadata = [
+ "dev_base_head'next", ListHeadIsReally "net_device";
+ "dev_base_head'prev", ListHeadIsReally "net_device";
+ ];
+ };
+ "in_device", {
+ good_fields = [ "ifa_list" ];
+ field_metadata = [];
+ };
+ "inet6_dev", {
+ good_fields = [ "addr_list" ];
+ field_metadata = [];
+ };
+ "in_ifaddr", {
+ good_fields = [ "ifa_next"; "ifa_local"; "ifa_address";
+ "ifa_mask"; "ifa_broadcast" ];
+ field_metadata = [];
+ };
+ "inet6_ifaddr", {
+ good_fields = [ "prefix_len"; "lst_next" ];
+ field_metadata = [];
+ };
+let debug = true
+open Camlp4.PreCast
+open Syntax
+(*open Ast*)
+open ExtList
+open ExtString
+open Printf
+module PP = Pahole_parser
+module SC = Struct_classify
+let (//) = Filename.concat
+(* Couple of handy camlp4 construction functions which do some
+ * things that ought to be easy/obvious but aren't.
+ *
+ * 'concat_str_items' concatenates a list of str_item together into
+ * one big str_item.
+ *
+ * 'concat_record_fields' concatenates a list of records fields into
+ * a record. The list must have at least one element.
+ *
+ * 'build_record' builds a record out of record fields.
+ *
+ * 'build_tuple_from_exprs' builds an arbitrary length tuple from
+ * a list of expressions of length >= 2.
+ *
+ * Thanks to bluestorm on #ocaml for getting these working.
+ *)
+let concat_str_items _loc items =
+ match items with
+ | [] -> <:str_item< >>
+ | x :: xs ->
+ List.fold_left (fun xs x -> <:str_item< $xs$ $x$ >>) x xs
+let concat_sig_items _loc items =
+ match items with
+ | [] -> <:sig_item< >>
+ | x :: xs ->
+ List.fold_left (fun xs x -> <:sig_item< $xs$ $x$ >>) x xs
+let concat_record_fields _loc fields =
+ match fields with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | f :: fs ->
+ List.fold_left (fun fs f -> <:ctyp< $fs$ ; $f$ >>) f fs
+let concat_record_bindings _loc rbs =
+ match rbs with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | rb :: rbs ->
+ List.fold_left (fun rbs rb -> <:rec_binding< $rbs$ ; $rb$ >>) rb rbs
+let build_record _loc rbs =
+ Ast.ExRec (_loc, rbs, Ast.ExNil _loc)
+let build_tuple_from_exprs _loc exprs =
+ match exprs with
+ | [] | [_] -> assert false
+ | x :: xs ->
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ List.fold_left (fun xs x -> Ast.ExCom (_loc, x, xs)) x xs)
+(* Start of the main program. *)
+let () =
+ let quick = ref false in
+ let anon_args = ref [] in
+ let argspec = Arg.align [
+ "--quick", Arg.Set quick, " Quick mode (just for testing)";
+ ] in
+ let anon_arg str = anon_args := str :: !anon_args in
+ let usage = "\
+compile-kerneldb: Turn kernels database into code modules.
+ compile-kerneldb [-options] <kerneldb> <outputdir>
+For example, from the top level of the virt-mem source tree:
+ compile-kerneldb kernels/ lib/
+" in
+ Arg.parse argspec anon_arg usage;
+ let quick = !quick in
+ let anon_args = List.rev !anon_args in
+ let kernelsdir, outputdir =
+ match anon_args with
+ | [kd;od] -> kd,od
+ | _ ->
+ eprintf "compile-kerneldb <kerneldb> <outputdir>\n";
+ exit 2 in
+ (* Read in the list of kernels from the kerneldb. *)
+ let kernels = PP.list_kernels kernelsdir in
+ (* In quick mode, just process the first few kernels. *)
+ let kernels = if quick then List.take 10 kernels else kernels in
+ let good_struct_names = List.map fst good_structs in
+ (* Load in the structures. *)
+ let nr_kernels = List.length kernels in
+ let kernels = List.mapi (
+ fun i info ->
+ printf "Loading kernel data file %d/%d\r%!" (i+1) nr_kernels;
+ let structures = PP.load_structures info good_struct_names in
+ (info, structures)
+ ) kernels in
+ (* Keep only the good fields. *)
+ let kernels = List.map (
+ fun (info, structures) ->
+ let structures = List.map (
+ fun (struct_name, structure) ->
+ let { good_fields = good_fields } =
+ List.assoc struct_name good_structs in
+ let fields = List.filter (
+ fun { PP.field_name = name } -> List.mem name good_fields
+ ) structure.PP.struct_fields in
+ struct_name, { structure with PP.struct_fields = fields }
+ ) structures in
+ (info, structures)
+ ) kernels in
+ (* Turn anonymous list_head and void * pointers into pointers to
+ * known structure types, where we have that meta-information.
+ *)
+ let kernels = List.map (
+ fun (info, structures) ->
+ let structures = List.map (
+ fun (struct_name, structure) ->
+ let { field_metadata = metadata } =
+ List.assoc struct_name good_structs in
+ let fields = structure.PP.struct_fields in
+ let fields = List.map (
+ fun ({ PP.field_name = name; PP.field_type = typ } as field) ->
+ try
+ let meta = List.assoc name metadata in
+ let typ =
+ match meta, typ with
+ | ListHeadIsReally s, PP.FAnonListHeadPointer ->
+ PP.FListHeadPointer s
+ | VoidPointerIsReally s, PP.FVoidPointer ->
+ PP.FStructPointer s
+ | _, typ -> typ in
+ { field with PP.field_type = typ }
+ with
+ Not_found -> field
+ ) fields in
+ struct_name, { structure with PP.struct_fields = fields }
+ ) structures in
+ (info, structures)
+ ) kernels in
+ if debug then
+ List.iter (
+ fun (info, structures) ->
+ printf "\n%s ----------\n" (PP.string_of_info info);
+ List.iter (
+ fun (_, structure) ->
+ printf "%s\n\n" (PP.string_of_structure structure);
+ ) structures;
+ ) kernels;
+ (* First output file is a simple list of kernels, to support the
+ * 'virt-mem --list-kernels' option.
+ *)
+ let () =
+ let _loc = Loc.ghost in
+ let versions = List.map (
+ fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version }, _) -> version
+ ) kernels in
+ (* Sort them in reverse because we are going to generate the
+ * final list in reverse.
+ *)
+ let cmp a b = compare b a in
+ let versions = List.sort ~cmp versions in
+ let xs =
+ List.fold_left (fun xs version -> <:expr< $str:version$ :: $xs$ >>)
+ <:expr< [] >> versions in
+ let code = <:str_item<
+ let kernels = $xs$
+ >> in
+ let output_file = outputdir // "virt_mem_kernels.ml" in
+ printf "Writing list of kernels to %s ...\n%!" output_file;
+ Printers.OCaml.print_implem ~output_file code in
+ (* We want to track single structures as they have changed over
+ * time, ie. over kernel versions. Transpose our dataset so we are
+ * looking at structures over time.
+ *)
+ let structures = PP.transpose good_struct_names kernels in
+ let kernels = () in ignore (kernels); (* garbage collect *)
+ let structures =
+ List.map (
+ fun (struct_name, kernels) ->
+ let all_fields = PP.get_fields kernels in
+ (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields))
+ ) structures in
+ if debug then
+ List.iter (
+ fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) ->
+ printf "struct %s:\n" struct_name;
+ printf " structure occurs in %d kernel versions\n"
+ (List.length kernels);
+ printf " union of fields found:\n";
+ List.iter (
+ fun (field_name, field_type) ->
+ printf " %s %s\n" (PP.string_of_f_type field_type) field_name
+ ) all_fields
+ ) structures;
+ (* Now perform the minimization step for each structure.
+ * We do separate minimization for:
+ * - shape field structures
+ * - content field structures
+ * - parsers
+ *)
+ let structures =
+ List.map (
+ fun (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields)) ->
+ let sflist, sfhash =
+ SC.minimize_shape_field_structs struct_name good_struct_names
+ kernels in
+ let cflist, cfhash =
+ SC.minimize_content_field_structs struct_name good_struct_names
+ kernels in
+ let palist, pahash =
+ SC.minimize_parsers struct_name kernels sfhash cfhash in
+ (struct_name, (kernels, all_fields,
+ sflist, sfhash, cflist, cfhash, palist, pahash))
+ ) structures in
+ if debug then
+ List.iter (
+ fun (struct_name,
+ (kernels, all_fields,
+ sflist, sfhash, cflist, cfhash, palist, pahash)) ->
+ printf "struct %s:\n" struct_name;
+ printf " shape field structures:\n";
+ List.iter (
+ fun { SC.sf_name = name; sf_fields = fields } ->
+ printf " type %s = {\n" name;
+ List.iter (
+ fun { PP.field_name = name; field_type = typ } ->
+ printf " %s %s;\n" (PP.string_of_f_type typ) name
+ ) fields;
+ printf " }\n";
+ ) sflist;
+ printf " content field structures:\n";
+ List.iter (
+ fun { SC.cf_name = name; cf_fields = fields } ->
+ printf " type %s = {\n" name;
+ List.iter (
+ fun { PP.field_name = name; field_type = typ } ->
+ printf " %s %s;\n" (PP.string_of_f_type typ) name
+ ) fields;
+ printf " }\n";
+ ) cflist;
+ printf " parsers:\n";
+ List.iter (
+ fun { SC.pa_name = name;
+ pa_shape_field_struct = sf;
+ pa_content_field_struct = cf } ->
+ printf " let %s = ...\n" name;
+ printf " -> (%s, %s)\n" sf.SC.sf_name cf.SC.cf_name
+ ) palist
+ ) structures;
and f_type =
| FStructPointer of string
| FVoidPointer
- | FListHeadPointer
+ | FAnonListHeadPointer
+ | FListHeadPointer of string
| FInteger
| FString of int
and string_of_field f =
sprintf "%s %s; /* offset = %d, size = %d */"
- f.field_name (string_of_f_type f.field_type)
+ (string_of_f_type f.field_type) f.field_name
f.field_offset f.field_size
and string_of_f_type = function
- | FStructPointer struct_name -> sprintf "struct %s*" struct_name
+ | FStructPointer struct_name -> sprintf "struct %s *" struct_name
| FVoidPointer -> "void *"
- | FListHeadPointer -> "struct list_head *"
+ | FAnonListHeadPointer -> "struct list_head *"
+ | FListHeadPointer struct_name ->
+ sprintf "struct /* %s */ list_head *" struct_name
| FInteger -> "int"
| FString width -> sprintf "char[%d]" width
if struct_name <> "list_head" then
FStructPointer struct_name
- FListHeadPointer in
+ FAnonListHeadPointer in
let field =
{ field_name = name; field_type = field_type;
field_offset = offset; field_size = size } in
) fields in
List.fold_left max 0 fields in
- Some { struct_name = struct_name;
- struct_fields = fields;
- struct_total_size = total_size }
+ (* Sort the structure fields by field offset. They are
+ * probably already in this order, but just make sure.
+ *)
+ let cmp { field_offset = o1 } { field_offset = o2 } = compare o1 o2 in
+ let fields = List.sort ~cmp fields in
+ Some (
+ struct_name,
+ { struct_name = struct_name;
+ struct_fields = fields;
+ struct_total_size = total_size }
+ )
) struct_names in
+(* XXX This loop is O(n^3), luckily n is small! *)
+let transpose good_struct_names kernels =
+ List.map (
+ fun struct_name ->
+ let kernels =
+ List.filter_map (
+ fun (info, structures) ->
+ try
+ let s = List.assoc struct_name structures in
+ Some (info, s)
+ with
+ Not_found -> None
+ ) kernels in
+ (* Sort the kernels, which makes the generated output more stable
+ * and makes patches more useful.
+ *)
+ let kernels = List.sort kernels in
+ struct_name, kernels
+ ) good_struct_names
+let get_fields structures =
+ (* Use a hash table to accumulate the fields as we find them.
+ * The key is the field name. The value is the field type and the
+ * kernel version where first seen (for error reporting). If
+ * we meet the field again, we check its type hasn't changed.
+ * Finally, we can use the hash to pull out all field names and
+ * types.
+ *)
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ List.iter (
+ fun ({kernel_version = version},
+ {struct_name = struct_name; struct_fields = fields}) ->
+ List.iter (
+ fun {field_name = name; field_type = typ} ->
+ try
+ let (field_type, version_first_seen) = Hashtbl.find h name in
+ if typ <> field_type then (
+ eprintf "Error: %s.%s: field changed type between kernel versions.\n"
+ struct_name name;
+ eprintf "In version %s it had type %s.\n"
+ version_first_seen (string_of_f_type field_type);
+ eprintf "In version %s it had type %s.\n"
+ version (string_of_f_type typ);
+ eprintf "The code cannot handle fields which change type like this.\n";
+ eprintf "See extract/codegen/pahole_parser.mli for more details.\n";
+ exit 1
+ )
+ with Not_found ->
+ Hashtbl.add h name (typ, version)
+ ) fields
+ ) structures;
+ let fields =
+ Hashtbl.fold (
+ fun name (typ, _) fields ->
+ (name, typ) :: fields
+ ) h [] in
+ List.sort fields
and f_type =
| FStructPointer of string (** A pointer to a named struct. *)
| FVoidPointer (** A [void*] pointer. *)
- | FListHeadPointer (** A pointer to a [list_head]. *)
+ | FAnonListHeadPointer (** A pointer to an unknown
+ [list_head]. *)
+ | FListHeadPointer of string (** A pointer to a [list_head] in a
+ named struct. *)
| FInteger (** An integer. *)
| FString of int (** A char array of given width. *)
(** Type of a kernel field. *)
(** {2 Load kernel structures} *)
-val load_structures : info -> string list -> structure list
+val load_structures : info -> string list -> (string * structure) list
(** [load_structures info names] loads the named kernel structures
from a particular kernel.
The returned list is not necessarily in the same order, or the
- same length, as the [names] list. Check the
- {!structure.struct_name} field for the structure name.
- Structures which don't actually occur in the given kernel are
- not loaded and not present in the final list.
+ same length, as the [names] list. Check the first field in each
+ pair for the structure name. Structures which don't actually
+ occur in the given kernel are not loaded and not present in the
+ final list.
+ The fields list in {!structure} is always sorted by field offset.
+(** {2 Transpose and check field types}
+ After we've used {!load_structures} for each kernel, we end
+ up with a list of kernels, and within that a list of structures
+ supported by the kernel. What we really want is to see how
+ each structure changes over time, and also to check if field
+ types have changed between versions (which we currently disallow).
+ The {!transpose} operation transposes the original list
+ of kernels to a list of structures.
+ The {!get_fields} operation gets a complete list of fields
+ and their types, and checks that the types haven't changed over
+ kernel versions. (Note that particular fields can be missing from
+ some kernel version, but that is OK).
+val transpose : string list ->
+ (info * (string * structure) list) list ->
+ (string * (info * structure) list) list
+ (** Transpose list of kernels to list of structures. The result
+ shows, for each structure, how it changed over kernel versions.
+ The first parameter is the list of structure names of interest,
+ and should be the same as was passed to {!load_structures}. *)
+val get_fields : (info * structure) list -> (string * f_type) list
+ (** This gets a complete list of fields which have appeared in
+ any kernel version, and the type of those fields.
+ Fields must not change type between kernel versions - if
+ so this function prints an error and exits. (We may support
+ fields which change type in future, but we don't right now).
+ "Type" is quite widely defined here, see {!f_type}, and so
+ certain changes such as between sizes of ints are allowed,
+ but you can't have a field which once was a pointer and then
+ became a string or anything like that.
+ Note that a field may not be present in particular kernel
+ versions, but if it appears at all in any version, then it
+ will be in the result list. *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Memory info command for virtual domains.
+ (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ http://libvirt.org/
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *)
+open ExtList
+open ExtString
+open Printf
+module PP = Pahole_parser
+type f_class = ShapeField | ContentField
+let classify_field names = function
+ | (PP.FStructPointer struct_name | PP.FListHeadPointer struct_name)
+ when List.mem struct_name names -> ShapeField
+ (* .. anything else is a content field: *)
+ | PP.FStructPointer _
+ | PP.FListHeadPointer _
+ | PP.FVoidPointer
+ | PP.FAnonListHeadPointer
+ | PP.FInteger
+ | PP.FString _ -> ContentField
+type shape_field_struct = {
+ sf_i : int;
+ sf_name : string;
+ sf_fields : PP.field list;
+and content_field_struct = {
+ cf_i : int;
+ cf_name : string;
+ cf_fields : PP.field list;
+and parser_ = {
+ pa_i : int;
+ pa_name : string;
+ pa_endian : Bitstring.endian;
+ pa_fields : Pahole_parser.field list;
+ pa_shape_field_struct : shape_field_struct;
+ pa_content_field_struct : content_field_struct;
+let endian_of_architecture arch =
+ if String.starts_with arch "i386" ||
+ String.starts_with arch "i486" ||
+ String.starts_with arch "i586" ||
+ String.starts_with arch "i686" ||
+ String.starts_with arch "x86_64" ||
+ String.starts_with arch "x86-64" then
+ Bitstring.LittleEndian
+ else if String.starts_with arch "ia64" then
+ Bitstring.LittleEndian (* XXX usually? *)
+ else if String.starts_with arch "ppc" then
+ Bitstring.BigEndian
+ else if String.starts_with arch "sparc" then
+ Bitstring.BigEndian
+ else
+ failwith (sprintf "endian_of_architecture: cannot parse %S" arch)
+let unique =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ fun () ->
+ incr i; !i
+(* Minimization of shape fields & content fields. *)
+let cmp { PP.field_name = n1 } { PP.field_name = n2 } = compare n1 n2
+let hash_values h = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v vs -> v :: vs) h []
+let minimize_shape_field_structs struct_name names kernels =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let rh = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let only_shape_fields =
+ List.filter (
+ fun { PP.field_type = typ } ->
+ classify_field names typ = ShapeField
+ )
+ in
+ let name_of i = sprintf "%s_shape_fields_%d" struct_name i in
+ List.iter (
+ fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version },
+ { PP.struct_fields = fields; struct_name = name_check }) ->
+ assert (struct_name = name_check);
+ let fields = List.sort ~cmp (only_shape_fields fields) in
+ let key = List.map (fun { PP.field_name = name } -> name) fields in
+ let sf =
+ try Hashtbl.find h key
+ with Not_found ->
+ let i = unique () in
+ let sf = { sf_i = i; sf_name = name_of i; sf_fields = fields } in
+ Hashtbl.add h key sf;
+ sf in
+ Hashtbl.add rh version sf
+ ) kernels;
+ let sfs = hash_values h in
+ sfs, rh
+let minimize_content_field_structs struct_name names kernels =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let rh = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let only_content_fields =
+ List.filter (
+ fun { PP.field_type = typ } ->
+ classify_field names typ = ContentField
+ )
+ in
+ let name_of i = sprintf "%s_content_fields_%d" struct_name i in
+ List.iter (
+ fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version },
+ { PP.struct_fields = fields; struct_name = name_check }) ->
+ assert (struct_name = name_check);
+ let fields = List.sort ~cmp (only_content_fields fields) in
+ let key = List.map (fun { PP.field_name = name } -> name) fields in
+ let cf =
+ try Hashtbl.find h key
+ with Not_found ->
+ let i = unique () in
+ let cf = { cf_i = i; cf_name = name_of i; cf_fields = fields } in
+ Hashtbl.add h key cf;
+ cf in
+ Hashtbl.add rh version cf
+ ) kernels;
+ let cfs = hash_values h in
+ cfs, rh
+let minimize_parsers struct_name kernels sfhash cfhash =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let rh = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let name_of i = sprintf "%s_parser_%d" struct_name i in
+ List.iter (
+ fun ({ PP.kernel_version = version; arch = arch },
+ { PP.struct_fields = fields; struct_name = name_check }) ->
+ assert (struct_name = name_check);
+ let endian = endian_of_architecture arch in
+ let key = endian, fields in
+ let pa =
+ try Hashtbl.find h key
+ with Not_found ->
+ let i = unique () in
+ let sf =
+ try Hashtbl.find sfhash version
+ with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let cf =
+ try Hashtbl.find cfhash version
+ with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let pa = { pa_i = i; pa_name = name_of i; pa_fields = fields;
+ pa_endian = endian;
+ pa_shape_field_struct = sf;
+ pa_content_field_struct = cf } in
+ Hashtbl.add h key pa;
+ pa in
+ Hashtbl.add rh version pa
+ ) kernels;
+ let pas = hash_values h in
+ pas, rh
--- /dev/null
+(** Structure classification. *)
+(* Memory info command for virtual domains.
+ (C) Copyright 2008 Richard W.M. Jones, Red Hat Inc.
+ http://libvirt.org/
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *)
+ {2 How it works}
+ There's no getting around it, this is complicated.
+ {!Pahole_parser} has parsed in a limited set of structures from
+ each available kernel. We now aim to take a holistic view of
+ a structure as it changed over time, though different kernel
+ versions and also on different architectures.
+ {3 Shape fields and content fields}
+ A structure is a list of fields.
+ Fields fall into two classifications, as far as we are interested:
+ (i) 'Shape' fields define the relationship between different
+ structures. Shape fields are all pointers to other structures
+ that we care about. They have type {!Pahole_parser.FStructPointer}
+ and {!Pahole_parser.FListHeadPointer}.
+ (ii) 'Content' fields are fields in a structure that contain
+ some data, like ints and strings. (In the current implementation,
+ it's anything left which isn't a shape field).
+ So we can easily take a structure and place its fields into two
+ buckets. For example, with [task_struct] it might be:
+ [task_struct] shape fields:
+ - [tasks'next] (the linked list of tasks)
+ - [tasks'prev]
+ - [parent] (points to the parent task)
+ [task_struct] content fields:
+ - [pid] (process ID)
+ - [comm] (task name)
+ - etc. etc.
+ {3 Shape fields and iterator functions}
+ For each kernel/structure we can build a list of shape fields, but
+ in fact in many kernels they will be the same, so we also
+ performing a {i sharing} operation to minimize the number of
+ variations.
+ We also write (by hand) iterator functions. These iterator
+ functions are matched to the corresponding shape field structure,
+ by setting up some prerequisites that the function needs, then
+ matching on those prerequisites with the available shape
+ field structures.
+ {3 Content fields and printing functions}
+ The same (minimization & matching) applies to hand-written printing
+ functions over content field structures.
+ {3 Generated parsing functions}
+ A third form of minimization is required to find kernel
+ structures which happen to be similar - ie. all the fields
+ happen to be in the same place, with the same wordsize and
+ endianness.
+ We can then generate a minimal set of parsing functions which
+ map the binary data from the kernel image into shape and
+ content field structures.
+ {3 Generated loading code}
+ Finally, we generate recursive loading code which recurses over
+ structures into order to load the kernel memory and invoke the
+ correct parsers on it, ensuring that when the program runs, all
+ known kernel structures are recursively reached and loaded in.
+(** {2 Field classification} *)
+type f_class = ShapeField | ContentField
+val classify_field : string list -> Pahole_parser.f_type -> f_class
+ (** [classify_field names field] classifies a field as either
+ a shape field or a content field. [names] is a list of
+ all kernel structures that we care about. *)
+(** {2 Minimization of shape field structures and content field structures} *)
+type shape_field_struct = {
+ sf_i : int; (** Unique number. *)
+ sf_name : string; (** Structure name in output. *)
+ sf_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** Shape fields. *)
+ (** The type of a shape field structure. *)
+and content_field_struct = {
+ cf_i : int; (** Unique number. *)
+ cf_name : string; (** Structure name in output. *)
+ cf_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** Content fields. *)
+ (** The type of a content field structure. *)
+val minimize_shape_field_structs :
+ string -> string list ->
+ (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list ->
+ shape_field_struct list * (string, shape_field_struct) Hashtbl.t
+ (** [minimize_shape_field_structs struct_name names kernels] returns
+ a minimized list of shape field structures
+ (a hash table of kernel version to {!shape_field_struct}).
+ [struct_name] is the name of the structure.
+ [names] is the list of interesting kernel structures. *)
+val minimize_content_field_structs :
+ string -> string list ->
+ (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list ->
+ content_field_struct list * (string, content_field_struct) Hashtbl.t
+ (** [minimize_content_field_structs struct_name names kernels] returns
+ a minimized list of content field structures
+ (a hash table of kernel version to {!content_field_struct}).
+ [struct_name] is the name of the structure.
+ [names] is the list of interesting kernel structures. *)
+(** {2 Minimization of parsers} *)
+type parser_ (* parser is a reserved word *) = {
+ pa_i : int; (** Unique number. *)
+ pa_name : string; (** Parser function name in output. *)
+ (* The input to the parser: *)
+ pa_endian : Bitstring.endian; (** Default field endianness. *)
+ pa_fields : Pahole_parser.field list; (** All fields. *)
+ (* The output of the parser: *)
+ pa_shape_field_struct : shape_field_struct;
+ pa_content_field_struct : content_field_struct;
+ (** The type of a parser. *)
+val minimize_parsers :
+ string ->
+ (Pahole_parser.info * Pahole_parser.structure) list ->
+ (string, shape_field_struct) Hashtbl.t ->
+ (string, content_field_struct) Hashtbl.t ->
+ parser_ list * (string, parser_) Hashtbl.t
+ (** [minimize_parsers struct_name kernels sfhash cfhash] returns
+ a minimized list of parsers (a hash table of kernel version
+ to {!parser_}).
+ [sfhash] and [cfhash] are the kernel version -> shape/content
+ field struct hashes returned by a previous call to
+ {!minimize_shape_field_structs} and {!minimize_content_field_structs}
+ respectively. *)