--- /dev/null
+(* Test concat and the bit get functions.
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+let () =
+ for i = 0 to 33 do
+ for j = 0 to 33 do
+ for k = 0 to 33 do
+ let bits =
+ Bitstring.concat [
+ Bitstring.ones_bitstring i;
+ Bitstring.zeroes_bitstring j;
+ Bitstring.ones_bitstring k
+ ] in
+ assert (Bitstring.bitstring_length bits = i+j+k);
+ for n = 0 to i-1 do
+ assert (Bitstring.is_set bits n)
+ done;
+ for n = i to i+j-1 do
+ assert (Bitstring.is_clear bits n)
+ done;
+ for n = i+j to i+j+k-1 do
+ assert (Bitstring.is_set bits n)
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ done
--- /dev/null
+(* Compare bitstrings.
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+open Printf
+let sgn = function
+ | 0 -> 0
+ | i when i > 0 -> 1
+ | _ -> -1
+let () =
+ for i = 0 to 33 do
+ for j = 0 to 33 do
+ let bits1 = Bitstring.ones_bitstring i
+ and bits2 = Bitstring.ones_bitstring j in
+ let r = Bitstring.compare bits1 bits2 in
+ if sgn r <> sgn (compare i j) then (
+ eprintf "ones compare failed %d %d %d\n" i j r;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ done
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to 33 do
+ for j = 0 to 33 do
+ let bits1 = Bitstring.zeroes_bitstring i
+ and bits2 = Bitstring.zeroes_bitstring j in
+ let r = Bitstring.compare bits1 bits2 in
+ if sgn r <> sgn (compare i j) then (
+ eprintf "zeroes compare failed %d %d %d\n" i j r;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ done
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to 33 do
+ for j = 0 to 33 do
+ let bits1 = Bitstring.make_bitstring i '\x55'
+ and bits2 = Bitstring.make_bitstring j '\x55' in
+ let r = Bitstring.compare bits1 bits2 in
+ if sgn r <> sgn (compare i j) then (
+ eprintf "x55 compare failed %d %d %d\n" i j r;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ done
+ done;
+ for i = 0 to 33 do
+ for j = 0 to 33 do
+ let bits1 = Bitstring.make_bitstring i '\x55' in
+ let bits2 = Bitstring.make_bitstring i '\x55' in
+ let bits2 = Bitstring.concat [Bitstring.zeroes_bitstring j; bits2] in
+ assert (Bitstring.bitstring_length bits2 = j+i);
+ let bits2 = Bitstring.dropbits j bits2 in
+ assert (Bitstring.bitstring_length bits2 = i);
+ let r = Bitstring.compare bits1 bits2 in
+ if r <> 0 then (
+ eprintf "x55 non-aligned compare failed %d %d %d\n" i j r;
+ exit 1
+ )
+ done
+ done
--- /dev/null
+(* Test the various functions to load bitstrings from files.
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Bitstring
+let () =
+ let bits1 =
+ let b1 = make_bitstring 800 '\x5a' in
+ let b2 = make_bitstring 400 '\x88' in (
+ b1 : 800 : bitstring;
+ b2 : 400 : bitstring
+ }
+ ) in
+ let bits2 = (
+ let b = make_bitstring 800 '\xaa' in
+ b : 800 : bitstring
+ }
+ ) in
+ let bits = concat [bits1; bits2] in
+ let filename, chan =
+ Filename.open_temp_file ~mode:[Open_binary] "bitstring_test" ".tmp" in
+ bitstring_to_chan bits chan;
+ close_out chan;
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_file filename in
+ assert (equals bits bits');
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_chan chan in
+ close_in chan;
+ assert (equals bits bits');
+ let chan = open_in filename in
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_chan_max chan 150 in
+ assert (equals bits1 bits');
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_chan_max chan 100 in
+ assert (equals bits2 bits');
+ close_in chan;
+ let fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_file_descr fd in
+ Unix.close fd;
+ assert (equals bits bits');
+ let fd = Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0 in
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_file_descr_max fd 150 in
+ assert (equals bits1 bits');
+ let bits' = bitstring_of_file_descr_max fd 100 in
+ assert (equals bits2 bits');
+ Unix.close fd;
+ Unix.unlink filename