The new module contains all jobs and variables.
(* See [exit.c]. *)
external _exit : int -> 'a = "whenjobs__exit"
-(* All jobs that are loaded. Maps name -> [job] structure. *)
-let jobs = ref StringMap.empty
-(* Map variable names to jobs which depend on that variable. This
- * gives us a quick way to tell which jobs might need to be reevaluated
- * when a variable is set.
- *)
-let dependencies = ref StringMap.empty
-(* Current values of variables. Using the referentially transparent
- * type Map is very useful here because it lets us cheaply keep
- * previous values of variables.
- *)
-let variables : variables ref = ref StringMap.empty
(* $HOME/.whenjobs *)
let jobsdir = ref ""
+(* The state. *)
+let state = ref Whenstate.empty
(* Jobs that are running; map of PID -> (job, other data). Note that
* the job may no longer exist *OR* it may have been renamed,
* eg. if the jobs file was reloaded.
let addr = sprintf "%s/socket" !jobsdir in
(try unlink addr with Unix_error _ -> ());
+ (* Create the Unix domain socket server. *)
server := Some (
(* Handle SIGCHLD to clean up jobs. *)
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle handle_sigchld);
- (* Initialize the variables. XXX Eventually this will be saved
- * and loaded from a persistent store.
- *)
- variables := StringMap.add "JOBSERIAL" (T_int zero_big_int) !variables
+ (* Initialize the variables. *)
+ state := Whenstate.set_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" (T_int zero_big_int)
and proc_reload_file () =
if !debug then Syslog.notice "remote call: reload_file";
loop 1;
let value = variable_of_rpc value in
- variables := StringMap.add name value !variables;
+ state := Whenstate.set_variable !state name value;
(* Which jobs need to be re-evaluated? *)
- let jobnames = try StringMap.find name !dependencies with Not_found -> [] in
- reevaluate_whenjobs jobnames;
+ let jobs = Whenstate.get_dependencies !state name in
+ reevaluate_whenjobs jobs;
and proc_get_variable name =
if !debug then Syslog.notice "remote call: get_variable %s" name;
- try rpc_of_variable (StringMap.find name !variables)
- with (* all non-existent variables are empty strings *)
- Not_found -> `string_t ""
+ rpc_of_variable (Whenstate.get_variable !state name)
and proc_get_variable_names () =
if !debug then Syslog.notice "remote call: get_variable_names";
- (* Only return variables that are non-empty. *)
- let vars = StringMap.fold (
- fun name value xs -> if value <> T_string "" then name :: xs else xs
- ) !variables [] in
+ let vars = Whenstate.get_variable_names !state in
+ (* Return variable names as a sorted array. *)
let vars = Array.of_list vars in
Array.sort compare vars;
(* Reload the jobs file. *)
and reload_file () =
let file = sprintf "%s/jobs.cmo" !jobsdir in
- Whenfile.init ();
- let js =
+ (* As we are reloading the file, we want to create a new state
+ * that has no jobs, but has all the variables from the previous
+ * state.
+ *)
+ let s = Whenstate.copy_variables !state Whenstate.empty in
+ Whenfile.init s;
+ let s =
Dynlink.loadfile file;
- let jobs = Whenfile.get_jobs () in
- Syslog.notice "loaded %d job(s) from %s" (List.length jobs) file;
- jobs
+ let s = Whenfile.get_state () in
+ Syslog.notice "loaded %d job(s) from %s" (Whenstate.nr_jobs s) file;
+ s
| Dynlink.Error err ->
let err = Dynlink.error_message err in
| exn ->
failwith (Printexc.to_string exn) in
- (* Set 'jobs' and related global variables. *)
- let () =
- let map = List.fold_left (
- fun map j ->
- let name = j.job_name in
- StringMap.add name j map
- ) StringMap.empty js in
- jobs := map in
- let () =
- let map = List.fold_left (
- fun map j ->
- let deps = dependencies_of_job j in
- let name = j.job_name in
- List.fold_left (
- fun map d ->
- let names = try StringMap.find d map with Not_found -> [] in
- StringMap.add d (name :: names) map
- ) map deps
- ) StringMap.empty js in
- dependencies := map in
+ state := s;
(* Re-evaluate all when jobs. *)
- reevaluate_whenjobs ~onload:true (StringMap.keys !jobs);
+ reevaluate_whenjobs ~onload:true (Whenstate.get_whenjobs !state);
(* Schedule the next every job to run. *)
schedule_next_everyjob ()
-(* Re-evaluate each named when-statement job, in a loop until we reach
- * a fixpoint. Run those that need to be run. every-statement jobs
- * are ignored here.
+(* Re-evaluate each when-statement job, in a loop until we reach
+ * a fixpoint. Run those that need to be run.
-and reevaluate_whenjobs ?(onload=false) jobnames =
- let rec loop set jobnames =
+and reevaluate_whenjobs ?onload jobs =
+ let rec loop set jobs =
let set' =
List.fold_left (
- fun set jobname ->
- let job =
- try StringMap.find jobname !jobs
- with Not_found -> assert false in
- assert (jobname = job.job_name);
- let r, job' =
- try job_evaluate job !variables onload
+ fun set job ->
+ let r, state' =
+ try Whenstate.evaluate_whenjob ?onload !state job
with Invalid_argument err | Failure err ->
Syslog.error "error evaluating job %s (at %s): %s"
- jobname (Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.to_string job.job_loc) err;
- false, job in
+ job.job_name (Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.to_string job.job_loc) err;
+ false, !state in
- jobs := StringMap.add jobname job' !jobs;
+ state := state';
if !debug then
- Syslog.notice "evaluate %s -> %b\n" jobname r;
+ Syslog.notice "evaluate %s -> %b\n" job.job_name r;
- if r then StringSet.add jobname set else set
- ) set jobnames in
+ if r then StringSet.add job.job_name set else set
+ ) set jobs in
if set set' <> 0 then
- loop set' jobnames
+ loop set' jobs
- let set = loop StringSet.empty jobnames in
+ let set = loop StringSet.empty jobs in
let jobnames = StringSet.elements set in
(* Ensure the jobs always run in predictable (name) order. *)
let jobnames = List.sort compare_jobnames jobnames in
- List.iter run_job
- ( (fun jobname -> StringMap.find jobname !jobs) jobnames)
+ (* Run the jobs. *)
+ List.iter run_job ( (Whenstate.get_job !state) jobnames)
(* Schedule the next every-statement job to run, if there is one. We
* look at the every jobs, work out the time that each must run at,
let t = time () in
(* Get only everyjobs. *)
- let jobs = StringMap.values !jobs in
- let jobs = filter_map (
+ let jobs = Whenstate.get_everyjobs !state in
+ let jobs = (
- | { job_cond = Every_job period } as job -> Some (job, period)
- | { job_cond = When_job _ } -> None
+ | { job_cond = Every_job period } as job -> (job, period)
+ | { job_cond = When_job _ } -> assert false
) jobs in
(* Map everyjob to next time it must run. *)
let () =
(* Increment JOBSERIAL. *)
let serial =
- match StringMap.find "JOBSERIAL" !variables with
+ match Whenstate.get_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" with
| T_int serial ->
let serial = succ_big_int serial in
- variables := StringMap.add "JOBSERIAL" (T_int serial) !variables;
+ state := Whenstate.set_variable !state "JOBSERIAL" (T_int serial);
| _ -> assert false in
chdir dir;
(* Set environment variables corresponding to each variable. *)
- StringMap.iter
- (fun name value -> putenv name (string_of_variable value)) !variables;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, value) -> putenv name (string_of_variable value))
+ (Whenstate.get_variables !state);
(* Set the $JOBNAME environment variable. *)
putenv "JOBNAME" job.job_name;
whenlock.mli \ \
whenproto_aux.mli \
+ \
+ whenstate.mli \ \
whenfile.cmi \
whenlock.cmi \
whenproto_aux.cmi \
+ whenstate.cmi \
# In dependency order.
whenproto_aux.cmo \
whenutils.cmo \
whenexpr.cmo \
+ whenstate.cmo \
whenfile.cmo \
type variables = variable StringMap.t
-type job_private = {
- (* The result of the previous evaluation. This is used for
- * implementing edge-triggering, since we only trigger the job to run
- * when the state changes from false -> true.
- *
- * [None] means there has been no previous evaluation.
- *)
- job_prev_eval_state : bool option;
- (* When the job {i ran} last time, we take a copy of the variables.
- * This allows us to implement the 'changes' operator.
- *
- * [None] means there has been no previous run.
- *)
- job_prev_variables : variables option;
type job_cond =
| When_job of whenexpr
| Every_job of periodexpr
job_name : string;
job_cond : job_cond;
job_script : shell_script;
- job_private : job_private;
-let make_when_job _loc name e sh =
- { job_loc = _loc; job_name = name;
- job_cond = When_job e; job_script = sh;
- job_private = { job_prev_eval_state = None;
- job_prev_variables = None } }
-let make_every_job _loc name e sh =
- { job_loc = _loc; job_name = name;
- job_cond = Every_job e; job_script = sh;
- job_private = { job_prev_eval_state = None;
- job_prev_variables = None } }
let rec expr_of_ast _loc ast =
expr_of_iexpr _loc (iexpr_of_ast _loc ast)
| { job_cond = When_job whenexpr } -> dependencies_of_whenexpr whenexpr
| { job_cond = Every_job _ } -> []
-let rec eval_whenexpr job variables onload = function
+let rec eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload = function
| Expr_unit -> T_unit
| Expr_bool b -> T_bool b
| Expr_str s -> T_string s
get_variable variables v
| Expr_and (e1, e2) ->
- if eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload e1 &&
- eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload e2 then
+ if eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload e1 &&
+ eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload e2 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_or (e1, e2) ->
- if eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload e1 ||
- eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload e2 then
+ if eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload e1 ||
+ eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload e2 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_lt (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
if compare_values e1 e2 < 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_le (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
if compare_values e1 e2 <= 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_eq (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
if compare_values e1 e2 = 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_ge (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
if compare_values e1 e2 >= 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_gt (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
if compare_values e1 e2 > 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_not e ->
- if not (eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload e) then
+ if not (eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload e) then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_add (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
add_values e1 e2
| Expr_sub (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
sub_values e1 e2
| Expr_mul (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
mul_values e1 e2
| Expr_div (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
div_values e1 e2
| Expr_mod (e1, e2) ->
- let e1 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e1
- and e2 = eval_whenexpr job variables onload e2 in
+ let e1 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e1
+ and e2 = eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload e2 in
mod_values e1 e2
| Expr_changes v ->
- let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value job variables v in
+ let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value variables prev_variables v in
if compare_values prev_value curr_value <> 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_increases v ->
- let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value job variables v in
+ let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value variables prev_variables v in
if compare_values prev_value curr_value < 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_decreases v ->
- let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value job variables v in
+ let prev_value, curr_value = get_prev_curr_value variables prev_variables v in
if compare_values prev_value curr_value > 0 then
T_bool true
T_bool false
| Expr_prev v ->
- get_prev_variable job v
+ get_prev_variable prev_variables v
| Expr_reloaded ->
T_bool onload
-and get_prev_curr_value job variables v =
- let prev_value = get_prev_variable job v in
+and get_prev_curr_value variables prev_variables v =
+ let prev_value = get_prev_variable prev_variables v in
let curr_value = get_variable variables v in
prev_value, curr_value
and get_variable variables v =
try StringMap.find v variables with Not_found -> T_string ""
-and get_prev_variable job v =
- match job.job_private.job_prev_variables with
+and get_prev_variable prev_variables v =
+ match prev_variables with
| None ->
(* Job has never run. XXX Should do better here. *)
T_string ""
get_variable prev_variables v
(* Call {!eval_whenexpr} and cast the result to a boolean. *)
-and eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload expr =
- match eval_whenexpr job variables onload expr with
+and eval_whenexpr_as_bool variables prev_variables onload expr =
+ match eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload expr with
| T_unit -> false
| T_bool r -> r
| T_string s -> s <> ""
| T_int i -> string_of_big_int i
| T_float f -> string_of_float f
-let job_evaluate job variables onload =
- match job with
- | { job_cond = Every_job _ } -> false, job
- | { job_cond = When_job whenexpr } ->
- let state = eval_whenexpr_as_bool job variables onload whenexpr in
- (* Because jobs are edge-triggered, we're only interested in the
- * case where the evaluation state changes from false -> true.
- *)
- match job.job_private.job_prev_eval_state, state with
- | None, false
- | Some false, false
- | Some true, true
- | Some true, false ->
- let jobp = { job.job_private with job_prev_eval_state = Some state } in
- let job = { job with job_private = jobp } in
- false, job
- | None, true
- | Some false, true ->
- let jobp = { job_prev_eval_state = Some true;
- job_prev_variables = Some variables } in
- let job = { job with job_private = jobp } in
- true, job
let next_periodexpr =
(* Round up 'a' to the next multiple of 'i'. *)
let round_up_float a i =
type variables = variable Whenutils.StringMap.t
(** A set of variables. *)
-type job_private
-(** Private state associated with a job, used for evaluation. *)
type job_cond =
| When_job of whenexpr (** when ... : << >> *)
| Every_job of periodexpr (** every ... : << >> *)
job_name : string;
job_cond : job_cond;
job_script : shell_script;
- job_private : job_private;
-(** A job. Note that because of the [job_private] field, these cannot
- be constructed directly. Use {!make_when_job} or {!make_every_job}
- to construct one. *)
-val make_when_job : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t -> string -> whenexpr -> shell_script -> job
-(** Make a when-statement job. *)
-val make_every_job : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t -> string -> periodexpr -> shell_script -> job
-(** Make an every-statement job. *)
+(** A job. *)
val expr_of_ast : Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.Loc.t -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.expr -> whenexpr
(** Convert OCaml AST to an expression. Since OCaml ASTs are much
val dependencies_of_job : job -> string list
(** Which variables does this job depend on? *)
-val job_evaluate : job -> variables -> bool -> bool * job
-(** [job_evaluate job variables onload] evaluates [job]'s condition in
- the context of the [variables], and return [true] iff it should be
- run now.
+val eval_whenexpr : variables -> variables option -> bool -> whenexpr -> variable
+val eval_whenexpr_as_bool : variables -> variables option -> bool -> whenexpr -> bool
+(** [eval_whenexpr variables prev_variables onload expr] is the
+ evaluation function for when expressions. It full evaluates
+ [expr], returning its typed value. It can also throw exceptions
+ (at least [Invalid_argument] and [Failure]).
+ [eval_whenexpr_as_bool] is the same but it forces the returned
+ value to be a boolean.
+ The other parameters represent the current and past state:
+ [variables] is the current set of variables and their values.
- Note that this returns a possibly-updated [job] structure.
+ [prev_variables] is the set of variables from the previous
+ run. It is used to implement {i prev}, {i changes} etc operators.
+ This can be [None], meaning there is no previous state.
- This is a no-op for 'every' jobs. *)
+ [onload] is used to implement the {i reloaded} operator. It is
+ true if the file is being reloaded, and false otherwise. *)
val next_periodexpr : float -> periodexpr -> float
(** [next_periodexpr t period] returns the earliest event of [period]
open Printf
-(* The list of jobs in this file. *)
-let jobs = ref []
+(* The state updated during parsing of the file. *)
+let state = ref Whenstate.empty
-let init () = jobs := []
+let init s = state := s
let add_when_job _loc name e sh =
let e = expr_of_ast _loc e in
- let job = make_when_job _loc name e sh in
- jobs := job :: !jobs
+ let job = { job_loc = _loc; job_name = name;
+ job_cond = When_job e; job_script = sh } in
+ state := Whenstate.add_job !state job
let add_every_job _loc name e sh =
- let job = make_every_job _loc name e sh in
- jobs := job :: !jobs
+ let job = { job_loc = _loc; job_name = name;
+ job_cond = Every_job e; job_script = sh } in
+ state := Whenstate.add_job !state job
-let get_jobs () =
- List.rev !jobs
+let get_state () = !state
(** This module is used when compiling whenjobs input files. *)
-val init : unit -> unit
-(** "Initialize" the module. Clear the list of jobs and other
- internal variables so we are ready to parse a new file. *)
+val init : Whenstate.t -> unit
+(** "Initialize" the module. Pass in the initial state, ready for
+ parsing a new file. *)
-val get_jobs : unit -> Whenexpr.job list
-(** Get the jobs added since {!init} was called. *)
+val get_state : unit -> Whenstate.t
+(** Return the updated state. Call this after parsing the file. *)
val add_when_job : Camlp4.PreCast.Loc.t -> string -> Camlp4.PreCast.Ast.expr -> Whenexpr.shell_script -> unit
(** When a 'when' macro appears as a toplevel statement in an
--- /dev/null
+(* whenjobs
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Whenutils
+open Whenexpr
+type t = {
+ (* Variables. *)
+ variables : variables;
+ (* Loaded jobs. *)
+ jobs : job list;
+ (*--- below here is "internal" state ---*)
+ jobmap : job StringMap.t; (* job name -> job structure *)
+ (* Map variable names to jobs which depend on that variable. This
+ * gives us a quick way to tell which jobs might need to be reevaluated
+ * when a variable is set.
+ *)
+ dependencies : string list StringMap.t; (* variable -> list of job names *)
+ (* For each job, if it has run, we store the previous variables
+ * at that time. This is used to implement {i previous}, {i changes} etc.
+ *)
+ prev_variables : variables StringMap.t; (* job name -> variables *)
+ (* For each job, if it has been evaluated before (see {!job_evaluate})
+ * then we store the previous result of evaluation here. This is
+ * used to implement edge-triggering.
+ *)
+ prev_eval_result : bool StringMap.t; (* job name -> bool *)
+let empty = {
+ variables = StringMap.empty;
+ jobs = [];
+ jobmap = StringMap.empty;
+ dependencies = StringMap.empty;
+ prev_variables = StringMap.empty;
+ prev_eval_result = StringMap.empty;
+let add_job t job =
+ let deps = dependencies_of_job job in
+ let dependencies' = List.fold_left (
+ fun map d ->
+ let names = try StringMap.find d map with Not_found -> [] in
+ StringMap.add d (job.job_name :: names) map
+ ) t.dependencies deps in
+ { t with
+ jobs = job ::;
+ jobmap = StringMap.add job.job_name job t.jobmap;
+ dependencies = dependencies'
+ }
+let set_variable t name value =
+ { t with variables = StringMap.add name value t.variables }
+let copy_variables old t =
+ { t with variables = StringMap.fold StringMap.add old.variables t.variables }
+let get_variable t name =
+ try StringMap.find name t.variables with Not_found -> T_string ""
+let get_variables t =
+ StringMap.fold (
+ fun name value xs ->
+ if value <> T_string "" then (name, value) :: xs else xs
+ ) t.variables []
+let get_variable_names t =
+ StringMap.fold (
+ fun name value xs -> if value <> T_string "" then name :: xs else xs
+ ) t.variables []
+let nr_jobs t = List.length
+let get_dependencies t name =
+ let jobnames = try StringMap.find name t.dependencies with Not_found -> [] in
+ (fun jn ->
+ try
+ let j = StringMap.find jn t.jobmap in
+ (* If this asserts false, then there is a bug in {!add_job}. *)
+ assert (match j.job_cond with When_job _ -> true | _ -> false);
+ j
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* This should never happen. It would indicate some bug in the
+ * {!add_job} function.
+ *)
+ assert false
+ ) jobnames
+let get_whenjobs t =
+ List.filter (function { job_cond = When_job _ } -> true | _ -> false)
+let get_everyjobs t =
+ List.filter (function { job_cond = Every_job _ } -> true | _ -> false)
+let get_job t jobname =
+ try StringMap.find jobname t.jobmap with Not_found -> assert false
+let evaluate_whenjob ?(onload = false) t job =
+ match job with
+ | { job_cond = Every_job _ } -> assert false
+ | { job_cond = When_job whenexpr; job_name = jobname } ->
+ let prev_variables =
+ try Some (StringMap.find jobname t.prev_variables)
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ let result =
+ eval_whenexpr_as_bool t.variables prev_variables onload whenexpr in
+ let prev_eval_result =
+ try Some (StringMap.find jobname t.prev_eval_result)
+ with Not_found -> None in
+ let t = { t with prev_eval_result =
+ StringMap.add jobname result t.prev_eval_result } in
+ (* Because jobs are edge-triggered, we're only interested in the
+ * case where the evaluation state changes from false -> true.
+ *)
+ match prev_eval_result, result with
+ | None, false
+ | Some false, false
+ | Some true, true
+ | Some true, false ->
+ false, t
+ | None, true
+ | Some false, true ->
+ let t = { t with prev_variables =
+ StringMap.add jobname t.variables t.prev_variables } in
+ true, t
--- /dev/null
+(* whenjobs
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(** The state of jobs and variables. *)
+type t
+(** This opaque, immutable type represents the state of jobs and
+ variables from a loaded and running jobs file.
+ You can create an empty state by calling {!empty}. This state
+ has no jobs and no variables.
+ You can then add jobs and set variables by calling
+ {!add_job} and {!set_variable}. You can also copy variables
+ from an old state to a new state (used when reloading the
+ jobs file).
+ The rest of the functions deal with querying the state
+ and are mainly used by the daemon (see [Daemon] module). *)
+val empty : t
+(** Return an empty state. This state has no jobs or variables. *)
+val add_job : t -> Whenexpr.job -> t
+(** Add a job to the state, returning a new state. *)
+val set_variable : t -> string -> Whenexpr.variable -> t
+(** Set/update the value of a variable, returning a new state. *)
+val copy_variables : t -> t -> t
+(** [copy_variables old_state current_state -> new_state] copies
+ the variables from [old_state], adding them to [current_state],
+ returning a new state. Note the order of arguments. *)
+val get_variable : t -> string -> Whenexpr.variable
+(** Return the value of a variable, when unknown variables defaulting
+ to empty string. *)
+val get_variables : t -> (string * Whenexpr.variable) list
+(** Return the value of all variables. Variables that are empty
+ strings are not returned. *)
+val get_variable_names : t -> string list
+(** Return all variable names. Variables that are empty strings are
+ ignored. *)
+val nr_jobs : t -> int
+(** Returns the number of jobs in the state. *)
+val get_dependencies : t -> string -> Whenexpr.job list
+(** Return the jobs which depend on the named variable. *)
+val get_whenjobs : t -> Whenexpr.job list
+val get_everyjobs : t -> Whenexpr.job list
+(** Return all of the when-jobs / every-jobs. *)
+val get_job : t -> string -> Whenexpr.job
+(** Return the named job. *)
+val evaluate_whenjob : ?onload:bool -> t -> Whenexpr.job -> bool * t
+(** This evaluates the whenjob and returns [true] iff the whenjob
+ should be run now.
+ Note that this returns a possibly-updated state structure. *)
let () =
- Whenfile.init ();
+ Whenfile.init Whenstate.empty;
Dynlink.loadfile file
exit 1
- let jobs = Whenfile.get_jobs () in
- printf "test_load: %s: %d jobs parsed from file\n" file (List.length jobs)
+ let state = Whenfile.get_state () in
+ printf "test_load: %s: %d jobs parsed from file\n"
+ file (Whenstate.nr_jobs state)
(* Test-load the jobs file to ensure it makes sense. *)
- Whenfile.init ();
+ Whenfile.init Whenstate.empty;
Dynlink.loadfile cmo_file