let variables : variables ref = ref StringMap.empty
+(* Last time that an every job ran. See schedule_next_everyjob below. *)
+let last_t = ref (time ())
(* $HOME/.whenjobs *)
let jobsdir = ref ""
let debug = ref false
let esys = Unixqueue.standard_event_system ()
+let timer_group = ref None
let rec init j d =
jobsdir := j;
(* Which jobs need to be re-evaluated? *)
let jobnames = try StringMap.find name !dependencies with Not_found -> [] in
- let jobs = reevaluate_jobs jobnames in
- run_jobs jobs
+ reevaluate_whenjobs jobnames
and proc_get_variable name =
if !debug then Syslog.notice "remote call: get_variable %s" name;
) StringMap.empty js in
dependencies := map in
- (* Re-evaluate all jobs. *)
- let jobs = reevaluate_jobs (StringMap.keys !jobs) in
- run_jobs jobs
+ (* Re-evaluate all when jobs. *)
+ reevaluate_whenjobs (StringMap.keys !jobs);
+ (* Schedule the next every job to run. *)
+ last_t := time ();
+ schedule_next_everyjob ()
-(* Re-evaluate each named job, in a loop until we reach a fixpoint.
- * Return the names of all the jobs that need to be run.
+(* Re-evaluate each named when-statement job, in a loop until we reach
+ * a fixpoint. Run those that need to be run. every-statement jobs
+ * are ignored here.
-and reevaluate_jobs jobnames =
+and reevaluate_whenjobs jobnames =
let rec loop set jobnames =
let set' =
List.fold_left (
let set = loop StringSet.empty jobnames in
- StringSet.elements set
+ let jobnames = StringSet.elements set in
+ List.iter run_job
+ (List.map (fun jobname -> StringMap.find jobname !jobs) jobnames)
-and run_jobs jobnames =
- let run_job job =
- Syslog.notice "running %s" job.job_name;
- () (* XXX *)
+(* Schedule the next every-statement job to run, if there is one. We
+ * look at the every jobs, work out the time that each must run at,
+ * pick the job(s) which must run soonest, and schedule a timer to run
+ * them. When the timer fires, it runs those jobs, then call this
+ * function again. 'last_t' is the base time used for scheduling (or
+ * the time that the file was last reloaded).
+ *)
+and schedule_next_everyjob () =
+ (* Get only everyjobs. *)
+ let jobs = StringMap.values !jobs in
+ let jobs = filter_map (
+ function
+ | { job_cond = Every_job period } as job -> Some (job, period)
+ | { job_cond = When_job _ } -> None
+ ) jobs in
+ (* Map everyjob to next time it must run. *)
+ let jobs = List.map (
+ fun (job, period) ->
+ let t' = next_periodexpr !last_t period in
+ assert (t' > !last_t); (* serious bug in next_periodexpr if false *)
+ job, t'
+ ) jobs in
+ (* Sort, soonest first. *)
+ let jobs = List.sort (fun (_,a) (_,b) -> compare a b) jobs in
+ if !debug then (
+ List.iter (
+ fun (job, t) ->
+ Syslog.notice "%s: next scheduled run at %s"
+ job.job_name (string_of_time_t t)
+ ) jobs
+ );
+ (* Pick the job(s) which run soonest. *)
+ let rec pick = function
+ | [] -> 0., []
+ | [j, t] -> t, [j]
+ | (j1, t) :: (j2, t') :: _ when t < t' -> t, [j1]
+ | (j1, t) :: (((j2, t') :: _) as rest) -> t, (j1 :: snd (pick rest))
+ let t, jobs = pick jobs in
+ if t > 0. then (
+ last_t := t;
+ if jobs <> [] then (
+ if !debug then
+ Syslog.notice "scheduling job(s) %s to run at %s"
+ (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun { job_name = name } -> name) jobs))
+ (string_of_time_t t);
+ (* Schedule them to run at time t. *)
+ let g = new_timer_group () in
+ let w = Unixqueue.new_wait_id esys in
+ let t_diff = t -. Unix.time () in
+ let t_diff = if t_diff < 0. then 0. else t_diff in
+ Unixqueue.add_resource esys g (Unixqueue.Wait w, t_diff);
+ let run_jobs _ _ _ =
+ List.iter run_job jobs;
+ delete_timer ();
+ schedule_next_everyjob ();
+ in
+ Unixqueue.add_handler esys g run_jobs;
+ )
+ )
- List.iter run_job
- (List.map (fun jobname -> StringMap.find jobname !jobs) jobnames)
+and string_of_time_t t =
+ let tm = gmtime t in
+ sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC"
+ (1900+tm.tm_year) (1+tm.tm_mon) tm.tm_mday
+ tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec
+and new_timer_group () =
+ delete_timer ();
+ let g = Unixqueue.new_group esys in
+ timer_group := Some g;
+ g
+and delete_timer () =
+ match !timer_group with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some g ->
+ Unixqueue.clear esys g;
+ timer_group := None
+and run_job job =
+ Syslog.notice "running %s" job.job_name;
+ () (* XXX *)
let main_loop () =
Unixqueue.run esys
open Camlp4.PreCast
open Ast
+open CalendarLib
open Big_int
+open Unix
open Printf
module StringMap = struct
job_prev_variables = variables } in
let job = { job with job_private = jobp } in
true, job
+let next_periodexpr =
+ (* Round up 'a' to the next multiple of 'i'. *)
+ let round_up_float a i =
+ let r = mod_float a i in
+ if r = 0. then a +. i else a +. (i -. r)
+ and round_up a i =
+ let r = a mod i in
+ if r = 0 then a + i else a + (i - r)
+ in
+ fun t -> function
+ | Every_seconds i ->
+ let i = float_of_int i in
+ round_up_float t i
+ | Every_years i ->
+ let tm = gmtime t in
+ (* Round 'tm' up to the first day of the next year. *)
+ let year = round_up tm.tm_year i in
+ let tm = { tm with tm_sec = 0; tm_min = 0; tm_hour = 0;
+ tm_mday = 1; tm_mon = 0; tm_year = year } in
+ fst (mktime tm)
+ | Every_days i ->
+ let t = Date.from_unixfloat t in
+ let t0 = Date.make 1970 1 1 in
+ (* Number of whole days since Unix Epoch. *)
+ let nb_days = Date.Period.safe_nb_days (Date.sub t t0) in
+ let nb_days = round_up nb_days i in
+ let t' = Date.add t0 (Date.Period.day nb_days) in
+ Date.to_unixfloat t'
+ | Every_months i ->
+ (* Calculate number of whole months since Unix Epoch. *)
+ let tm = gmtime t in
+ let months = 12 * (tm.tm_year - 70) + tm.tm_mon in
+ let months = round_up months i in
+ let t0 = Date.make 1970 1 1 in
+ let t' = Date.add t0 (Date.Period.month months) in
+ Date.to_unixfloat t'
possibly-updated [job] structure.
This is a no-op for 'every' jobs. *)
+val next_periodexpr : float -> periodexpr -> float
+(** [next_periodexpr t period] returns the earliest event of [period]
+ strictly after time [t].
+ Visualising periods as repeated events on a timeline, this
+ returns [t']:
+ {v
+ events: ---+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+-----
+ times: t t'
+ }
+ Note that [periodexpr] events are not necessarily regular.
+ eg. The start of a month is not a fixed number of seconds
+ after the start of the previous month. 'Epoch' refers
+ to the Unix Epoch (ie. 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).
+ If [period = Every_seconds i] then events are when
+ [t' mod i == 0] when t' is the number of seconds since
+ the Epoch. This returns the next t' > t.
+ If [period = Every_days i] then events happen at
+ midnight UTC every [i] days since the Epoch.
+ This returns the next midnight > t.
+ If [period = Every_months i] then events happen at
+ midnight UTC on the 1st day of the month every [i] months
+ since the Epoch. This returns midnight on the
+ 1st day of the next month > t.
+ If [period = Every_years i] then events happen at
+ midnight UTC on the 1st day of the year when
+ [(y - 1970) mod i == 0]. This returns midnight on the
+ 1st day of the next year > t. *)