fedora_ocaml_rebuild \
-fedora_ocaml_rebuild: config.ml utils.ml fedora.ml fedora_ocaml_rebuild.ml
+fedora_ocaml_rebuild: config.ml utils.ml git.ml fedora.ml fedora_ocaml_rebuild.ml
$(goaljobs) --package pcre,extlib $^ -o $@
libguestfs_upstream: config.ml libguestfs_upstream.ml
* resists automation: RHBZ#760924.
+(* XXX koji_build_state verrel: If you do a build and it fails, then
+ * do another build without bumping the release field, 'koji buildinfo'
+ * seems to always return the failed build, at least until the second
+ * build completes. This means the code below fails. Unclear how it
+ * can be fixed, but best to always bump the release to avoid the
+ * problem.
+ *)
(* Get build state. *)
let rec koji_build_state verrel =
fst (koji_build_state_task verrel)
else (
let out = shout "timeout 120 koji buildinfo %s 2>&1 ||:" verrel in
if no_such_build out then
- failwith (sprintf "koji_build_state_task: %s: no such build" verrel);
- let state =
- try
- let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:state out in
- match Pcre.get_substring subs 1 with
- | "BUILDING" -> `Building
- | "COMPLETE" -> `Complete
- | "DELETED" -> `Deleted
- | "FAILED" -> `Failed
- | "CANCELED" -> `Canceled
- | sub ->
- failwith (sprintf "koji_build_state_task: %s: unknown build state '%s'"
- verrel sub)
- with
- Not_found ->
- failwith (sprintf "koji_build_state_task: %s: no build state found"
- verrel) in
- let task =
- try
- let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:task_id out in
- Some (int_of_string (Pcre.get_substring subs 1))
- with
- Not_found -> None in
- if state == `Complete then
- memory_set key "1";
- state, task
+ `No_such_build, None
+ else (
+ let state =
+ try
+ let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:state out in
+ match Pcre.get_substring subs 1 with
+ | "BUILDING" -> `Building
+ | "COMPLETE" -> `Complete
+ | "DELETED" -> `Deleted
+ | "FAILED" -> `Failed
+ | "CANCELED" -> `Canceled
+ | sub ->
+ failwith (sprintf "koji_build_state_task: %s: unknown build state '%s'"
+ verrel sub)
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ failwith (sprintf "koji_build_state_task: %s: no build state found"
+ verrel) in
+ let task =
+ try
+ let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:task_id out in
+ Some (int_of_string (Pcre.get_substring subs 1))
+ with
+ Not_found -> None in
+ if state == `Complete then
+ memory_set key "1";
+ state, task
+ )
(* Perform a Koji build and wait until it finishes. If it fails,
let out =
shout "
cd %s
- fedpkg build%s 2>&1 ||:
+ fedpkg build%s 2>&1
" repodir (if not wait then " --nowait" else "")
- if wait then (
+ if not wait then (
+ (* Just check the task was created. *)
+ if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:created_task out) then (
+ eprintf "%s\n%!" out;
+ failwith "fedpkg build: build failed to start"
+ )
+ ) else (
let task_id =
let subs = Pcre.exec ~rex:created_task out in
open Goaljobs
open Config
+open Git
open Fedora
let branch = "master"
let blocked = [
"ocaml-libvirt"; (* RHBZ#1009701 *)
"ocaml-lwt"; "ocaml-react"; (* loganjerry is handling *)
+ "ocaml-xmlrpc-light"; (* temporary, can remove after 2013-09-19 *)
(* List of OCaml-related source package names. *)
(* Wait for the build state to reach a conclusion. *)
let rec loop () =
match koji_build_state (fedora_verrel pkg branch) with
+ | `No_such_build ->
+ failwith (sprintf "rebuild of package %s: no build found" pkg)
| `Building ->
- sleep 30;
+ sleep 60;
loop ()
| `Complete ->
target (file_contains_string specfile rebuild_name &&
(match koji_build_state (fedora_verrel pkg branch) with
| `Building | `Complete -> true
- | `Deleted | `Failed | `Canceled -> false));
+ | `Deleted | `Failed | `Canceled | `No_such_build -> false));
(* All dependent packages must have been fully rebuilt and in the
* repo first.
(* A local test build must succeed. *)
require (local_build_succeeded pkg);
- (* Rebuild the package in Koji, but don't wait. *)
- koji_build ~wait:false pkg branch
+ (* Rebuild the package in Koji. Don't wait ... *)
+ koji_build ~wait:false pkg branch;
+ (* ... but the build doesn't appear in Koji (eg. in 'koji
+ * buildinfo') until the SRPM has been built. This can take quite
+ * some time. Loop here until the build appears.
+ *)
+ let rec loop () =
+ match koji_build_state (fedora_verrel pkg branch) with
+ | `No_such_build ->
+ sleep 60;
+ loop ();
+ | `Building | `Complete ->
+ ()
+ | `Deleted ->
+ failwith (sprintf "rebuild of package %s: deleted" pkg)
+ | `Failed ->
+ failwith (sprintf "rebuild of package %s: failed" pkg)
+ | `Canceled ->
+ failwith (sprintf "rebuild of package %s: canceled" pkg)
+ in
+ loop ()
and local_build_succeeded pkg =
(* The specfile must have been updated. *)
(* Do a local test build to ensure the Koji build will work. *)
sh "
cd %s
- sudo yum-builddep %s
+ sudo yum-builddep -y %s
fedpkg local
" (fedora_repo pkg branch)
(fedora_specfile pkg branch);
let repodir = fedora_repo pkg branch in
let specfile = fedora_specfile pkg branch in
- (* XXX Automate common changes. *)
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ rm -rf x86_64 noarch *.src.rpm .build* clog
+ git fetch
+ " repodir;
+ if not (git_has_local_changes repodir) then
+ sh "
+ cd %s
+ git pull --rebase
+ " repodir;
+ sh "sudo yum-builddep -y %s" specfile;
+ (* For rationale behind always bumping the spec file, see comment
+ * in 'fedora.ml'.
+ *)
+ (* XXX Automate common specfile fixes. *)
let title = rebuild_name ^ " rebuild." in
+ sh "rpmdev-bumpspec -c %s %s" (quote title) specfile;
sh "
cd %s
- git pull --rebase
- rm -rf x86_64 noarch *.src.rpm
- rpmdev-bumpspec -c %s %s
echo 'Please make further changes as required to the spec file %s.spec'
echo '(Press return key)'
fedpkg push
" repodir
- (quote title) specfile
--- /dev/null
+(* Utilities for handling git repositories. *)
+open Goaljobs
+let git_has_local_changes dir =
+ let lines = shlines "cd %s && git status --porcelain" (quote dir) in
+ let lines = List.filter (
+ fun line ->
+ let code = String.sub line 0 2 in
+ code <> "??"
+ ) lines in
+ List.length lines > 0