--- /dev/null
+(* Bitmatch persistent patterns.
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc., Richard W.M. Jones
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Camlp4.PreCast
+open Syntax
+open Ast
+type patt = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.patt
+type expr = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr
+type loc_t = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.Loc.t
+(* Field. In bitmatch (patterns) the type is [patt field]. In
+ * BITSTRING (constructor) the type is [expr field].
+ *)
+type 'a field = {
+ field : 'a; (* field ('a is either patt or expr) *)
+ flen : expr; (* length in bits, may be non-const *)
+ endian : endian_expr; (* endianness *)
+ signed : bool; (* true if signed, false if unsigned *)
+ t : field_type; (* type *)
+ _loc : Loc.t; (* location in source code *)
+ printer : 'a -> string; (* turn the field into a string *)
+and field_type = Int | String | Bitstring (* field type *)
+and endian_expr =
+ | ConstantEndian of Bitmatch.endian (* a constant little/big/nativeendian *)
+ | EndianExpr of expr (* an endian expression *)
+type pattern = patt field list
+type constructor = expr field list
+(* Work out if an expression is an integer constant.
+ *
+ * Returns [Some i] if so (where i is the integer value), else [None].
+ *
+ * Fairly simplistic algorithm: we can only detect simple constant
+ * expressions such as [k], [k+c], [k-c] etc.
+ *)
+let rec expr_is_constant = function
+ | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> (* Literal integer constant. *)
+ Some (int_of_string i)
+ | <:expr< $a$ + $b$ >> -> (* Addition of constants. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a+b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | <:expr< $a$ - $b$ >> -> (* Subtraction. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a-b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | <:expr< $a$ * $b$ >> -> (* Multiplication. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a*b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | <:expr< $a$ / $b$ >> -> (* Division. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a/b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | <:expr< $a$ lsl $b$ >> -> (* Shift left. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsl b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | <:expr< $a$ lsr $b$ >> -> (* Shift right. *)
+ (match expr_is_constant a, expr_is_constant b with
+ | Some a, Some b -> Some (a lsr b)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None (* Anything else is not constant. *)
+let string_of_field_type = function
+ | Int -> "int"
+ | String -> "string"
+ | Bitstring -> "bitstring"
+let patt_printer = function
+ | <:patt< $lid:id$ >> -> id
+ | <:patt< _ >> -> "_"
+ | _ -> "[pattern]"
+let expr_printer = function
+ | <:expr< $lid:id$ >> -> id
+ | <:expr< $int:i$ >> -> i
+ | _ -> "[expression]"
+let string_of_field { field = field; flen = flen;
+ endian = endian; signed = signed; t = t;
+ _loc = _loc;
+ printer = printer} =
+ let flen =
+ match expr_is_constant flen with
+ | Some i -> string_of_int i
+ | None -> "[non-const-len]" in
+ let endian =
+ match endian with
+ | ConstantEndian endian -> Bitmatch.string_of_endian endian
+ | EndianExpr _ -> "endian [expr]" in
+ let signed = if signed then "signed" else "unsigned" in
+ let t = string_of_field_type t in
+ let loc_fname = Loc.file_name _loc in
+ let loc_line = Loc.start_line _loc in
+ let loc_char = Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc in
+ sprintf "%s : %s : %s, %s, %s @ (%S, %d, %d)"
+ (printer field) flen t endian signed loc_fname loc_line loc_char
+let string_of_pattern pattern =
+ "{ " ^ String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_field pattern) ^ " }"
+let string_of_constructor constructor =
+ "{ " ^ String.concat "; " (List.map string_of_field constructor) ^ " }"
+let pattern_to_channel chan patt = Marshal.to_channel chan patt []
+let constructor_to_channel chan cons = Marshal.to_channel chan cons []
+let pattern_to_string patt = Marshal.to_string patt []
+let constructor_to_string cons = Marshal.to_string cons []
+let pattern_to_buffer str ofs len patt =
+ Marshal.to_buffer str ofs len patt []
+let constructor_to_buffer str ofs len cons =
+ Marshal.to_buffer str ofs len cons []
+let pattern_from_channel = Marshal.from_channel
+let constructor_from_channel = Marshal.from_channel
+let pattern_from_string = Marshal.from_string
+let constructor_from_string = Marshal.from_string
+let create_pattern_field _loc =
+ {
+ field = <:patt< _ >>;
+ flen = <:expr< 32 >>;
+ endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian;
+ signed = false;
+ t = Int;
+ _loc = _loc;
+ printer = patt_printer;
+ }
+let set_lident_patt field id =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:patt< $lid:id$ >> }
+let set_int_patt field i =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:patt< $`int:i$ >> }
+let set_string_patt field str =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:patt< $str:str$ >> }
+let set_unbound_patt field =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:patt< _ >> }
+let set_patt field patt = { field with field = patt }
+let set_length_int field flen =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with flen = <:expr< $`int:flen$ >> }
+let set_length field flen = { field with flen = flen }
+let set_endian field endian = { field with endian = ConstantEndian endian }
+let set_endian_expr field expr = { field with endian = EndianExpr expr }
+let set_signed field signed = { field with signed = signed }
+let set_type_int field = { field with t = Int }
+let set_type_string field = { field with t = String }
+let set_type_bitstring field = { field with t = Bitstring }
+let set_location field loc = { field with _loc = loc }
+let create_constructor_field _loc =
+ {
+ field = <:expr< 0 >>;
+ flen = <:expr< 32 >>;
+ endian = ConstantEndian Bitmatch.BigEndian;
+ signed = false;
+ t = Int;
+ _loc = _loc;
+ printer = expr_printer;
+ }
+let set_lident_expr field id =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:expr< $lid:id$ >> }
+let set_int_expr field i =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:expr< $`int:i$ >> }
+let set_string_expr field str =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = <:expr< $str:str$ >> }
+let set_expr field expr =
+ let _loc = field._loc in
+ { field with field = expr }
+let get_patt field = field.field
+let get_expr field = field.field
+let get_length field = field.flen
+let get_endian field = field.endian
+let get_signed field = field.signed
+let get_type field = field.t
+let get_location field = field._loc
--- /dev/null
+(** Bitmatch persistent patterns. *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat Inc., Richard W.M. Jones
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ *)
+ {{:#reference}Jump straight to the reference section for
+ documentation on types and functions}.
+ {2 Introduction}
+ Bitmatch allows you to name sets of fields and reuse them
+ elsewhere. For example if you frequently need to parse
+ Pascal-style strings in the form [length byte + string], then you
+ could name the [{ strlen : 8 : int; str : strlen*8 : string}]
+ pattern and reuse it everywhere by name.
+ These are called {b persistent patterns}.
+ The basic usage is:
+(* Create a persistent pattern called 'pascal' which
+ * matches Pascal-style strings (length byte + string).
+ *)
+bitmatch pascal =
+ { strlen : 8 : int;
+ str : strlen*8 : string }
+let is_pascal_string bits =
+ bitmatch bits with
+ | { pascal } ->
+ printf "matches a Pascal string %s, len %d bytes\n"
+ str strlen
+ {3 Important notes}
+ There are some important things you should know about
+ persistent patterns before you decide to use them:
+ 'Persistent' refers to the fact that they can be saved into binary
+ files. However these binary files use OCaml [Marshal] module and
+ depend (sometimes) on the version of OCaml used to generate them
+ and (sometimes) the version of bitmatch used. So your build system
+ should rebuild these files from source when your code is rebuilt.
+ Persistent patterns are syntactic. They work in the same way
+ as cutting and pasting (or [#include]-ing) code. For example
+ if a persistent pattern binds a field named [len], then any
+ uses of [len] following in the surrounding pattern could
+ be affected.
+ Programs which generate and manipulate persistent patterns have to
+ link to camlp4. Since camlp4 in OCaml >= 3.10 is rather large, we
+ have placed this code into this separate submodule, so that
+ programs which just use bitmatch don't need to pull in the whole of
+ camlp4. This restriction does not apply to generated code which
+ only uses persistent patterns. If the distinction isn't clear,
+ use [ocamlobjinfo] to look at the dependencies of your [*.cmo]
+ files.
+ Persistent patterns can be generated in several ways, but they
+ can only be {i used} by the [pa_bitmatch] syntax extension.
+ This means they are purely compile-time constructs. You
+ cannot use them to make arbitrary patterns and run those
+ patterns (not unless your program runs [ocamlc] to make a [*.cmo]
+ file then dynamically links to the [*.cmo] file).
+ {2:reference Reference}
+ {3 Internal}
+type patt = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.patt
+type expr = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr
+type loc_t = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.Loc.t
+(** {3 Types} *)
+type 'a field
+(** A field in a persistent pattern or persistent constructor. *)
+type pattern = patt field list
+(** A persistent pattern (used in [bitmatch] operator), is just a list
+ of pattern fields. *)
+type constructor = expr field list
+(** A persistent constructor (used in [BITSTRING] operator), is just a
+ list of constructor fields. *)
+(** {3 Printers} *)
+val string_of_pattern : pattern -> string
+val string_of_constructor : constructor -> string
+val string_of_field : 'a field -> string
+(** Convert patterns, constructors, or individual fields
+ into printable strings for debugging purposes.
+ The strings look similar to the syntax used by bitmatch, but
+ some things cannot be printed fully, eg. length expressions. *)
+(** {3 Persistence} *)
+val pattern_to_channel : out_channel -> pattern -> unit
+val constructor_to_channel : out_channel -> constructor -> unit
+(** Save a pattern/constructor to an output channel. *)
+val pattern_to_string : pattern -> string
+val constructor_to_string : constructor -> string
+(** Serialize a pattern/constructor to a string. *)
+val pattern_to_buffer : string -> int -> int -> pattern -> int
+val constructor_to_buffer : string -> int -> int -> constructor -> int
+(** Serialize a pattern/constructor to part of a string, return the length. *)
+val pattern_from_channel : in_channel -> pattern
+val constructor_from_channel : in_channel -> constructor
+(** Load a pattern/constructor from an output channel.
+ Note: This is not type safe. The pattern/constructor must
+ have been written out under the same version of OCaml and
+ the same version of bitmatch. *)
+val pattern_from_string : string -> int -> pattern
+val constructor_from_string : string -> int -> constructor
+(** Load a pattern/constructor from a string at offset within the string.
+ Note: This is not type safe. The pattern/constructor must
+ have been written out under the same version of OCaml and
+ the same version of bitmatch. *)
+(** {3 Create pattern fields}
+ These fields are used in pattern matches ([bitmatch]). *)
+val create_pattern_field : loc_t -> patt field
+(** Create a pattern field.
+ The pattern is unbound, the type is set to [int], bit length to [32],
+ endianness to [BigEndian], signedness to unsigned ([false]),
+ and source code location to the [_loc] parameter.
+ To create a complete field you need to call the [set_*]
+ functions. For example, to create [{ len : 8 : int }]
+ you would do:
+ let field = create_pattern_field _loc in
+ let field = set_lident_patt field "len" in
+ let field = set_length_int field 8 in
+val set_lident_patt : patt field -> string -> patt field
+(** Sets the pattern to the pattern binding an identifier
+ given in the string.
+ The effect is that the field [{ len : 8 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_lident_patt field "len"]. *)
+val set_int_patt : patt field -> int -> patt field
+(** Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches an integer.
+ The effect is that the field [{ 2 : 8 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_int_patt field 2]. *)
+val set_string_patt : patt field -> string -> patt field
+(** Sets the pattern field to the pattern which matches a string.
+ The effect is that the field [{ "MAGIC" : 8*5 : string }] could
+ be created by calling [set_int_patt field "MAGIC"]. *)
+val set_unbound_patt : patt field -> patt field
+(** Sets the pattern field to the unbound pattern (usually written [_]).
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 8 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_unbound_patt field]. *)
+val set_patt : patt field -> patt -> patt field
+(** Sets the pattern field to an arbitrary OCaml pattern match. *)
+val set_length_int : 'a field -> int -> 'a field
+(** Sets the length in bits of a field to a constant integer.
+ The effect is that the field [{ len : 8 : string }] could
+ be created by calling [set_length field 8]. *)
+val set_length : 'a field -> expr -> 'a field
+(** Sets the length in bits of a field to an OCaml expression.
+ The effect is that the field [{ len : 2*i : string }] could
+ be created by calling [set_length field <:expr< 2*i >>]. *)
+val set_endian : 'a field -> Bitmatch.endian -> 'a field
+(** Sets the endianness of a field to the constant endianness.
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 16 : bigendian }] could
+ be created by calling [set_endian field Bitmatch.BigEndian]. *)
+val set_endian_expr : 'a field -> expr -> 'a field
+(** Sets the endianness of a field to an endianness expression.
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 16 : endian(e) }] could
+ be created by calling [set_endian_expr field e]. *)
+val set_signed : 'a field -> bool -> 'a field
+(** Sets the signedness of a field to a constant signedness.
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 16 : signed }] could
+ be created by calling [set_signed field true]. *)
+val set_type_int : 'a field -> 'a field
+(** Sets the type of a field to [int].
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 16 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_type_int field]. *)
+val set_type_string : 'a field -> 'a field
+(** Sets the type of a field to [string].
+ The effect is that the field [{ str : 16 : string }] could
+ be created by calling [set_type_string field]. *)
+val set_type_bitstring : 'a field -> 'a field
+(** Sets the type of a field to [bitstring].
+ The effect is that the field [{ _ : 768 : bitstring }] could
+ be created by calling [set_type_bitstring field]. *)
+val set_location : 'a field -> loc_t -> 'a field
+(** Sets the source code location of a field. This is used when
+ pa_bitmatch displays error messages. *)
+(** {3 Create constructor fields}
+ These fields are used in constructors ([BITSTRING]). *)
+val create_constructor_field : loc_t -> expr field
+(** Create a constructor field.
+ The defaults are the same as for {!create_pattern_field}
+ except that the expression is initialized to [0].
+val set_lident_expr : expr field -> string -> expr field
+(** Sets the expression in a constructor field to an expression
+ which uses the identifier.
+ The effect is that the field [{ len : 8 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_lident_expr field "len"]. *)
+val set_int_expr : expr field -> int -> expr field
+(** Sets the expression to the value of the integer.
+ The effect is that the field [{ 2 : 8 : int }] could
+ be created by calling [set_int_expr field 2]. *)
+val set_string_expr : expr field -> string -> expr field
+(** Sets the expression to the value of the string.
+ The effect is that the field [{ "MAGIC" : 8*5 : string }] could
+ be created by calling [set_int_expr field "MAGIC"]. *)
+val set_expr : expr field -> expr -> expr field
+(** Sets the expression field to an arbitrary OCaml expression. *)
+(** {3 Accessors} *)
+val get_patt : patt field -> patt
+(** Get the pattern from a pattern field. *)
+val get_expr : expr field -> expr
+(** Get the expression from an expression field. *)
+val get_length : 'a field -> expr
+(** Get the length in bits from a field. Note that what is returned
+ is an OCaml expression, since lengths can be non-constant. *)
+type endian_expr =
+ | ConstantEndian of Bitmatch.endian
+ | EndianExpr of expr
+val get_endian : 'a field -> endian_expr
+(** Get the endianness of a field. This is an {!endian_expr} which
+ could be a constant or an OCaml expression. *)
+val get_signed : 'a field -> bool
+(** Get the signedness of a field. *)
+type field_type = Int | String | Bitstring
+val get_type : 'a field -> field_type
+(** Get the type of a field, [Int], [String] or [Bitstring]. *)
+val get_location : 'a field -> loc_t
+(** Get the source code location of a field. *)
open Ast
open Bitmatch
+module P = Bitmatch_persistent
(* If this is true then we emit some debugging code which can
* be useful to tell what is happening during matches. You
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None (* Anything else is not constant. *)
-(* Field. In bitmatch (patterns) the type is [patt field]. In
- * BITSTRING (constructor) the type is [expr field].
- *)
-type 'a field = {
- field : 'a; (* field ('a is either patt or expr) *)
- flen : expr; (* length in bits, may be non-const *)
- endian : endian_expr; (* endianness *)
- signed : bool; (* true if signed, false if unsigned *)
- t : t; (* type *)
- _loc : Loc.t; (* location in source code *)
- printer : 'a -> string; (* turn the field into a string *)
-and t = Int | String | Bitstring (* field type *)
-and endian_expr =
- | ConstantEndian of endian (* a constant little/big/nativeendian *)
- | EndianExpr of expr (* an endian expression *)
(* Generate a fresh, unique symbol each time called. *)
let gensym =
let i = ref 1000 in
sprintf "__pabitmatch_%s_%d" name i
(* Deal with the qualifiers which appear for a field of both types. *)
-let parse_field _loc field flen qs printer =
- let endian, signed, t =
+let parse_field _loc field qs =
+ let endian_set, signed_set, type_set, field =
match qs with
- | None -> (None, None, None)
+ | None -> (false, false, false, field)
| Some qs ->
List.fold_left (
- fun (endian, signed, t) qual_expr ->
+ fun (endian_set, signed_set, type_set, field) qual_expr ->
match qual_expr with
| "bigendian", None ->
- if endian <> None then
+ if endian_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "an endian flag has been set already")
else (
- let endian = Some (ConstantEndian BigEndian) in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_endian field BigEndian in
+ (true, signed_set, type_set, field)
| "littleendian", None ->
- if endian <> None then
+ if endian_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "an endian flag has been set already")
else (
- let endian = Some (ConstantEndian LittleEndian) in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_endian field LittleEndian in
+ (true, signed_set, type_set, field)
| "nativeendian", None ->
- if endian <> None then
+ if endian_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "an endian flag has been set already")
else (
- let endian = Some (ConstantEndian NativeEndian) in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_endian field NativeEndian in
+ (true, signed_set, type_set, field)
| "endian", Some expr ->
- if endian <> None then
+ if endian_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "an endian flag has been set already")
else (
- let endian = Some (EndianExpr expr) in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_endian_expr field expr in
+ (true, signed_set, type_set, field)
| "signed", None ->
- if signed <> None then
+ if signed_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "a signed flag has been set already")
else (
- let signed = Some true in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_signed field true in
+ (endian_set, true, type_set, field)
| "unsigned", None ->
- if signed <> None then
+ if signed_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "a signed flag has been set already")
else (
- let signed = Some false in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_signed field false in
+ (endian_set, true, type_set, field)
| "int", None ->
- if t <> None then
+ if type_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "a type flag has been set already")
else (
- let t = Some Int in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_type_int field in
+ (endian_set, signed_set, true, field)
| "string", None ->
- if t <> None then
+ if type_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "a type flag has been set already")
else (
- let t = Some String in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_type_string field in
+ (endian_set, signed_set, true, field)
| "bitstring", None ->
- if t <> None then
+ if type_set then
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "a type flag has been set already")
else (
- let t = Some Bitstring in
- (endian, signed, t)
+ let field = P.set_type_bitstring field in
+ (endian_set, signed_set, true, field)
| s, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure (s ^ ": unknown qualifier, or qualifier should not be followed by an expression"))
| s, None ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure (s ^ ": unknown qualifier, or qualifier should be followed by an expression"))
- ) (None, None, None) qs in
+ ) (false, false, false, field) qs in
(* If type is set to string or bitstring then endianness and
* signedness qualifiers are meaningless and must not be set.
- if (t = Some Bitstring || t = Some String)
- && (endian <> None || signed <> None) then
+ let () =
+ let t = P.get_type field in
+ if (t = P.Bitstring || t = P.String) && (endian_set || signed_set) then
Loc.raise _loc (
Failure "string types and endian or signed qualifiers cannot be mixed"
- );
- (* Default endianness, signedness, type. *)
- let endian =
- match endian with None -> ConstantEndian BigEndian | Some e -> e in
- let signed = match signed with None -> false | Some s -> s in
- let t = match t with None -> Int | Some t -> t in
- {
- field = field;
- flen = flen;
- endian = endian;
- signed = signed;
- t = t;
- _loc = _loc;
- printer = printer;
- }
-let string_of_t = function
- | Int -> "int"
- | String -> "string"
- | Bitstring -> "bitstring"
-let patt_printer = function
- | <:patt< $lid:id$ >> -> id
- | _ -> "[pattern]"
-let expr_printer = function
- | <:expr< $lid:id$ >> -> id
- | _ -> "[expression]"
-let string_of_field { field = field; flen = flen;
- endian = endian; signed = signed; t = t;
- _loc = _loc;
- printer = printer} =
- let flen =
- match expr_is_constant flen with
- | Some i -> string_of_int i
- | None -> "[non-const-len]" in
- let endian =
- match endian with
- | ConstantEndian endian -> string_of_endian endian
- | EndianExpr _ -> "endian [expr]" in
- let signed = if signed then "signed" else "unsigned" in
- let t = string_of_t t in
- let loc_fname = Loc.file_name _loc in
- let loc_line = Loc.start_line _loc in
- let loc_char = Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc in
+ ) in
- sprintf "%s : %s : %s, %s, %s @ (%S, %d, %d)"
- (printer field) flen t endian signed loc_fname loc_line loc_char
+ (* Default endianness, signedness, type if not set already. *)
+ let field = if endian_set then field else P.set_endian field BigEndian in
+ let field = if signed_set then field else P.set_signed field false in
+ let field = if type_set then field else P.set_type_int field in
+ field
(* Generate the code for a constructor, ie. 'BITSTRING ...'. *)
let output_constructor _loc fields =
(* Convert each field to a simple bitstring-generating expression. *)
let fields = List.map (
- fun {field=fexpr; flen=flen; endian=endian; signed=signed;
- t=t; _loc=_loc} ->
+ fun field ->
+ let fexpr = P.get_expr field in
+ let flen = P.get_length field in
+ let endian = P.get_endian field in
+ let signed = P.get_signed field in
+ let t = P.get_type field in
+ let _loc = P.get_location field in
(* Is flen an integer constant? If so, what is it? This
* is very simple-minded and only detects simple constants.
| ((2|3|4|5|6|7|8), _, true) ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, EndianExpr expr, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.EndianExpr expr, false) when i <= 31 ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (i, EndianExpr expr, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.EndianExpr expr, true) when i <= 31 ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int_ee_signed $expr$>>
- | (32, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (32, EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (32, P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int32_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (32, EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (32, P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int32_ee_signed $expr$>>
- | (_, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (_, EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (_, P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int64_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (_, EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (_, P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int64_ee_signed $expr$>>
let int_construct = function
- | (ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int64_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.construct_int64_ee_signed $expr$>>
* because that's a lot simpler w.r.t. types. It might
* be better to move them here. XXX
- | Int, Some i when i > 0 && i <= 64 ->
+ | P.Int, Some i when i > 0 && i <= 64 ->
let construct_fn = int_construct_const (i,endian,signed) in
exn_used := true;
$construct_fn$ $lid:buffer$ $fexpr$ $`int:i$ $lid:exn$
- | Int, Some _ ->
+ | P.Int, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "length of int field must be [1..64]")
(* Int field, non-constant length. We need to perform a runtime
* because that's a lot simpler w.r.t. types. It might
* be better to move them here. XXX
- | Int, None ->
+ | P.Int, None ->
let construct_fn = int_construct (endian,signed) in
exn_used := true;
(* String, constant length > 0, must be a multiple of 8. *)
- | String, Some i when i > 0 && i land 7 = 0 ->
+ | P.String, Some i when i > 0 && i land 7 = 0 ->
let bs = gensym "bs" in
let j = i lsr 3 in
(* String, constant length -1, means variable length string
* with no checks.
- | String, Some (-1) ->
+ | P.String, Some (-1) ->
<:expr< Bitmatch.construct_string $lid:buffer$ $fexpr$ >>
(* String, constant length = 0 is probably an error, and so is
* any other value.
- | String, Some _ ->
+ | P.String, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "length of string must be > 0 and a multiple of 8, or the special value -1")
(* String, non-constant length.
* We check at runtime that the length is > 0, a multiple of 8,
* and matches the declared length.
- | String, None ->
+ | P.String, None ->
let bslen = gensym "bslen" in
let bs = gensym "bs" in
(* Bitstring, constant length > 0. *)
- | Bitstring, Some i when i > 0 ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some i when i > 0 ->
let bs = gensym "bs" in
let $lid:bs$ = $fexpr$ in
(* Bitstring, constant length -1, means variable length bitstring
* with no checks.
- | Bitstring, Some (-1) ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some (-1) ->
<:expr< Bitmatch.construct_bitstring $lid:buffer$ $fexpr$ >>
(* Bitstring, constant length = 0 is probably an error, and so is
* any other value.
- | Bitstring, Some _ ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc
"length of bitstring must be > 0 or the special value -1")
* We check at runtime that the length is > 0 and matches
* the declared length.
- | Bitstring, None ->
+ | P.Bitstring, None ->
let bslen = gensym "bslen" in
let bs = gensym "bs" in
let rec output_field_extraction inner = function
| [] -> inner
| field :: fields ->
- let {field=fpatt; flen=flen; endian=endian; signed=signed;
- t=t; _loc=_loc}
- = field in
+ let fpatt = P.get_patt field in
+ let flen = P.get_length field in
+ let endian = P.get_endian field in
+ let signed = P.get_signed field in
+ let t = P.get_type field in
+ let _loc = P.get_location field in
(* Is flen an integer constant? If so, what is it? This
* is very simple-minded and only detects simple constants.
| ((2|3|4|5|6|7|8), _, true) ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) when i <= 31 ->
- | (i, EndianExpr expr, false) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.EndianExpr expr, false) when i <= 31 ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (i, EndianExpr expr, true) when i <= 31 ->
+ | (i, P.EndianExpr expr, true) when i <= 31 ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int_ee_signed $expr$>>
- | (32, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (32, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (32, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (32, EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (32, P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int32_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (32, EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (32, P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int32_ee_signed $expr$>>
- | (_, ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (_, ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (_, P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (_, EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (_, P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int64_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (_, EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (_, P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int64_ee_signed $expr$>>
let int_extract = function
- | (ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian BigEndian, true) ->
- | (ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian LittleEndian, true) ->
- | (ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, false) ->
- | (ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
+ | (P.ConstantEndian NativeEndian, true) ->
- | (EndianExpr expr, false) ->
+ | (P.EndianExpr expr, false) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int64_ee_unsigned $expr$>>
- | (EndianExpr expr, true) ->
+ | (P.EndianExpr expr, true) ->
<:expr<Bitmatch.extract_int64_ee_signed $expr$>>
let expr =
match t, flen_is_const with
(* Common case: int field, constant flen *)
- | Int, Some i when i > 0 && i <= 64 ->
+ | P.Int, Some i when i > 0 && i <= 64 ->
let extract_fn = int_extract_const (i,endian,signed) in
let v = gensym "val" in
- | Int, Some _ ->
+ | P.Int, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "length of int field must be [1..64]")
(* Int field, non-const flen. We have to test the range of
* the field at runtime. If outside the range it's a no-match
* (not an error).
- | Int, None ->
+ | P.Int, None ->
let extract_fn = int_extract (endian,signed) in
let v = gensym "val" in
(* String, constant flen > 0. *)
- | String, Some i when i > 0 && i land 7 = 0 ->
+ | P.String, Some i when i > 0 && i land 7 = 0 ->
let bs = gensym "bs" in
if $lid:len$ >= $`int:i$ then (
(* String, constant flen = -1, means consume all the
* rest of the input.
- | String, Some i when i = -1 ->
+ | P.String, Some i when i = -1 ->
let bs = gensym "bs" in
let $lid:bs$, $lid:off$, $lid:len$ =
| _ -> ()
- | String, Some _ ->
+ | P.String, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "length of string must be > 0 and a multiple of 8, or the special value -1")
(* String field, non-const flen. We check the flen is > 0
* and a multiple of 8 (-1 is not allowed here), at runtime.
- | String, None ->
+ | P.String, None ->
let bs = gensym "bs" in
if $flen$ >= 0 && $flen$ <= $lid:len$
* At the moment all we can do is assign the bitstring to an
* identifier.
- | Bitstring, Some i when i >= 0 ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some i when i >= 0 ->
let ident =
match fpatt with
| <:patt< $lid:ident$ >> -> ident
(* Bitstring, constant flen = -1, means consume all the
* rest of the input.
- | Bitstring, Some i when i = -1 ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some i when i = -1 ->
let ident =
match fpatt with
| <:patt< $lid:ident$ >> -> ident
- | Bitstring, Some _ ->
+ | P.Bitstring, Some _ ->
Loc.raise _loc (Failure "length of bitstring must be >= 0 or the special value -1")
(* Bitstring field, non-const flen. We check the flen is >= 0
* (-1 is not allowed here) at runtime.
- | Bitstring, None ->
+ | P.Bitstring, None ->
let ident =
match fpatt with
| <:patt< $lid:ident$ >> -> ident
(* Emit extra debugging code. *)
let expr =
if not debug then expr else (
- let field = string_of_field field in
+ let field = P.string_of_field field in
if !Bitmatch.debug then (
patt_field: [
[ fpatt = patt; ":"; len = expr LEVEL "top";
qs = OPT [ ":"; qs = qualifiers -> qs ] ->
- parse_field _loc fpatt len qs patt_printer
+ let field = P.create_pattern_field _loc in
+ let field = P.set_patt field fpatt in
+ let field = P.set_length field len in
+ parse_field _loc field qs
constr_field: [
[ fexpr = expr LEVEL "top"; ":"; len = expr LEVEL "top";
qs = OPT [ ":"; qs = qualifiers -> qs ] ->
- parse_field _loc fexpr len qs expr_printer
+ let field = P.create_constructor_field _loc in
+ let field = P.set_expr field fexpr in
+ let field = P.set_length field len in
+ parse_field _loc field qs