let doms = Array.to_list doms in
List.map (
fun { D.dom_uuid = uuid; D.params = params } ->
- let nr_params = Array.length params in
- let get_param name =
- let rec loop i =
- if i = nr_params then None
- else if fst params.(i) = name then Some (snd params.(i))
- else loop (i+1)
+ try
+ let nr_params = Array.length params in
+ let get_param name =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = nr_params then None
+ else if fst params.(i) = name then Some (snd params.(i))
+ else loop (i+1)
+ in
+ loop 0
- loop 0
- in
- let get_param_int name default =
- match get_param name with
- | None -> None
- | Some (D.TypedFieldInt32 i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt32 i) -> Some (Int32.to_int i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldInt64 i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt64 i) -> Some (Int64.to_int i)
- | _ -> default
- in
- let get_param_int64 name default =
- match get_param name with
- | None -> None
- | Some (D.TypedFieldInt32 i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt32 i) -> Some (Int64.of_int32 i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldInt64 i)
- | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt64 i) -> Some i
- | _ -> default
- in
- let dom = D.lookup_by_uuid conn uuid in
- let id = D.get_id dom in
- let name = D.get_name dom in
- let state = get_param_int "state.state" None in
- if state = Some 5 (* VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF *) then
- (name, Inactive)
- else (
- (* Active domain. *)
- (* Synthesize a D.info struct out of the data we have
- * from virConnectGetAllDomainStats. Doing this is an
- * artifact from the old APIs we used to use to fetch
- * stats, we could simplify here, and also return the
- * RSS memory. XXX
- *)
- let state =
- match state with
- | None | Some 0 -> D.InfoNoState
- | Some 1 -> D.InfoRunning
- | Some 2 -> D.InfoBlocked
- | Some 3 -> D.InfoPaused
- | Some 4 -> D.InfoShutdown
- | Some 5 -> D.InfoShutoff
- | Some 6 -> D.InfoCrashed
- | Some 7 -> D.InfoPaused (* XXX really VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED *)
- | _ -> D.InfoNoState in
- let memory =
- match get_param_int64 "balloon.current" None with
- | None -> 0_L
- | Some m -> m in
- let nr_virt_cpu =
- match get_param_int "vcpu.current" None with
- | None -> 1
- | Some v -> v in
- let cpu_time =
- (* NB: libvirt does not return cpu.time for non-root domains. *)
- match get_param_int64 "cpu.time" None with
- | None -> 0_L
- | Some ns -> ns in
- let info = {
- D.state = state;
- max_mem = -1_L; (* not used anywhere in virt-top *)
- memory = memory;
- nr_virt_cpu = nr_virt_cpu;
- cpu_time = cpu_time
- } in
- let nr_block_devs =
- match get_param_int "block.count" None with
- | None -> 0
- | Some i -> i in
- let block_stats =
- List.map (
- fun i ->
- let dev =
- match get_param (sprintf "block.%d.name" i) with
- | None -> sprintf "blk%d" i
- | Some (D.TypedFieldString s) -> s
- | _ -> assert false in
- dev, {
- D.rd_req =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "block.%d.rd.reqs" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- rd_bytes =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "block.%d.rd.bytes" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- wr_req =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "block.%d.wr.reqs" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- wr_bytes =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "block.%d.wr.bytes" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- errs = 0_L
- }
- ) (range 0 (nr_block_devs-1)) in
- let nr_interface_devs =
- match get_param_int "net.count" None with
- | None -> 0
- | Some i -> i in
- let interface_stats =
- List.map (
- fun i ->
- let dev =
- match get_param (sprintf "net.%d.name" i) with
- | None -> sprintf "net%d" i
- | Some (D.TypedFieldString s) -> s
- | _ -> assert false in
- dev, {
- D.rx_bytes =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.bytes" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- rx_packets =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.pkts" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- rx_errs =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.errs" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- rx_drop =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.drop" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- tx_bytes =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.bytes" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- tx_packets =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.pkts" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- tx_errs =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.errs" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- tx_drop =
- (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.drop" i) None
- with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
- }
- ) (range 0 (nr_interface_devs-1)) in
- let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats =
- try
- let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats =
- Hashtbl.find last_info uuid in
- Some prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats
- with Not_found -> None, [], [] in
- (name,
- Active {
- rd_domid = id; rd_domuuid = uuid; rd_dom = dom;
- rd_info = info;
- rd_block_stats = block_stats;
- rd_interface_stats = interface_stats;
- rd_prev_info = prev_info;
- rd_prev_block_stats = prev_block_stats;
- rd_prev_interface_stats = prev_interface_stats;
- rd_cpu_time = 0.; rd_percent_cpu = 0.;
- rd_mem_bytes = 0L; rd_mem_percent = 0L;
- rd_block_rd_reqs = None; rd_block_wr_reqs = None;
- rd_block_rd_bytes = None; rd_block_wr_bytes = None;
- rd_net_rx_bytes = None; rd_net_tx_bytes = None;
- })
- )
+ let get_param_int name default =
+ match get_param name with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldInt32 i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt32 i) -> Some (Int32.to_int i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldInt64 i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt64 i) -> Some (Int64.to_int i)
+ | _ -> default
+ in
+ let get_param_int64 name default =
+ match get_param name with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldInt32 i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt32 i) -> Some (Int64.of_int32 i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldInt64 i)
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldUInt64 i) -> Some i
+ | _ -> default
+ in
+ let dom = D.lookup_by_uuid conn uuid in
+ let id = D.get_id dom in
+ let name = D.get_name dom in
+ let state = get_param_int "state.state" None in
+ if state = Some 5 (* VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF *) then
+ (name, Inactive)
+ else (
+ (* Active domain. *)
+ (* Synthesize a D.info struct out of the data we have
+ * from virConnectGetAllDomainStats. Doing this is an
+ * artifact from the old APIs we used to use to fetch
+ * stats, we could simplify here, and also return the
+ * RSS memory. XXX
+ *)
+ let state =
+ match state with
+ | None | Some 0 -> D.InfoNoState
+ | Some 1 -> D.InfoRunning
+ | Some 2 -> D.InfoBlocked
+ | Some 3 -> D.InfoPaused
+ | Some 4 -> D.InfoShutdown
+ | Some 5 -> D.InfoShutoff
+ | Some 6 -> D.InfoCrashed
+ | Some 7 -> D.InfoPaused (* XXX really VIR_DOMAIN_PMSUSPENDED *)
+ | _ -> D.InfoNoState in
+ let memory =
+ match get_param_int64 "balloon.current" None with
+ | None -> 0_L
+ | Some m -> m in
+ let nr_virt_cpu =
+ match get_param_int "vcpu.current" None with
+ | None -> 1
+ | Some v -> v in
+ let cpu_time =
+ (* NB: libvirt does not return cpu.time for non-root domains. *)
+ match get_param_int64 "cpu.time" None with
+ | None -> 0_L
+ | Some ns -> ns in
+ let info = {
+ D.state = state;
+ max_mem = -1_L; (* not used anywhere in virt-top *)
+ memory = memory;
+ nr_virt_cpu = nr_virt_cpu;
+ cpu_time = cpu_time
+ } in
+ let nr_block_devs =
+ match get_param_int "block.count" None with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some i -> i in
+ let block_stats =
+ List.map (
+ fun i ->
+ let dev =
+ match get_param (sprintf "block.%d.name" i) with
+ | None -> sprintf "blk%d" i
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldString s) -> s
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ dev, {
+ D.rd_req =
+ (let n = sprintf "block.%d.rd.reqs" i in
+ match get_param_int64 n None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ rd_bytes =
+ (let n = sprintf "block.%d.rd.bytes" i in
+ match get_param_int64 n None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ wr_req =
+ (let n = sprintf "block.%d.wr.reqs" i in
+ match get_param_int64 n None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ wr_bytes =
+ (let n = sprintf "block.%d.wr.bytes" i in
+ match get_param_int64 n None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ errs = 0_L
+ }
+ ) (range 0 (nr_block_devs-1)) in
+ let nr_interface_devs =
+ match get_param_int "net.count" None with
+ | None -> 0
+ | Some i -> i in
+ let interface_stats =
+ List.map (
+ fun i ->
+ let dev =
+ match get_param (sprintf "net.%d.name" i) with
+ | None -> sprintf "net%d" i
+ | Some (D.TypedFieldString s) -> s
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ dev, {
+ D.rx_bytes =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.bytes" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ rx_packets =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.pkts" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ rx_errs =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.errs" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ rx_drop =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.rx.drop" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ tx_bytes =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.bytes" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ tx_packets =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.pkts" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ tx_errs =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.errs" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ tx_drop =
+ (match get_param_int64 (sprintf "net.%d.tx.drop" i) None
+ with None -> 0_L | Some v -> v);
+ }
+ ) (range 0 (nr_interface_devs-1)) in
+ let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats =
+ try
+ let prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats =
+ Hashtbl.find last_info uuid in
+ Some prev_info, prev_block_stats, prev_interface_stats
+ with Not_found -> None, [], [] in
+ (name,
+ Active {
+ rd_domid = id; rd_domuuid = uuid; rd_dom = dom;
+ rd_info = info;
+ rd_block_stats = block_stats;
+ rd_interface_stats = interface_stats;
+ rd_prev_info = prev_info;
+ rd_prev_block_stats = prev_block_stats;
+ rd_prev_interface_stats = prev_interface_stats;
+ rd_cpu_time = 0.; rd_percent_cpu = 0.;
+ rd_mem_bytes = 0L; rd_mem_percent = 0L;
+ rd_block_rd_reqs = None; rd_block_wr_reqs = None;
+ rd_block_rd_bytes = None; rd_block_wr_bytes = None;
+ rd_net_rx_bytes = None; rd_net_tx_bytes = None;
+ })
+ )
+ with
+ Libvirt.Virterror _ ->
+ (* this can happen if a domain goes away while we
+ * are reading it, just report an inactive domain
+ *)
+ ("", Inactive)
) doms in
(* Calculate the CPU time (ns) and %CPU used by each domain. *)